
Tailless cat breeds

The be t known breed of taille cat are cat . Manx and the Bobtail , however, they are not the only one . Have you ever wondered why there i a cat without a tail? Taille cat breed exi t becau e of muta...


Energetic, weet looking and very lively, thi i how Puggle are de cribed by tho e who hare their time with them. The e puppie have very pecial characteri tic and we are going to detail them in thi Peri...

Glaucoma in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

O glaucoma i degenerative eye di ea e that can affect the eye of the pu ie , cau ing the progre ive lo of the en e of vi ion. Although it can affect any feline, whether mixed breed ( RD) or defined br...

How old does a turtle live?

Turtle are among the olde t reptile in the world a they emerged over 200 million year ago on earth and are al o among the longe t-lived animal , being able to live longer than one human being. All typ...

The 10 rarest cats in the world

Cat are amazing animal that give u affection and joy and make u laugh. Currently, there are about 100 officially recognized breed , but we certainly don't know half of tho e that exi t unle you ar...

Insect characteristics

In ect are invertebrate animal that are within the arthropod phylum, that i , have an external exo keleton it give them great protection without acrificing their mobility, and they al o have hinged ap...

how to ward off flies

Flie are one of the in ect mo t di tributed around the world, but that doe n't mean they don't bother people and animal . Whether at home or at work, they are never welcome, e pecially a their...

Mexican naked

Milernary and peculiar i the Mexican Pelado dog, al o known a Xoloitzcuintle, Mexican Aztec Dog or Xolo. It originate from Mexico, where it i highly prized and i con idered a living archaeological gem...

Tetrapods - Definition, evolution, characteristics and examples

When talking about tetrapod , it i important to know that they are one of the vertebrate group evolutionarily mo t ucce ful on Earth. They are pre ent in all type of habitat a , thank to the fact that...

Animals that live underground

The edaphic fauna, a cientific name that encompa e the animal that live underground and/or oil, feel at ea e with their underground world. It' a group of very intere ting creature that after thou ...

Benefits of Petting a Dog

You may already know ome or you may not, but there are many advantage of having a pet at home, more pecifically, a dog. Did you know that the e animal are able to reduce tre or blood pre ure? Or that ...

8 Things Cats Do When They're Alone!

Have you ever wondered what your cat doe when you're not home? Depending on hi per onality, the cat may have certain preference : ome cat choo e to leep, eat and re t. Other take the opportunity t...