Animals with the letter D

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 9 March 2025
Listed: Animals That Start With The Letter D!
Video: Listed: Animals That Start With The Letter D!


There are many animals starting with the letter D, that's why, in this PeritoAnimal list, we've chosen some of the most popular and some lesser known ones for you to discover new species. Also, here you will find animals with the letter D in English and Portuguese, as with this type of vocabulary it is easier to learn a new language like English.

Do you want to discover new species and, at the same time, learn a language? Discover the list of animals with the letter D that we show you below!

Animals with D

There are many animals with the letter D, as you might imagine, but sometimes it can be difficult to remember one or more than one. Check out this list of animals with D to meet them:

  • Komodo dragon;
  • Tasmanian Devil;
  • Gould's Diamond;
  • Dugong;
  • Dingo;
  • Golden;
  • dik-dik;
  • Weasel;
  • Dromedary;
  • Cable dammon.

Read on to learn more about each of these animal species starting with D.

1. Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

The first of the animals with the letter D, and one of the most popular, is the Komodo dragon. This species of lizard is the biggest on the planet, reaching an incredible 2.5 meters in length and weighing 70 kg. Komodo inhabits open areas with sufficient vegetation, although it can also be found in coastal areas and mountains.

The Komodo dragon is a carnivorous animal that feeds on small mammals, birds and invertebrates. It has a flat head and an oversized muzzle, scaly skin and a forked tongue that allows it to catch scents around it.

2. Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)

The Tasmanian Devil is a marsupial from the island of Tasmania (Australia). It has a broad head and thick tail. Its fur is black and coarse.

The name of this species comes from the intense noises it uses to communicate or intimidate its predators. Unfortunately, it is a species that is under threat due to habitat loss and poaching.

3. Gould's Diamond

Another example of animals with the letter D is the Gould's Diamond, a small exotic bird of Australian origin with a plumage composed of different bright colors.

Although its captive breeding is very popular around the world, the Gould diamond is endangered in its wild state.

4. Dugong (Dugong dugon)

The dugong is a marine mammal manatee-like, since it has a long body that exceeds 3 meters in length and reaches 200 kg in weight. It has two small eyes and ears without bulges. In addition, it has no molar teeth, so it "chews" food using its lips.

According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature[1], the dugong has been classified as "vulnerable" due to the poaching it suffers to obtain its fat and meat.

5. Dingo (Canis lupus dingo)

The dingo is a species of wolf that lives in Australia and Asia. It can be found in very varied areas, such as mountainous and cold forests, arid areas, tropical forests, among others.

The dingo is a carnivore and its habits are very social. It organizes itself into herds that settle in defined territories. These animals with D communicate through howls and moans, especially during the breeding season.

6. Golden (Sparus aurata)

The sea bream is a kind of fish that measures 1 meter and weighs 7 kg. It has a large, round head, thick lips, strong jaws and a golden line between the eyes.

The diet of this fish is based on crustaceans, molluscs and other fish, although at times it also feeds on algae and marine plants.

7. Dik-Dik (Madoqua kirkii)

the dik-dik is a antelope that measures 70 cm and weighs 8 kg. It is native to Africa, where it can be found in dry areas, but with enough vegetation to feed. Their diet is rich in shrubs, herbs, fruits.

As for its appearance, it has a varied coloration, from yellowish gray to reddish brown on the back. In the abdomen, for its part, it is gray or white. Males have horns on their heads.

8. Weasel (Mustela)

The weasel is a small mammalian animal that can be found on any continent except Antarctica and Oceania. It has a brown coat which, in some of the weasel species, turns white during winter.

are excellent lonely night hunters that feed on fish, frogs, mice and rats, mostly.

9. Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)

The dromedary is a camel-like mammalian animal of the Camelidae family. Unlike the latter, it has just a hump. It is native to West Asia and Northeast Africa.

It has a smooth, sparse coat, in shades ranging from off-white to dark brown, which allows it to cool down at high temperatures.

10. Cape dammon (Procavia capensis)

The cape damão is another specimen of animals with the letter D. It is a mammal that lives in a large part of the African continent, in arid areas, cliffs and forests.

The daman has an appearance similar to guinea pig, with the main differences found in the ears and tail, which is much shorter. The species reaches 4 kg.

Animals starting with the letter D in English

If you feel like meeting more animals with D, then we'll show you a list of animals starting with the letter Din English. Do you know any of them?

Darwin's frog (Rhinoderma darwinii)

O Darwin's frog is a small amphibian that owes its name to the fact that it was spotted by Charles Darwin during his exploration journeys. This species presents sexual dimorphism, since females are larger than males. Skin color varies, although the most common is in shades of green. It can be found in South American countries, especially Chile and Argentina.

Deer (Cervus elaphus)

The word deer is used to name the deer, a mammal that can be found throughout much of North America and Europe. It is characterized by its brown or reddish fur, accompanied by horns in males.

The deer is a herbivorous animal, so it only feeds on herbs, leaves and shrubs.

Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus)

O discus fish is a species of fish that lives in calm waters with abundant vegetation that, although in Portuguese it is not one of the animals with the letter D, in English it is. It can be found on the tributaries of the Amazon River.

The species is distinguished by the shape of its large body and has a smooth surface on the skin. The color varies between green, brown and blue.

Donkey (Equus asinus)

The word donkey is used to name the donkey. This animal is the family Equity it can be found almost all over the world and is often used as a pack animal. The species has long ears and a prominent snout. The coat color varies between gray, white or brown. It reaches 130 cm in height at the withers.

Dormouse (Eliomys quercinus)

slept is the English term used to name the lion, so other animals with the letter D in English. It is a 17 cm and 150 gram rodent, distinguished by its small size. The leeway inhabits rocky areas, coniferous forests and urban environments in Europe and Africa.

Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)

THE desert turtle is a species native to North America. In English it is known for desert tortoise, as it is located in the Mojave Desert (United States). The species feeds on plants and herbs that it finds in its path. It measures 36 cm and weighs up to 7 kg.

Dusky rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus)

THE laughing snake, also known as the rattlesnake-of-four-ventas, is a species of snake that is characterized by the sound of the rattlesnake found in its tail.

The species originates from the American continent, in which it is found from Canada to Argentina. Your bite is poisonous.

Dung beetle (Scarabaeus laticollis)

The last of the animals with the letter D in English is the dung beetle, crossbow beetle or simply "dumb roll". Theirs is explained by the fact that these animals collect the manure of other species and form a ball that they use to lay their eggs. This species is coprophagous, that is, it feeds on manure. It can be found almost all over the world, except in the Antarctic area.

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