- Cat reproduction
- My cat gave birth recently, can she be in heat?
- How long after giving birth does a cat come into heat?
- Can you neuter a cat who has just given birth?

Cats have a reputation for being very easy to reproduce. With the ability to breed from an early age and multiple litters of about five kittens a year, a feline family can grow a lot in a very short time. Although, dafter giving birth, how long does it take for the cat to come into heat?
In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will answer this question so that, if you live with a cat, you know clearly how and when to avoid her reproduction. We will also talk about sterilization as a control and health measure. Read on and find out how long after giving birth a cat goes into heat!
Cat reproduction
First of all, you must know that cats are seasonal polyestric. This means that, during the months of greatest sunlight, they will be in heat almost permanently. Symptoms of this fertile period include very high-pitched, loud and constant meowing, changes in behavior, increased frequency of urination, rubbing against people or any object, showing off the genitals, raising the tail and raising the back of the body. These signs occur for approximately one consecutive week. Then, there is a break of about 10 to 15 days, the heat is repeated and so on, until the end of the days with the highest incidence of sunlight. For more information about cat in heat symptoms, check out our article.
Also, your ovulation is induced. This implies that it needs a stimulus, usually produced by the cat's penis when it is removed from the vagina after intercourse. The cat's penis is covered with thorns that, when coming out in the opposite direction, cause the pain that triggers the hormonal reactions that lead to ovulation. It usually takes more than one mating for fertilization and gestation to occur.
In this species, pregnancy lasts around nine weeks or about 63 days, after which birth occurs. In males, it is not possible to distinguish a period of heat. When sexual maturity is reached, which can occur after seven months of age, the cat will be ready to reproduce as soon as it detects the pheromones emitted by a female cat in heat. In this case, the cat will try to leave the house at all costs, will urinate anywhere to mark its territory and may fight with other males to gain access to the female. However, at the end of the reproductive cycle, that is, after a cat gives birth, when does she go into heat again?
My cat gave birth recently, can she be in heat?
When we explained the characteristics of estrus in cats, we commented that female cats are seasonal polyestric. That is, your heat will be continuous as long as the sunlight is sufficient, with rest periods of just 10 to 15 days. Childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding have little effect on this cycle. Unless the births coincide with the end of the sunniest period, in which case it will take a few months for the cat to become fertile again, she can go into heat promptly and repeat the pregnancy.
So, after giving birth, a cat does not go into heat immediately, but can do so over the next few days, weeks, or months.
How long after giving birth does a cat come into heat?
if you ask yourself after giving birth how long does the cat go into heat again, the truth is that you cannot establish an exact day, but after the first 3-4 weeks of your puppies' life, when they start to interact with each other and with the environment, the cat will start to leave them alone. . From that moment, you can start to notice the signs of heat again, although it is more common that this time is postponed until 7-8 weeks after delivery.
For example, a domestic cat that lives in Brazil can mate in late July. Her litter would be born in early October. Two months later, in December, normally with the kittens already installed in their new homes, the cat would return to heat again, which could result in a new pregnancy.
Can you neuter a cat who has just given birth?
Now that we've seen when a cat goes into heat after giving birth, it's clear that you can't let your guard down if your intention is to prevent the birth of more litters, simply because the cat has just given birth. However, can you neuter a cat who has just given birth? It is most advisable to schedule the sterilization surgery approximately two months after delivery, to ensure the well-being of the kittens and the kitten.
This is because it is recommended that the puppies remain in the family for at least eight weeks, at which time the weaning of the kittens begins. This contact with others at a particularly sensitive stage of development helps to avoid future behavioral problems. Also, they need to feed on breast milk.
Therefore, the ideal would be to keep the cat trapped for that period of time and, after that, operate her. If the cat belongs to a stray colony or if it is really impossible to prevent her access to males, it is best to consult the veterinarian to agree to the surgery in the least harmful way possible, both for the cat and for the kittens, according to their conditions of life.
Finally, it is worth remembering that the castration in cats it usually consists of the extraction of the uterus and ovaries. The cat stops going into heat and cannot reproduce, but, in addition, this operation involves advantages for her health, such as the prevention of uterine infections and reduction of the risk of breast tumors, being highly recommended.
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