
The animal kingdom is quite diverse, so much so that, to classify all animals, whether vertebrates or invertebrates, we have to divide them into species, subspecies, families, classes and genera. Knowing a little more about animals offers a broader insight into our interaction with nature.
However, studying the various species of animals requires a lot of research, as the characteristics of each one are specific and can sometimes confuse us. Questions about which is the most venomous snake in the world or what types of snakes exist are very common for those interested in knowing more about the animal kingdom.
However, in this article we will try to clarify one of the most recurrent questions when it comes to reptiles. If you want to know what is the difference between snake and snake,I already tell you that the two terms have practically the same meaning. PeritoAnimal has separated here some curiosities about these terms, keep reading!
difference between snake and snake
To know the difference between snake and snake, we must pay attention to the meaning of these terms that are considered synonyms in Brazil. Some people try to make this distinction by claiming that snakes have venom and snakes do not. However, this fact is not correct. In fact, it is possible to use snake or snake to designate some kind of species, whether it is poisonous or not.
Snake is the generic term used to designate a type of reptile that has no legs, has a body covered in scales, has the incredible ability to dilate its stomach, can open its mouth up to 180º and, in addition, in some cases, it produces venom .
Snake is mostly used to designate reptiles also called “cobras”. They are usually quite poisonous and can be found in Africa and Asia. Its venom is so devastating that it can kill a human being within minutes. Therefore, both snakes and snakes are feared by everyone and many are even terrified of them.
Therefore, the term snake is the most general, which determines the reptile that has characteristics present in snakes and vipers, for example. That is, the snake and the viper are types of snakes. What will differentiate each of them is the type of family they belong to!

what are snakes
At snakes are animals that are part of the group of reptiles, although they do not have extremities, since the scales present in the ventral region of their skin are used for their locomotion.
They are a subgenus of the animal kingdom, while snakes are one of the different families that make up the large group of snakes that exist. the group of snakes add other different families, such as the family of the epidemies, elapidae, (snakes, coral snakes, mambas and sea snakes) or the viperid family, viperidae (vipers and crotalus).
There is a great diversity of snakes that are ordered through the following classification used scientifically:
- Family
- Subfamily
- Gender
- subgenre
- Species
- Subspecies
So far, we can conclude that snakes are a suborder from the animal kingdom, in which we differentiate different families.

what are snakes
Talk about snakes is talking about the Colúbrides family (colubridae), in fact, most of the existing snakes are part of this family, which includes approximately 1800 species. The Colubrid family is formed by numerous harmless species of medium size, such as the european smooth snake Or the ladder snake. However, some snakes are poisonous (although they do not have a deadly poison) and have teeth located at the back of the oral cavity.
We should highlight a snake known as Boomslang (disholidus typus), whose bite can be deadly to man, being one of the few species that have such danger. You can see this snake in the image below. We can appreciate common characteristics in the family of Colubrids, such as the size, which usually ranges between 20 and 30 centimeters, and the head, which is covered with large scales.
Already one of the most dangerous snakes in the world is the spittoon snake. She got that name because of her immense ability to spit out her poison. The force of its release makes the poison reach up to 2 meters away. Thereby, this snake can blind its predator, making it impossible for it to attack.

what are vipers
vipers are snakes from the Viperidae family (viperids). They are known for their ability to inoculate venom through their dentition. Its head is triangular in shape, have smaller eyes with vertical slit pupils, rough scales all over the body and have a impressive agility to strike.
With nocturnal habits, they only attack when they feel they are in danger. However, the vipers are considered quite poisonous and can be found in the forests of Brazil. Examples of known vipers are: rattlesnake, jararaca, gabon viper, albatross jajaraca and death viper.
Also get to know the most poisonous animals in the world in this PeritoAnimal article.

If you want to read more articles similar to difference between snake and snake, we recommend that you enter our Curiosities section of the animal world.