Cat vomiting green: causes and symptoms

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 December 2024
Why Do Cats VOMIT? - 8 Most Common CAUSES
Video: Why Do Cats VOMIT? - 8 Most Common CAUSES


Vomiting in cats is a very common complaint in veterinary clinical practice and is easy to identify and find if it is a cat that does not have access to the street. However, if it is a cat with access to the street, these episodes of vomiting can often go unnoticed.

You types of vomit help determine what cause or disease is present that is causing this gastrointestinal problem. There are primary causes arising from a gastric or upper intestinal problem and secondary causes arising from diseases that lead to accumulation of toxins in the blood or problems in other organs.

If you ask yourself: "my cat is vomiting and doesn't eat, now what?", don't worry, this article by PeritoAnimal will explain to you the causes of cat vomiting green and what to do to help your pet.

Cat vomiting or regurgitating?

First of all, it is important to distinguish the difference between vomiting and regurgitation.

THE regurgitation and the esophageal content expulsion (tube that connects the mouth to the stomach) that has not yet reached the stomach, usually the result of regurgitation:

  • It has a tubular shape (like the esophagus);
  • Presents undigested food;
  • It has no odor;
  • May have mucus;
  • Occurs a few seconds or minutes after eating food;
  • No abdominal contraction or discomfort.

Causes of regurgitation in cats

  • fur balls;
  • Greedy/hurried feeding (cases of cat vomiting whole ration);
  • Foreign bodies or masses that may be obstructing the esophagus or the entrance to the stomach.

vomiting in cats

O vomit consists of expulsion of stomach or duodenal contents (initial portion of the small intestine that attaches to the stomach).

  • Its appearance varies a lot;
  • Presents a stronger odor;
  • Digested food content or just stomach fluid with different colorations;
  • The animal exhibits behaviors when it is going to vomit: it becomes impatient, has discomfort and makes an abdominal contraction to expel stomach contents.

Cat vomiting green, what can it be?

In cases of cat vomiting green or if the cat is vomiting yellow and does not eat, usually this coloration is due to the bile fluid, bile or bile and recurrent fasting or vomiting. Bile is a greenish-yellow liquid produced by the liver and stored in a pouch called the gallbladder until it is needed in the duodenum to emulsify lipids (digestion of fat) and capture various nutrients. if you see a cat vomiting a frothy yellow liquid, it can also be the bile fluid.

7 causes of vomiting in cats

Cats like are animals that love to play especially with strings and small objects that are easy to swallow, which can often go wrong and cause gastrointestinal disorders. During their hygiene they can also ingest hairs that can form the so-called hair balls and cause vomiting or other more serious symptoms. In addition, cats love to ingest or chew on plants or medications that the guardian may have at home and cause vomiting.

Usually more than three or four vomiting a month should be a cause for concern.o, as if these vomiting are accompanied by other clinical signs such as diarrhea, weight loss or listlessness. A tip for you is to make a schedule of times your cat vomits, as this will help you have a more controlled perception of the frequency of vomiting.

fur balls

This is the most common cause of cats vomiting green or frothy yellow liquid at all ages. Cats have a habit of licking themselves to carry out their daily hygiene and, especially long-haired cats, ingest a certain amount of hair that can accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract and cause trichobezoars (hairballs). These hair balls can be indigestible or cause partial or total obstructions and cause vomiting, the contents of which may or may not be accompanied by food. In recurrent cases, they may vomit only one greenish-yellow liquid without food content.

How to prevent vomiting from hairballs

  • Provide malt paste for three days in a row and then once a week always as a prevention. This paste helps to lubricate the intestinal tract and eliminate hair without it forming balls or causing symptoms. If symptoms persist, medical follow-up with evaluation of the animal will be necessary;
  • brush the fur of your animal to eliminate the dead hair;
  • Up-to-date deworming. For the existence of parasites can lead to him licking himself more;
  • Proper diet to prevent hairballs.

Cat vomiting blood: foreign bodies

Ingesting foreign bodies such as strings or small rubber objects can cause complications if they fail to progress and come out on their own.

’My cat is vomiting and does not eat’

Obstructions and, in the case of wires, the "accordion intestine" are very common to happen and can leave the cat vomiting blood or no appetite. It is called this because one of the ends of the wire adheres or gets stuck in a proximal portion of the intestine and the remaining wire progresses causing the accordion effect, which has to be surgically resolved as quickly as possible.

Prevention: limit the cat's access to these objects.

Plant or drug poisoning

cat vomiting yellow liquid or cat vomiting blood they can also be signs of poisoning and poisoning in cats and can lead to your pet's death.

Prevention: never self-medicate your pet, remove all your medications from your pet's reach and pay special attention to plants that are toxic to cats. In case of poisoning you can consult our link on home remedy for poisoned cat.

Cat vomiting worm (parasitism)

Cases of endoparasitism can lead to vomiting (with or without blood) and chronic diarrhea. In addition, if the animal is heavily infested (hyperparasitized) they can expel adult parasites (roundworms) through feces and, in more severe cases, through vomiting, ie, cat vomiting worms.

Prevention: It is very important to keep internal and external deworming updated to prevent the animal from reaching this situation.

Food intolerance or allergy

Most common in kittens, kittens or cats whose diet has undergone a sudden change. Food Intolerances or Allergies always have gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite) and may present dermatological symptoms (itching, red and reactive skin).

In these cases it is necessary to consult a veterinarian to identify what is causing this problem.

Renal insufficiency

It is the most common cause of elderly cat vomiting. The kidneys are one of the first organs to suffer problems with advancing age. Many animals can develop acute kidney failure (sudden impairment of kidney function) due to toxins in the blood or poisoning, but chronic kidney failure is common and, unfortunately, irreversible and often goes unnoticed.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure in Cats

As the disease progresses, the cat will manifest symptoms of kidney disease:

  • Polydipsia (increased water intake);
  • Polyuria (excess urination);
  • Bad breath;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Vomiting;
  • Lethargy.

Treatment: despite being an irreversible condition, the treatment involves fluid therapy, providing appropriate diets and drugs that slow down the kidney damage.

cat vomiting green and other diseases

Liver failure and endocrine diseases such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis can also explain a cat vomiting and other symptoms that concern many guardians. You should take your pet to the vet if vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms and/or if vomiting is recurrent (more than two per week).

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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