Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Top 10 Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats
Video: Top 10 Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats


Often considered fierce enemies, the truth is that dogs and cats can live together at home without any problems. In fact, many of them become close and inseparable friends. In general, all well-bred dogs and cats can live together, although it is true that it is possible to name a few. dog breeds that get along with cats normally.

In this PeritoAnimal article we review which dogs generally get along very well with cats and what considerations should be taken into account for this conviviality.

Tips for a good relationship between dogs and cats

The coexistence between dogs and cats is perfectly possible. Although, throughout this article, we present names of dog breeds that get along with cats, the truth is that, instead of talking about races, it may be more accurate to talk about individuals. In other words, a well-bred and, above all, well-socialized dog is more likely to have no problem interacting with cats in his own home.

At this point it is important to note that all dogs, regardless of breed, age or size, need to have their basic needs met. It's not just about feeding them or taking them to the vet, it's about providing them physical and mental stimulation, that is, teaching them basic commands, spending time with them, exercising them and, above all, socializing them.

O most sensitive period for socialization it is between 3 and 12-16 weeks of the puppy's life and is an especially suitable stage for exposing the puppy to all kinds of stimuli, scenarios, noises, vehicles, people or other animals such as cats. This is because, in these months, the puppy will integrate all these news from a positive perspective. The result is that, in the future, it will be more difficult for him to feel and react with fear to a stranger, a passing bicycle or the veterinary clinic. Even if we adopt an adult dog, we must still provide him with all these stimuli. And in case of any problems in this area, you should contact a canine behavior specialist or an ethologist.

In addition to having a balanced dog, it is advisable to make a gradual and progressive introduction between him and the cat so that they can get to know each other little by little. For example you can change your beds to mix their scents, allow them to see each other through a glass window, use snacks when they're calm together, or calming pheromones to minimize the stress that can be generated. For more details, don't miss the article on how to present a dog and cat correctly.

It is important to keep in mind that sometimes the problem for coexistence is caused by the cat, as they are particularly sensitive animals. any change in your environment. It is also treatable by an expert, in this case, in feline behavior.

In addition to the relationship between the two animals, care must be taken with the logistical aspects that can go unnoticed. Dogs tend to show an irresistible attraction to the litter box and cat food. We cannot leave anything within their reach, not only because they can eat something, but also because it is possible to disturb the cat by trying to evacuate or eat.

In the following video we show how to introduce a dog and a cat:

Do puppies get along better with cats?

If instead of dog breeds that get along well with cats, we are talking about specific dogs, it should also be noted that a puppy is more likely to get along without problems.with a cat. Precisely if it is in the socialization phase that we have been pointing out, it is easier to accept the cat as a member of the family.

Of course, even if you grow up with it, will still need education and coexistence rules, as a very rough, nervous or uncontrolled dog can stress or even hurt the cat as it grows. In any case, maintaining this care, if we already have a cat at home and we want to introduce a dog, a puppy can be a good option.

Don't miss our article on how to socialize a puppy for a better relationship.

Dog Breeds That Get Along With Cats

While a priori it may seem easier for a puppy to adapt to a cat, sometimes it is much better to opt for an adult dog. First, because he already has his formed personality, so we already know if you will respect the cat, if you will want to play or not, etc.; second, because a dog can be very playful and stressful for a cat, especially if the cat is old enough and demands tranquility. Although, we insist, the relationship, good or bad, will depend a lot on the education and characteristics of each individual.

Still, if we are looking for an adult dog for a home with one or more felines, we can point to some dog breeds that do well with cats in general. Of course, stray dogs or of no defined race (SRD) can be equally good for this coexistence. Among purebred dogs, we can highlight the following:

  • Labrador retriever.
  • Golden retriever.
  • Most spaniel breeds.
  • Boxer.
  • Maltese Bichon.
  • Lhasa Apso.
  • Shih tzu.
  • French bulldog.
  • Cavalier King Charles.

All these dogs stand out for their balanced personality, for being playful, friendly, docile or calm, qualities that facilitate the coexistence with cats and other animals. Of course, it is necessary to value each specimen, since a dog without your needs covered it can be problematic at all stages of your life.

Do hunting dogs get along badly with cats?

In this section we point to a generalized myth that excludes from among the breeds of dog that get along well with cats those that are considered "hunters", for example, of the podenco type. It is true that some characteristics can make them incompatible with living with other animals smaller than themselves, including cats, but there are many that adapt perfectly to them.

So they tend to be dogs that, well socialized, educated, exercised and cared for, remain very calm at home and have no special problems sharing a house with one or more cats. Therefore, they are not an adoption option to be automatically ruled out. In fact, unfortunately, dogs classified in the group of "hunting dogs" are among the most abandoned, so we emphasize that it is much more important to take into account the characteristics of the dog when adopting than its breed or physical appearance.

Dog Breeds with Cat Problems

If it is possible to point out certain dog breeds that do better with cats, it is also possible to put a warning about others, although, again, more than breeds, we should talk about specific individuals. However, in general, we must be careful with all those who might see the cat as prey, who have the instinct to attack anything that moves, who are too aggressive or who can do serious damage with their jaws. Of course, precautions should also be taken with any dog ​​that has ever attacked or attempted to attack a cat.

It is important to remember that it would be convenient for dogs with aggressive tendencies to be valued and treated by a professional, even if we have not thought about living with a cat. This way, we'll avoid scares on the street or if a feline sneaks up in the backyard.

Now that you know the dog breeds that get along well with cats, don't miss this other article on how to make cat and dog get along well.

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