- 1. Make sure you are not
- 2. Do the daily stretches
- 3. eat
- 4. Look out the window or go for a walk
- 5. Sleep
- 6. Do mischief
- 7. Get bored
- 8. Receive you

Have you ever wondered what your cat does when you're not home? Depending on his personality, the cat may have certain preferences: some cats choose to sleep, eat and rest. Others take the opportunity to do things they would not do in the presence of the tutor...
Would you like to know what your cat does when no one is watching him? Did you find anything broken when you got home from work? This article by PeritoAnimal will explain what cats do when they are alone. Keep reading and find out!
1. Make sure you are not
After you leave, the cats often take a walk to ensure that, in effect, you are no longer home. They also love to patrol and sniff whatever they can for new things. Cats are extremely curious animals!

2. Do the daily stretches
cats stretch several times a day. It is not surprising that when they are alone, they take the opportunity to do the most particular yoga postures...
Do you know why they do this? Cats can sleep up to 16 hours a day and this causes numbness of the muscles, which forces them to stretch. This act causes a very pleasant feeling for them and also stimulates blood circulation.

3. eat
The tranquility offered by the silence inside the house, allows the cat eat without any stress. To improve the environmental enrichment and promote the cat's sense of well-being, you can offer him a small portion of moist food or pâté before leaving home. This appetizer helps the cat to be distracted, in addition to being a good moisturizer.

4. Look out the window or go for a walk
Do you let your cat leave the house freely? Or on the contrary, do you prevent him from wandering around? Some guardians prefer their cats to be able to leave the house but others, due to the dangers it presents, prefer to deprive the cats of that freedom.
In any case, cats are very curious animals which makes them run almost 3 kilometers daily and that they spend a lot of time trying to hunt any bird that approaches the window.

5. Sleep
We've already told you how many hours a cat sleeps a day: about 16 hours! Older cats can sleep up to 18 hours and kittens up to 20 hours. This period allows you to stimulate the growth of the little ones, improve their well-being and also helps the brain prepare to learn new things.

6. Do mischief
Not all cats misbehave. Most cats are pretty quiet. However, some of them enjoy when no one is watching to do forbidden things. Stealing food, climbing to the highest places and throwing objects on the ground are often the most common pranks. Still, these pussies are adorable aren't they?

7. Get bored
After spending several hours alone, cats can get bored. You must remember that, although they are very independent animals, cats they are sociable animals who need to relate to be happy.
If your cat spends many hours alone, it would be a good idea to adopt a second feline, although you can also bet on several toys that stimulate their physical activity and their brains during their most lonely hours. Try making some toys yourself from recyclable material, such as toys made from cardboard.

8. Receive you
Some cats meowed nonstop when we got home to welcome us. Others rub against us to impregnate us with their scent and others don't even come to receive us.
We might think that this behavior depends on the good relationship that exists between the cat and the guardian, but what is certain is that each cat behaves differently. They are not like the dogs that come running to greet us. Cats are very quirky and have different ways of showing that they love us!
If you're going on vacation and don't want to leave your cat alone, read the various options on where to leave your cats on vacation.