
You puppies in adoption they are, without a doubt, the sweetest and most tender part of a dog's life, whether the Pitbull, Boxer or German Shepherd. They all need the same attention, the same learning process, and the same amount of affection.
Although this is a fun stage in which the whole family works to teach the dog the world, we are also faced with the constant care they need.
Despite their friendly appearance, we must bear in mind that puppies are not toys, they are living beings who have just arrived in this world and need someone responsible by their side. To help you, at PeritoAnimal we put at your disposal everything about the care of puppies.
Indoor Puppies Care
While adopting a puppy is a fun and great experience for us, the truth is that it's not a pleasant feeling for a puppy. They are separated from their mother and siblings, which makes them suffer a little shock leaving them distracted and scared.
It is important to know that the puppy needs someone to replace his mother figure, as they are social animals that learn through their community or family. Don't adopt a puppy if you don't have time to dedicate to it., if we are separating him from his mother he needs someone available 24 hours a day or two or three people who work shifts.
Puppies need the same things as an adult dog: bowls for food and drinks, a leash and collar, a comfortable bed, and lots of newspapers if you haven't learned how to clean up where you belong.
Once everything is ready and prepared, we can open the doors to the new member of our family. It should give you the freedom to smell everything, observe and relate to your new home. A sign that tells us that the dog is relaxed is the fact that it wants to sniff everything, an appropriate behavior.
Be patient with him, as at first you will not understand the meaning of what you are trying to convey to him, for this reason we recommend that you start as soon as possible. positive training, offering you prizes every time you correctly perform an action you deem appropriate.
Remember that if there are children at home, you should advise them on how to act with them, thus respecting their tranquility, rest hours and at the time of their daily meals.

Puppies Education
Puppies are animals with their own autonomy, which means that although you educate them well and with all good intentions, they will sometimes behave unexpectedly by biting shoes, urinating on a pillow or digging in your garden.
Up to 16 weeks of life, the dog you should go to the veterinarian to be given the vaccines., only after that he will be able to go out to explore and start with his socialization, a fundamental process in the dog's life in which he learns to relate with his environment and with other pets.
In the beginning, a puppy will learn this process much faster if he is with his mother, who will guide him properly. If not, we should be the ones to teach our puppy how to behave, defining rules and always using positive reinforcement. You should never catch, frighten or use force with a dog, as it can traumatize the dog for life.
Some things you should teach your puppy is to take care of his needs outside the house, as well as to learn what objects he can bite to stimulate his dentures. You can buy different toys in specialized stores to find out which ones catch your attention the most.
Another thing to take into account is the size that the dog will have as an adult. We recommend that you be careful and do not allow the animal to jump on people if, in the future, it reaches more than 40 kilos in weight.
At the time of education, it must be constant and, for this, the entire family must be involved in the education process., everyone must follow the same rules, otherwise the dog will be confused.
Promote tranquility and a positive attitude inside and outside the home, so that in its adult phase the puppy has a kind and appropriate behavior.

Puppies Feed
Feeding a puppy should be based on its specific needs and, although we can advise you on dietary habits, the person who can best assess your specific case is the veterinarian.
For your dog to grow correctly you must use Junior range ration, you will find several different types for sale, specific for this very important stage in your puppy's growth. It is recommended that you vary the dog's diet, regardless of the stage of its life, for this reason, in addition to food, it can also be offered from time to time moist food that allows our dog to be extra hydrated.
As we mentioned before, some dogs have specific needs, as in the case of large size puppies, in these cases the veterinarian may recommend extra calcium to avoid the appearance of bone problems. Vitamins are another example of an extra supplement.
Another factor to take into account are treats, perfect for using positive reinforcement, although remember that you can also use another type of reward such as caresses, a walk or a kind word.
If you've recently adopted a puppy you should read our article on 15 Things Puppy Owners Don't Forget!