Which is better, collar or harness for dogs?

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Collar or Harness for Puppies - Which one to pick?
Video: Collar or Harness for Puppies - Which one to pick?


There are a few things to consider when choosing a dog collar or harness. There are many variables on the market with colors and shapes that may leave us wondering which to choose. However, the main factor we must take into account is the comfort for our furry friend during the tour.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will analyze and answer the eternal question about which is better, collar or harness for dogs. We'll evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each so you can choose the one that's right for you and your four-legged companion. Good reading.

The use of a dog collar

Dog collars are older and have always had better marketing, so it is common that people do not even consider the option of harness for dogs for simple ignorance of its existence. But a few years ago veterinarians and professionals in the pet world started to question the use of the collar and began a search for better accessory alternatives for canine rides.

There are several reasons why collars are less and less chosen by tutors, advised by veterinarians and/or ethologists. The collar is located on the animal's neck, a region that houses a series of very important structures that, if injured, will cause pain and other types of problems for our four-legged companion.

Among the physical damage caused by the use of collar between the dogs, they are:

  • Muscle spasm
  • Spinal cord clamping
  • Neurological problems due to vessels and nerves
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Respiratory changes such as chronic cough when the trachea passes through this area

This damage usually appears when the dog or its guardian has the habit of pulling the lead hard during a walk (when it gets excited to see another animal and wants to run towards it or when we want to prevent it from approaching something). The problems we mentioned can also arise when we use the collar as a punishment tool, such as hanging the dog by the leash or semi-hanging, a practice totally reprehensible and even prohibited in some countries.

In addition, reactive dogs that attack other dogs end up having a bad association with the walk or with the collar, due to the strong pulls they receive, which will end up conditioning the dog's behavior with a more aggressiveness, nervously or even scared. Therefore, it is not unusual that they are reluctant to go out or to put the collar with the collar, as it can associate such accessories with discomfort or pain.

Taking all this into account, the collar can indeed be indicated for very calm dogs, which walk well, without bumps. In this case, the collar can be considered an ornament or a good tool and not an element of torture, as in the cases mentioned above. In addition, for those who decide anyway to put a collar on their dog, it is interesting to look for good options as there are some in the market collars made with less harmful materials or padded in the area of ​​contact with the animal.

In this other article by PeritoAnimal we talk about how to teach the dog to use the collar and guide.

Dog Harness Features

The harness for dogs or also called chest is not the solution to all problems, but, is less harmful and more beneficial than the collar, as it prevents significant physical damage, such as those mentioned in the previous section.

On the other hand, there are also considerations that we must keep in mind when choosing the right harness for our dog: we must choose one that does not cause physical harm, ie, your material should be soft, so that it does not cause injuries in areas of friction such as armpits and chest; must be made of material that allows perspiration; and the guide fastening ring should be at the back so that the force is distributed throughout the body and not centered on the front members.

We must know how to put the harness correctly, never immediately behind the elbows so that it doesn't rub in the armpits, doesn't compromise the free movement of our canine, and it should go over the chest or sternum and never over the neck.

Therefore, enter the dog harness is suitable for:

  • Dogs that have breathing problems.
  • Dogs that play sports.
  • Dogs that need more control during walks.

Between the benefits of the dog harness are:

  • It encourages the dog to walk beside you during a walk.
  • Does not impose strain on the pet's neck.
  • Assists in a more relaxed walk with the dog.

Which is better, collar or harness for dogs?

In short, the harness is more suitable for dogs, no matter the size or age. It is a very useful accessory for animals that are fearful, aggressive or have a behavior problem. On the other hand, we recommend it because it will cause less aversion to the external environment to our dog, in addition to providing more comfort.

If you prefer a collar anyway, we leave thesome recommendations for choosing it:

  • The collar must be wide
  • The guide must be loose during the walk
  • no chains
  • The best options are the most cushioned.
  • The most professional collars are made of materials similar to those of seat belts or with resistant fabrics.
  • There are options made of other materials such as nylon and different types of elastics, the important thing is that it is resident to withstand possible strains and prevent it from breaking during a walk

Now that you know how to choose between collar and harness for dogs, be sure to check out the video we prepared for you on the PeritoAnimal YouTube channel on this same topic:

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