Advantages of Elevating the Cat Feeder

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 27 September 2024
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Video: Necoichi Extra Wide Raised Cat Bowl Review (We Tested It)


The elevated cat feeder is reaffirming itself, year after year, as a trend among tutors around the world. Many people may believe that this type of product is making success just for the sake of aesthetics. But actually, there are several Advantages of Raising the Cat Feeder!

And if you still don't know what they are, we invite you to continue reading this new PeritoAnimal article. Here, you'll find fundamental tips for choosing the best pot of cat food and you'll also get to know the true benefits of the suspended feeder. We started?

How to choose the best feeder for cats

As with everything in this life, there is no single feeder that is ideal for all pussies. After all, each cat has characteristics, preferences and different needs, as well as a unique personality. So, it is up to each tutor to know how to recognize these particularities of the pussy to provide the accessories, toys and important care to ensure a great quality of life

To choose the cat food pot best suited to your pet, consider the following aspects:

Cat food jar for every size and age

All accessories and utensils must be suitable for the size, physical texture and age of each cat. If you have a big, sturdy pussy, like a Maine Coon for example, the ideal feeder will have to be bigger than the more common feed pots that are made primarily for small cats. And if your pet is still a puppy, it will be much simpler and more comfortable for him to eat in a compact and shallow container.

Basically, the size and depth of the feeder should match the physical structure of the cat and the amount of food and water (in the case of the drinker) that the pussy needs to consume on a daily basis.

Cat feeder with flat snout

Some cat breeds are characterized by having a flat or “flattener” muzzle than other pussies. If your pet is a Persian cat, for example, it is recommended shallower pans that have concave edges and a wide "mouth". Remember that narrower cat food jars are often quite uncomfortable for these breeds, as they can put pressure on the head and make it easier for the cat to get all over the face while eating.

Cat feeders and food

You also need to consider what the cat eats to choose the most suitable feeder. the grains of cat food they are not usually large or take up a lot of space inside the pot. However, if you decide to offer a BARF diet to your pussy, based on the consumption of natural and biologically appropriate foods, this type of food can be bulkier, requiring a wider and deeper feeder than an industrialized feed.

Cat food pots manufacturing material

We also advise giving preference to a cat eater manufactured with reinforced and easy-to-clean materials. This type of product offers a longer service life and simplifies the cleaning process.

Plastic feeders are economical and easy to clean, but they tend to absorb odors and can cause irritation or allergies to the skin and mucous membranes of pussies. On the other hand, glass and ceramic are hypoallergenic and ideal for avoiding the impregnation of unpleasant odours, however, they must be handled with great care.

A very favorable alternative is to opt for stainless steel (stainless), as they are resistant, very simple to wash and do not cause adverse reactions in the pets.

Cat feeder support height

When raising your pet's feeder, it is essential to ensure that the feed pot is at the same height as the pussy's elbow. Otherwise, the cat will continue to make an inappropriate and unnecessary effort when eating, which negatively impacts the spine and joints.

Therefore, regardless of whether you decide to purchase an elevated feeder in a pet Shop or choose to make your own homemade stand, we recommend take measurements of your pussy to make sure the new feeder doesn't affect your well-being.

Learn about the advantages of raising the cat feeder

After these basic tips, we are ready to talk about the advantages of the tall cat feeder. First, you need to pay attention to the difference in posture of cats eating in a common feed pot and in a suspended feeder.

Posture of the cat eating in a traditional feeder

Traditional feeders are supported directly on the ground, right? If you notice, the cat is forced to remarkably flex the spine and legs to feed in this way. So the pussies end up eating practically sitting with their heads down, or standing up with their paws flexed and again with their necks fully bent toward the feed pot.

In these positions, the animal's digestive tract will be "curved" and the stomach is exposed to pressure considerable, getting compressed. This impairs the digestive process and increases the risk of suffering indigestion, upset stomach, nausea, and developing digestive problems such as gas or vomiting. Also, when the pussy's head and mouth are lower than the stomach (neck leaning towards the pot of food on the floor), the cat is more likely to reflux, choke, or even vomit right after eating. .

The pussy's joints and spine also suffer from these postures.A cat eating practically sitting has a completely curved spine, especially in the lower back and at the junction of the neck and back. In addition, the joints undergo constant and unnecessary wear, as they remain flexed, support a good part of the animal's weight and, eventually, can twist outwards.

Position of cats with elevated feeder

O feed pot holder allows you to take the feeder off the floor and place it at the same height as the cat's elbow. This way, the pussy doesn't have to crouch, lower its neck, or twist its spine to ingest the food. Your digestive tract remains in the proper position, in which your stomach, esophagus, and mouth are aligned.

Therefore, one of the great advantages of raising the feeder for cats is to improve the posture of the pussy during feeding, which allows prevent back problems and digestive disorders. This is also a very healthy alternative for your pet's joints, as it prevents it from being exposed to that daily wear and tear mentioned above.

While this benefits all pussies, it is particularly important for older cats and for those who have already been diagnosed with arthritis, osteoarthritis, or other conditions that directly affect the joints and/or spine.

Elevated feeder for cats: a good hygiene ally

This may seem redundant, but another key benefit of the overhead feeder is keeping the cat's food elevated off the ground. When your pet's feed pot is supported at the same height as the ground, it is more likely to come into contact with dust, foreign bodies, sand debris that the pussy can spread around the house after using the toilet, by the dead and others impurities that can “transit” in any house.

well, the supports prevent the pussy's food and drink from having direct contact with any dirt. Of course, they do not replace the need to maintain good hygiene in the house to avoid contamination and bad odors. But without a doubt, it helps a lot in the day-to-day, especially when our pets are alone at home and we cannot control for 24 hours whether or not there are foreign particles in their water and food pots.

We also invite you to know more tips in this article: Tips for the hygiene and care of your cat at home.

How to Make an Elevated Cat Feeder

If you are convinced that an elevated cat feeder is a great option, be aware that you can find them at stores and pet shops. But if you want even better news, we said that you don't need to spend a lot of money to invest in one, I mean, you can make your own cat feeder yourself.

In the following video you can see a step by step that shows how to make an elevated cat feeder: