- Advice to avoid heat indoors
- 1. Always have plenty of fresh water
- 2. Place food at the end of the day
- 3. Offer more moist food to help with hydration
- 4. Use the fan if the dog is too hot
- 5. Avoid overweight
- 6. Never offer food before exercising
- Advice to avoid heat outside the home
- 7. The shadow, your great ally
- 8. Always have water on hand
- 9. Never leave the dog alone in the car
- 10. Avoid using the nylon noseband

On hotter days, it's very important take certain precautions so that our puppy is fresh and without the risk of suffering a heat stroke or heat stroke. It is essential to pay special attention to long-haired or dark-haired puppies as they are more susceptible to these problems.
At PeritoAnimal, we provide you with some advice on how to take care of a dog on the hottest days of summer. Do not forget that if you notice any signs of illness such as diarrhea or a very high body temperature, you should go immediately to the veterinary clinic.
Keep reading and discover our 10tips to relieve dog heat.
Advice to avoid heat indoors
1. Always have plenty of fresh water
Keeping our puppy well hydrated is essential to prevent health problems related to excessive heat. Inside the house, we must always have a container with fresh, clean and abundant water that must be renewed daily. In particular in summer, we must regularly confirm that the water is clean.
A trick we can use to know if our dog is well hydrated is to gently "pull" the skin around the nape of the neck. The skin should regain its initial position within seconds. If the dog is dehydrated, the skin will be a little elastic.

2. Place food at the end of the day
For facilitate and improve the digestive process, it will be convenient to get the puppy used to eating at the end of the day, when the temperature is lower. This helps the body to carry out digestion in a more relaxed way.

3. Offer more moist food to help with hydration
If you notice that your dog drink little water, offering moist food can be an excellent option for him to stay hydrated, in addition to enjoying very tasty food. Choose quality food and don't forget to offer snacks of oral hygiene to avoid periodontal disease, often associated with this type of diet.
You can also choose to offer more water-rich snacks like fruits or vegetables.

4. Use the fan if the dog is too hot
Like people, dogs can cool off using the fan. If the heat that day is really stifling, turn on the fan at home and your dog will surely appreciate it.

5. Avoid overweight
Dogs that are overweight or obese have a lipid layer that isolates them from the outside and provokes More Heat than to other dogs. For this reason, the arrival of heat usually affects the fattest dogs.
Find out in Animal Expert how to know if your dog is fat. If your puppy is actually fatter than he should be, keep in mind that losing weight should be a gradual process. Choose the coolest hours of the day to exercise such as late afternoon or evening.
The best way to prevent obesity is, in addition to proper nutrition, exercise. Also see our article on exercise for adult puppies.

6. Never offer food before exercising
Digestion is a delicate process and, for that same reason, we refer to its importance in point number 2. A possible very serious consequence of offering food to the dog before physical exercise is gastric torsion. This problem can be deadly if not treated in time by experienced professionals.

Advice to avoid heat outside the home
7. The shadow, your great ally
Whenever you walk with your dog, you should pay attention to whether there are shadows so that he can take refuge. For example, if you go to the beach with your dog, take a Sun hat.

8. Always have water on hand
As indoors, outdoors the dog must always have fresh water available. we can take with us a bottle and a container to put the water and even a spray to sprinkle it in the mouth from time to time.

9. Never leave the dog alone in the car
In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside a car can go from 23°C to 32°C, which can cause heat stroke. After 30 minutes, we can talk about risk to your dog's life. You must never leave a dog locked in a car. Never!

10. Avoid using the nylon noseband
The nylon muzzle, or any other that closes the dog's jaw, does not allow panting, which makes the thermoregulation of his body impossible. It is important to choose a type of muzzle that is more similar to the one in the picture. Discover the different types of muzzles that exist in this article.
Remember that the best method of avoiding heat in your dog is to pay attention to your pet regularly, especially when you are out and about. It will also be important for you to learn what the first aids are in case of heat stroke.