My Dog Cannot Breed: Main Causes and Solution

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
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There's no trick to getting a bitch to cross. Animals act on experience, learning and ethology. When an animal doesn't want to do something, it should never be forced, as each one needs different times to do certain things. You should always be aware of your pet's behavior in order to help him and give him the best possible quality of life. In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain the main causes and the solution of a common question: why my dog ​​can't cross?

heat in bitches

O heat in bitches it's the moment they reach sexual maturity, it occurs between 6 and 12 months deity. Being sexually mature does not mean that the bitch is physiologically prepared to have offspring, and it is necessary to wait for her to have more than a year and a half to try.

The reproductive cycle is regulated by pituitary hormones, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, estrogen and progesterone, and consists of 4 phases:

  1. proestrus: lasts approximately between 6 and 11 days. At the hormonal level, at the end of this phase there is a peak in the concentration of estrogen in the blood. In behavioral terms, you may notice that the bitch demonstrates aggressiveness towards the male and does not accept mating, even though he is attracted to her. In addition, there will be swelling in the region of the vulva, a type of estrogen-mediated vulvar inflation. It is also normal for blood to appear due to the overvascularization of the area.
  2. estrus: lasts about 5 to 9 days and there is a peak of luteinizing hormone, which causes ovulation or release of the immature egg which, thanks to the follicle-stimulating hormone, will mature. During this phase of fertility, the female continues to attract the male, will accept copulation and maintain vulvar swelling.
  3. Diestrus: at the end of estrus, regardless of whether the eggs have been fertilized or not, a phase begins in which progesterone levels are very high. If copulation was successful, this hormone will serve to prepare the uterus for implantation and prevent miscarriage. Diestrus lasts from 56 to 60 days. During this period, if fertilization did not occur, symptoms of psychological pregnancy may occur.
  4. anestrus: between one cycle and the other, there is a period that lasts about 3 months, in which there are no hormonal changes in the reproductive system if there was no pregnancy.

Puppies crossing: issues to consider

Before putting the dogs to cross, it is necessary to evaluate some issues so that everything happens in the best possible way. First of all, you must study deeply what will you do with the puppies when it comes time for weaning. Will you put everyone up for responsible adoption? If a puppy doesn't get a home, are you willing to take care of him and let him stay in your home? Is this the most suitable time for your dog, your family and for you? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself so that no one suffers the consequences of a bad decision.

Next, you must prove that you can afford all the pregnancy-related expenses and other problems that may arise. The basic expenses are special and good quality food, in addition to ultrasounds to monitor the pregnancy. If problems arise during childbirth or pregnancy, expenses can increase considerably.

On the other hand, the female must be old enough, more than 2 years and less than 8 years (according to the breed), and have a good health condition, therefore, before putting the puppies to breed, it is necessary to visit the veterinarian and make sure that the animals are healthy enough to reproduce.

Finally, the bitch must be in heat. Specifically, in the estrus phase, so that it does not show aggressiveness towards the male. And, of course, it must be receptive. As we said at the beginning, we don't recommend forcing any animal to go through situations they don't want to. For these reasons, the decision to cross-breed dogs must be responsible and well thought out.

My dog ​​does not want to breed: main causes

There's a lot reasons why a female dog may not accept a male for copulation. It is necessary to pay attention, observe the behavior of the couple and make sure that you have enough knowledge about the subject. Previously it is desirable go to a professional to advise you correctly.

First of all, you need to make sure that the bitch is in heat, and mainly, in the proper phase. You can advance the appropriate time if you are confused or unaware of heat symptoms in dogs. In addition, you should visit the veterinarian for a veterinarian exam. cytology of the bitch and confirm her status to us.

It is necessary to know the ethology of the species and know that not all males will be desirable for your bitch. Pheromones, mood and personality are factors to consider. For example, female dogs with a strong personality may not be attracted to males with a more submissive personality. In addition, it is important that the animals know each other in advance and have had the opportunity to play and relate for some time. It is also recommended to choose a male that suits the size and weight of the female, so that she does not suffer damage when supporting part of the dog's weight, and also so that future puppies are not too big for her.

On the other hand, if the bitch has already suffered traumatic experience with other dogs, which generated fears and insecurities in her, she may not want to breed and even act aggressively. In general, in these cases, the dog usually presents behaviors related to fear in other situations, so it is necessary to look for a canine educator or ethologist to find and treat the problem.

There are many diseases that can cause rejection by the female. Tumors, infections, and other illnesses can make you think the bitch is in heat when it isn't, or cause the bitch pain and discomfort, so she won't want to breed under any circumstances. In any case, we should always contact an expert.

In any case, never, under any circumstances, should you force and subject the female to cross, as she can become aggressive and attack to break free, in addition to the psychological consequences this could cause to her. These are the reasons for the question 'why can't my dog ​​breed', then we'll talk a little bit about artificial insemination in dogs.

Artificial Insemination in Dogs

If your bitch doesn't want to mate, what can you do? There is an option for people who want their dog to have puppies but cannot, even if she is totally healthy. This option is the artificial insemination in dogs, which can only be performed by a veterinarian. He will collect semen from the chosen male and introduce it to the female during the proper phase.

Anyway, considering the large number of dogs that occupy protective homes around the world, in addition to your bitch's situation and interest in breeding, you should ask yourself if it's really the most appropriate option and plan neutering as a method. to prevent certain serious health problems, such as uterine infections.

Further reading: Do I have to breed a dog?