- external parasites
- internal parasites
- guidance plan
- Internal deworming of the dog
- External deworming of the dog

The animals we live with can harbor different parasites, both external and internal, it is very important to have a deworming plan since they are small. Starting this plan early will prevent growth problems and gastrointestinal upset, among other things. An infested dog can not only infect other animals, but also humans.
At PeritoAnimal, we want you to know the dog deworming plan which we believe to be more effective and convenient, but you should consult your veterinarian so that he can advise you on the best option for your pet.
external parasites
They are the most known and feared by the owners, as they live outside the bodies of the little ones.Because they are visible, we fear that they will infect the environment or even ourselves. Within this group, we find the fleas, you ticks and the mosquitoes. Below, we explain a little more about them:
- the fleas they are as uncomfortable for the animal as for the owners. Its sting is seen as a small mark and causes a lot of itching or itching. They are quite small and we cannot always see them in animals and environments, especially in carrycots, chairs or even cracks in the walls. It is very difficult to eliminate fleas on puppies if we don't pay enough attention to the complete hygiene of the house. each adult flea can lay up to 100 eggs a day and, in addition, they are not seasonal and can be found throughout the year. Some puppies may suffer from flea bite allergies, very common in German Shepherd Dogs, or dermatitis with skin infections that are difficult to cure.
- the ticks they are very unpleasant in the eyes of the guardians and very harmful to the carriers, our puppies. They can be found throughout the year, but their population increases in autumn and spring, so it is necessary to reinforce protection at that time. It's important to get rid of ticks correctly if you don't want a part of their body to become lodged in the dog's skin, causing further infection.
- the mosquitoes are often forgotten. However, they should not be underestimated, as they are carriers of many diseases and, although they are not occasional guests in our puppies, they can transmit serious diseases such as leishmaniasis (serious disease that is important to know how to prevent), filariasis, etc.
The most common symptom of the appearance of parasites in dogs is the continuous itching, although in the case of ticks it can be more discreet. It is important to check your dog's fur and skin regularly, especially in areas such as the neck, armpits and groin for any abnormalities.

internal parasites
As the name implies, intestinal parasites inhabit the inside of our dog's body. We can call them worms and distinguish them into 3 large groups: flat and round. Get to know these species better:
- within the group of flat worms or tapeworms, we find the well-known Dipylidium caninum or the common tapeworm, among many others.
- Inside of round worms, we find Ascaris, Trichuris, Toxocara, etc.
Dogs with many parasites even show symptoms such as nervousness, apathy, diarrhea, coordination problems, etc. However, if the parasite load is low, these symptoms may not be very evident.
Adult parasites lay their eggs outside through fecal matter, which is a source of contagion to other individuals of the same or different species, even humans. If there are children in the house where the dogs live, they are the most susceptible to getting dog illnesses, as they have a lot of contact with them to play on the floor.

guidance plan
Internal deworming of the dog
We can start the dog deworming calendar when the little one has between 21 and 30 days of life with paste, pills or syrup for internal parasites depending on their weight. The products to be used must be suitable for puppies.
We can repeat at 45 days to have greater control, especially in animals that come from mothers with many parasites. This routine should be started before starting the vaccination plan so that your defenses are increased and you do not have your immune system working to fight the parasites, but fully functioning to receive the first vaccine.
The next deworming will be defined by the veterinarian but, as a general rule, it is usually done at 6 months and then every 2 months in animals that live in contact with pasture or rural spaces and 3 months in city dogs.
External deworming of the dog
In the case of external parasites, we have several methods to choose from, starting when the animal has already been correctly vaccinated in order to be able to go outside and come into contact with other environments. There are shampoos, pipettes, flea collars, home remedies, etc. However, this is for animal control. To control the environment, it is necessary to carry out a correct disinfection, especially if someone suspects the presence of fleas.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.