- why one dog attacks another
- why does a dog attack my other dog
- What to do if my dog is always aggressive towards other dogs?
- Aggressiveness in adult dogs
- Aggressiveness in puppies

As Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian zoologist and ethologist, said, aggression itself is just another impulse that an individual presents and helps him to survive. However, the fact that a dog be aggressive with another dog it is a serious problem that generates a poor quality of life and a state of anguish for the guardian. Consequently, when we have aggressive dogs this should be considered a behavior disorder.
It is in the dog's genetics, especially if it is male, to attack another animal of the same species when unknown, especially if the furry one is male too. It is also in the genetics of dogs to reach a hierarchical position within their social group through aggression, which is why the dog fight it's so common.
However, all this can be controlled and educated. With this reality in mind, one can clearly see the importance of positive creation from a puppy's guardian, which should be given to a puppy from the start or to the newly adopted adult dog. If you want to know more, don't miss this PeritoAnimal article about forWhy does one dog attack another? - causes and solutions.
why one dog attacks another
Canine aggression towards other dogs is a very common behavior change in these and other animals. There are three main origins that explain why one dog attacks another:
- genetics: on the one hand, genetics plays a very important role, as the concept of aggressiveness towards congeners outside their social group is incorporated in dogs.
- bad socialization: on the other hand, poor socialization and/or inadequate handling of its tutor, especially in its first months of life, is practically the main cause that explains a dog growling, aggressive and agitated when seeing other dogs.
- the race: It is important to emphasize that the characteristics of each canine breed also influence this type of aggressiveness, since the aggression inherited from a Rottweiler or a Pit bull is not the same as a Yorkshire terrier or a Chihuahua.
However, although some dog breeds are by nature more dominant than others, the real problem of why one dog attacks another is in education. given to him.
Once the behavioral change appears and is correctly diagnosed, it should be treated in conjunction with a animal health professional, as this type of disorder can cause injuries to third parties, so it must be handled responsibly.

why does a dog attack my other dog
This is a different situation from the previous one in many ways, because in this case the aggressiveness it is not addressed to a foreign counterpart to the social group of the individual in question, but, on the contrary, is addressed to a group member. This fact totally changes the view that one should have of the situation.
In the genetics of a dog, especially if it is male and not neutered, the concept of social hierarchy within a group is embedded and the only way dogs know to climb hierarchically within their social group is through aggression. Although this inherited behavior is more ingrained among male canines, there is also a need for hierarchical positioning among females within their social group and this positioning is also achieved through aggressiveness.
In domestic dogs that live in the same home, with the same guardians with whom they generate emotional bonds, they have to share your resources like water, food, resting places, etc., it is quite possible that at some point they seek their social position through aggression, which explains why one dog attacks another even when they live together.
In this way, if your dog attacks its own puppy, if the puppy attacks your other dog, or both are adults and one dog attacks the other, it is very likely that he will do this to establish his hierarchical position, whether male or female.
What to do if my dog is always aggressive towards other dogs?
Once you understand the biological bases that explain why one dog attacks another, whether it's a stranger or even a dog from the same social group, you should ask yourself: how to calm an angry dog? What to do when two dogs get mixed up? What to do when my dog gets too aggressive with other dogs?
Regardless of the corresponding pharmacological and/or surgical treatment indicated by the animal health professional according to each particular case, it is always necessary to carry out a behavior modification therapy, being fundamental for the success of such therapy the active participation of the tutor or tutors of the animal and they should not leave the solution of the problem only in the hands of third parties.
When we have aggressive dogs, two distinct situations must be identified. The first is when the dog is already showing aggressiveness towards its peers, and the second is when the animal is a puppy and has not yet started to show this behavior.
Aggressiveness in adult dogs
If the dog is an adult, our best advice is that you take him to a ethologist, canine educator or trainer with experience, so you can evaluate the animal and find the best behavior modification techniques for your case, always with positive reinforcement.
For behavior modification sessions, it will be necessary for your tutor or guardians to also participate, not just the animal health and behavior professional or professionals.
Aggressiveness in puppies
The second situation would be ideal, as it is based on raising the canine puppy, preventing the inherited aggressive behaviors from being manifested and established. this is achieved socializing the puppy with other dogs, inhibiting aggressive behavior when it starts to manifest in the first few times and with the help of positive reinforcement.
In short, paying attention to something so known as genetics and environment. It is known that an individual's own genetics conditions it in approximately 30% of its behavior, that is, the environment will condition it in 70%. This means that regardless of the genetic load of aggressiveness that a dog brings with it, if it is correctly bred by its tutor, this animal will not exhibit aggressive behavior towards its peers throughout its life.
And now that you know why one dog attacks another and what to do to calm a very aggressive dog, you might be interested in this other article where we explain why a dog bites its tutor and what to do.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why does one dog attack another? - Causes and solutions, we recommend that you enter our Behavior Problems section.