10 Pitbull Myths

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
10 Myths About Pit Bulls - And the FACTS to Disprove Them
Video: 10 Myths About Pit Bulls - And the FACTS to Disprove Them


the dogs of the breed American Pit Bull Terrier they are today's most controversial and popular dogs. As is to be expected, under these circumstances, there are many myths surrounding this breed. What do you think about the Pitbulls? Was I able to have one?

We will give you the 10 most common myths about Pitbull puppies and explain why these beliefs exist and whether they are true or not.

Find out in this PeritoAnimal article based on 10 Pitbull Myths, his authentic character, his personality and why these myths.

1. All Pitbulls are aggressive and dangerous

Despite the bad reputation this breed receives, not all Pitbulls are aggressive or dangerous. Quite the contrary, most of them are animals that don't cause big problems or put anyone at risk. But that doesn't mean that all American Pit Bull Terrier puppies are sociable and very friendly either. This will totally depend on the type of education you have received.

aggressiveness and danger it depends on each dog in particular and is not an exclusive characteristic of a breed. Thus, there are Pitbull puppies that can show aggression and Pitbull puppies that are sociable. This depends on the dogs' genetics, their socialization, the training of the Pitbull, the care they receive from their owners and how they are treated and controlled.

2. Pitbull's jaws become

A myth as common as it is absurd. There is no different anatomical or physiological mechanism in the Pitbull that allows its jaws to lock. In this sense, the Pitbull's bite is exactly like any other dog.

This myth is not only related to the Pitbull, but to many other dog breeds. You also hear that Boxers, American Staffordshire Terriers and other puppies have the ability to lock their jaws when they bite, but it's just an absurd myth.

3. The Pitbull's brain grows bigger than its skull allows

It is said that the Pitbull's brain grows larger than the skull allows, so these puppies go crazy and become aggressive. It is completely untrue that the brain grows longer than the skull allows in any normal Pitbull and any normal dog.

This myth originated in relation to the Doberman dog when this was the feared breed of the moment. But that's not true, neither on Doberman nor on Pitbull. If the brain ever grew larger than the skull would allow, the dogs would simply die.

4. Pitbull bite exceeds 1600 psi (pound per square inch)

One of the most widespread myths is that the Pitbull has a bite pressure that exceeds 1600 psi, which in the metric system is equal to 112.49 kilograms-force per square centimeter.

Measuring the bite pressure of any animal other than humans is very difficult, since you cannot ask for the collaboration of experimental subjects, and you cannot get accurate data. However, some measurements have been taken that give an idea of ​​the bite power of dogs and other animals.

National Geographic took measurements of bites from different species, including dogs.Although these are not studies with all the scientific rigor, they provide data that at least allow us to assess the myth of Pitbull bite pressure.

In the surveys carried out, it was found that the average bite in dogs reaches 320 psi and that, the Pitbull is not the breed with the highest biting pressure. It has also been estimated that the bite of lions, hyenas and tigers is around 1000 psi.

So if Pitbulls had a 1600 psi bite they would outperform a lion's bite. It would be impossible to train schutzhund or do defense training with these dogs, because they would simply undo the protective sleeves, along with the extras' arms. A frequent myth, but one that doesn't come close to reality.

5. Pitbull temperament is unstable and unpredictable

It is also said that the Pitbull's temperament is unpredictable and that, at any time, it can attack both acquaintances and strangers without giving any sign. This it's fake.

Healthy Pitbull puppies show all the signs of stress that other puppies do. Also, their temper is very stable and it's very strange to attack for no reason. In fact, temperament tests done by the American Temperament Test Society suggest that Pitbull have a temper. more stable than most races canines.

6. The Pitbull is aggressive towards us due to its history as a fighting dog

The dog fights that took place in the 19th century took place in wells where puppies subjected to such cruelty and their respective owners were found. At the end of the fights, people had to pick up their dogs (the winners) to get them out of the well. Therefore, the breeding that was done selected aggressive animals with other dogs, but with easiness to socialize with the people.

Thus, throughout history, Pitbulls were selected to be friendly to us, even though in many cases they were also chosen to be aggressive towards other animals. This also happened with most terrier dog breeds and with many hunting dogs. Of course, there are Pitbull puppies that are aggressive towards people, but this is not directly related to the breed's history, nor is it a characteristic of the breed.

In fact, in the last century the Pit Bull Terrier was used as a nanny dog ​​due to its excellent social qualities. It is a simply exceptional dog.

7. A Pit Bul that attacks other dogs or animals will also be aggressive towards us

False. Dogs are able to distinguish between different animals (including humans) and being aggressive with one species does not mean they will be aggressive with another.

Hunting dogs are an excellent example of this. They can stalk and brutally attack prey they hunt, but they don't in the least injure their humans. Something similar happens with sheepdogs that are capable of killing predators but peacefully coexist with sheep and humans.

With Pitbulls the same thing happens. Some Pit Bull dogs have attacked other dogs or other animals, but that doesn't mean they will necessarily be aggressive with us.

8. Pit Bulls don't feel pain when they fight

Pit Bulls experience pain just as much as other dogs, but during emotionally intense activities this pain can fade into the background because other physiological responses are more important for the organism's survival.

This also happens with puppies of other breeds that can withstand very painful situations due to the adrenaline of the moment. It also happens to people and basically to any animal.

You pit bull feel pain yes and they do not deserve to be subjected to cruel struggles.

9. All Pit Bulls fight with other dogs

It is not true that all Pit Bulls fight with other dogs. There are Pitbull puppies that react with other dogs (due to dominance, fear,...) and cannot socialize well with their own species, but there are also Pit Bull puppies that are very friendly with others of their own species.

Most find themselves in the middle, without being particularly aggressive or sociable with their peers. Therefore, each Pit Bull must be evaluated as an individual and not as a breed. Some of these puppies will be sociable with puppies and others less so.

10. An aggressive Pit Bull cannot be rehabilitated

Some Pit Bulls who develop aggressive behavior or who have been used to fights must go a long way to rehabilitate themselves (and not all of them can do it completely). However, many of them can be perfectly rehabilitated based on a systematic socialization and canine training program geared to their needs, always in the hands of a experienced professional in this kind of behavior. Once again, each case must be evaluated individually and all puppies of the breed must not be judged as if they were a single individual.