Symptoms of the dog's first heat
When a bitch ha her fir t heat it i con idered that her body ha reached the exual maturity, which doe not nece arily imply that the bitch i ready to breed, ince reproduction during the fir t heat i u ...
Prehistoric Marine Animals - Curiosities and Images
There are many people who are pa ionate about tudying or looking for information about prehi toric animal , tho e who lived on Planet Earth long before human being appeared.We are effectively talking ...
Dog heart attack: symptoms and what to do
Heart attack in dog occur infrequently. The organ that are affected in thi pecie are the brain, to a greater extent, and poradically the kidney . A demon trated curio ity i that dog are able to reduce...
Names for yorkshire puppies
The arrival of a new family member i alway a moment of happine . However, we mu t be prepared for it and have everything nece ary to make the newcomer feel a comfortable a po ible. In thi en e, whethe...
Why does one dog attack another? - Causes and solutions
A Konrad Lorenz, an Au trian zoologi t and ethologi t, aid, aggre ion it elf i ju t another impul e that an individual pre ent and help him to urvive. However, the fact that a dog be aggre ive with an...
Weaning cats: when and how?
Newborn kitten need nothing more than their mother' milk to develop properly, but there will come a time when they will witch from milk to a diet con i ting of olid food .In thi article by PeritoA...
Lentigo in Cats - Types, Symptoms and Treatment
Feline lentigo i a kin di ea e that con i t of the accumulation of melanocyte in the ba al layer of the epidermi . Melanocyte are cell that contain a pigment called melanin, which i dark in color. Due...
My first cat: how to care for and prepare the house
When we decide to adopt a cat for the fir t time, many que tion can ari e. It' normal not to know what to do when a kitten come home, the acce orie a cat need or what kind of power it require .The...
teaching the dog not to climb on the couch
When our dog i a puppy, it i common to let him leep and play on the couch. A they grow and depending on their ize, thi habit can tart to create conflict at home. That' why it' important that y...
How to avoid cat meowing in heat
Meowing i the ound that cat u e mo t often to communicate with people and al o with other cat . However, there are many type of meowing that can have different meaning , depending on the context and t...
10 very original Christmas gifts for cats
Anyone who ha a cat in their life know that it i a weet and intelligent animal, o much o that they form a bond with u that we probably could not imagine. Preci ely for thi rea on, it i very common tha...
Yoga for Dogs - Exercises and Advice
In the United tate , A ia and Europe, more and more people decide to join healthy initiative uch a the yoga, a relaxing and po itive activity. In addition, pet owner al o end up benefiting from thi ac...
General characteristics of fish
Normally, all aquatic vertebrate are called fi h, although thi cla ification i wrong ince other aquatic vertebrate , uch a whale , are mammal . But the curiou thing i that fi h and terre trial vertebr...
Husky dog names
Are you thinking of adopting a iberian hu ky dog? If o, you hould tart learning about the ba ic care a pect of thi pecie and po ible need . Adopting a pet mean adding a new member to the family, which...
Miniature Schnauzer
mall, cheerful, loyal and bearded are the main feature of the miniature chnauzer. Although it ize doe not exceed 35 centimeter , it i a very brave and dynamic dog. It i the miniature ver ion of the t...
Do cats love their owners?
Popularly, there i the belief that cat are completely independent animal and that they do not feel the ame unconditional love that we feel for them. Thi fact no doubt make cat owner quite uncomfortabl...
Flying Fish - Types and Characteristics
The o-called flying fi h make up the family Exocoetidae, within the order Beloniforme . There are about 70 pecie of flying fi h, and although they can't fly like a bird, they are able to glide ove...
Types of non-venomous snakes
nake are reptile belonging to the order quamata. Their lower jaw i ju t held together by mu cle and kin. Thi , along with their kull' mobility, allow them to wallow large prey. Maybe that' on...
5 Things You Should Know Before Adopting A Cat
Having a pet i one of the be t deci ion you can make and if it' a cat, and you've adopted it, then even better! But are you prepared to have a pet at home? If you have any doubt about the an w...
Curiosities about the sloth
There are day when you feel lazy to get up, want to relax, not make great effort , and do all activitie lowly. You've certainly had day like that already, haven't you? O loth i a popular mamma...