How to make a cat like you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You
Video: 10 Scientific Ways to Get a Cat to Like You


adopt a cat it's a big challenge. You need to meet all of your feline's needs, but also start establishing a positive relationship of friendship and affection with him, without confusing the role that each has at home.

If you have problems living with your cat, in this article we have 10 interesting tips to help you form that bond you want with your pet. Need to know more? Read and find out at PeritoAnimal how to make a cat like you!

1. To get along with your cat, don't be violent

If you have a young cat or kitten, one of the most important things you can do is have a lot of patience and serenity, as at this age they are very active and play tricks.

It is important to teach him to behave well, but without restricting his desire to play, showing him the right place to do the necessities until he learns, and many other things. These activities can be frustrating at times, however, never try to educate him with screaming or physical punishment. This will only make the animal fear you or defend itself with growls and scratches.

2. Don't stare at him

Cat eyes are very attractive to people, mainly because of the variety of colors and their importance in conveying their emotions. Despite that, cats hate to be stared at for a long time and if you do, you could get scratched. Of course, this does not always happen when there is a link between animal and human, as well as a relationship of complete trust between the two. But when the cat has just arrived home, it is important to take this point into account in order to have a good relationship with him.

This hatred of stares exists because cats interpret them as a challenge or threat., so keeping eye contact for a long time makes them uncomfortable – and even scared. In cases like this, it's best to look away as quickly as possible and with great subtlety.

3. Use cat toys

Contrary to popular belief that cats are not very affectionate animals, the truth is that they love to be pampered and receive attention, through caressing or playing. However, you often play with it the wrong way and this can lead to unwanted behavior in the future. What are we referring to? Well, every time you use your hands or feet to play with your kitten, letting it scratch and bite you. What is wrong with it? Next, we'll tell you!

First, the bites and scratches can be fun for you the first time around, however we guarantee you won't find them pleasant when the cat does it without your consent. In that case, the best thing is to educate him from an early age so that he doesn't bite you.

Second, if you play with your hands and feet, it is very possible that you will get a bite or scratch and, by reflex, you will end up making a wrong move that hurts your pet.

To avoid these two problems, we recommend using cat toys. The correct way to do this is to throw them so the cat can go after them and hunt them down. It will be really fun! There are a whole variety of toys, and you can try them out to find out which ones your furry friend likes.

4. Don't block his path

Cats are very independent animals, but also risky. So if a cat feels trapped in any way, it will try to escape anyway. For this reason, you must never corner or block your way. This will not only annoy you, it will also frighten you.

If your cat has gone to another part of the house and you want to pet him, wait for him to approach you to pamper him.

5. Don't bother him while he sleeps

Imagine that you are sleeping peacefully in your bed and something suddenly wakes you up. This is uncomfortable, right? Your feline also doesn't like to be woken up, so you should avoid waking it for the simple whim of wanting to play with it if you want to learn to get along with your cat.

When you notice that your pussy is sleeping peacefully, don't disturb it. Long hours of rest are very necessary. for cats, and you must respect them. Otherwise, it could end up causing stress. For more information on this subject, do not hesitate to consult the following article: How many hours does a cat sleep a day?

6. Don't interrupt it when using the sandbox

Using the litter box is almost a ritual for cats, and you should avoid disturbing them when they are there. Why? When they need to, felines tend to feel vulnerable and helpless, so they remain alert to a possible threat.

For this reason, it is very easy for them to be startled by any movement or noise they notice. If the animal is frequently disturbed while in the litter box, it's quite possible that you stop using it and find another place in the house to be quiet during this time.

7. Don't pull the tail

The tail of cats plays a much more important role than aesthetics, as it helps them to keep balance and communicate.

As funny as it may seem to you, you should never pull your cat's tail. Not only does this cause a great deal of discomfort, it can also hurt you. In this article we explain why cats move their tails and how to learn to interpret their movements.

8. Don't pick it up by the neck skin

You may have already noticed that cats grab their kittens by the back of their necks, taking advantage of the excess skin they have in this area, but be careful! This is not a practice that cats enjoy and, when they are adults, it makes them very uncomfortable because can't control their movements.

If you need to lift your cat, wrap its front legs very carefully while supporting its hind legs with your other arm so that its body is not suspended in the air.

9. Respect your moments and spaces

In order to get along with your cat, it is essential that you understand the following: cats are routine animals and hate feeling forced to do something who don't want. What this means? That if he doesn't want to play, he doesn't want to play, and forcing him to do that will only cause you to take a scratch as a warning. This example can be transferred to other everyday situations, such as receiving hugs, caresses, etc.

On the other hand, the cat's spaces are his and you must respect them, just as you want him to respect yours. Likewise, his schedules also cannot be violated if you want him to remain mentally balanced and stable. Any change, no matter how small, can cause stress to the animal. In this article you will find the things that stress cats the most.

10. Learn to interpret your language

Once you have seen all the above points that help you know how to get along with a cat, you will understand that it is essential to expand your knowledge and learn to interpret feline language. Moving the tail from side to side, for example, does not indicate that the cat is happy, quite the opposite! This shows us he's about to explode, and a scratch will come if you don't stop doing what bothers you so much. These are the little details that make many pet owners believe that their cats attack them for no reason, or that they don't understand why their cats "hate" them so much.

Check out the article on cat body language to learn more about cats, learn to communicate with your pussy and start enjoying a harmonious relationship.