- Causes of gastric torsion in dogs
- Symptoms of gastric torsion in dogs
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Prevention

THE gastric torsion in dogs it is a typical syndrome of large breeds (German Shepherd, Great Dane, Giant Schnauzer, Saint Bernard, Dobermann, etc.) in which there is an important distension and twisting of the stomach, a consequence of the accumulation of gases, food or liquids.
The stomach's ligaments cannot support the stomach's swelling, causing the stomach to twist on its axis. Under normal conditions, the puppy's stomach empties its contents by its own physiological mechanisms, but in this case, the animal cannot discharge the contents and the stomach begins to dilate. As a result, the dog tries to vomit to expel the contents of the stomach and the stomach ends up turning on itself, completely obstructing the orifices that connect it with the esophagus and intestine. When causing the torsion, the arteries, veins and blood vessels of the digestive tract are compressed and, as a result, blood circulation is interrupted and some organs cease to function. It is a serious disease that if not treated in time can cause the animal's death.
Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to know everything about gastric torsion in dogs, yours symptoms and treatment.
Causes of gastric torsion in dogs
Although gastric torsion can occur in any breed, it is the larger breeds that are more likely to suffer from it, and also those with the deep chest, such as the Medium Poodle and Boxer. It is also one of the most common Weimaraner diseases.
The causes that give rise to this problem are as follows:
- Large intake of food or liquids: the animal ingests a lot of food or liquids quickly and after exercising. It is typical of large-breed young puppies. In elderly dogs it usually occurs due to an accumulation of air that cannot be evacuated physiologically.
- Stress: can occur in puppies that are easily stressed due to changes in their routine, coupling, excessive excitement, etc.
- Family history of gastric torsion.

Symptoms of gastric torsion in dogs
Since this disease can occur in any dog and must receive the necessary care as soon as possible, it is important to know the symptoms so that you can act in time. Thus, the most common signs that a dog may be experiencing stomach distension or gastric torsion are:
- Attempts to vomiting unsuccessfully and nausea: The animal tries to vomit but is unable to do so.
- Anxiety and Restlessness: The dog moves constantly and becomes restless.
- abundant saliva.
- dilated abdomen: Abdomen dilation is noted.
- difficulty breathing.
- Weakness, depression and lack of appetite.
If your dog has any of these symptoms it should take him to the vet immediately, as you may be suffering from an episode of gastric dilation and torsion.

The veterinarian makes the diagnosis of gastric torsion or dilation based on the clinical symptoms that the dog presents and some additional characteristics. The breed and history of the dog can support the diagnosis, since, as mentioned before, this disease is more frequent in some breeds of dogs and in dogs that have suffered from it before.
are also used take x-rays to confirm this diagnosis. The x-ray makes it possible to see clearly whether the stomach is distended or not. Also, if the stomach has rotated, the pylorus (orifice that connects the stomach with the intestine) is displaced from its normal position.

There are no home remedies or tricks you can apply, given the dog's gastric torsion you should go to the vet immediately since it is an emergency in which the dog's life is at risk.
Try to handle it carefully until you get to the trusted veterinarian, as it should also prevent you from messing too much. The veterinarian will sedate the animal and administer fluids and antibiotics. A procedure will be performed in order to extract the stomach contents with a gastric tube that will be placed in the animal's mouth and the stomach will be washed. Finally, an operation will be performed, in which the stomach will be fixed to the abdominal wall (gastropexy), to reduce the risk of another sprain.
The prognosis varies depending on the severity of the disease. When dilation and torsion are treated early, the prognosis is usually favorable. However, if necrosis has started to occur, the mortality rate is high even after surgery. Dogs that are more than 48 hours after the operation tend to have a good chance of surviving. Therefore, it is essential to consult a veterinary medical center as soon as possible, if your pet does not do it. may die in a few hours.

Especially in summer, it is very important to be prepared and informed to avoid a possible gastric torsion, below we give you some advice:
- split the food: it's about preventing our pet from ingesting large amounts of food. The goal is to spread the food throughout the day.
- Avoid drinking too much water in a row: especially after meals.
- Restrict exercise: avoid doing too much physical activity before and after meals, leaving a margin of 2 hours.
- Do not provide food late at night.
- Do not stress the animal while eating: we must let the animal eat calmly and without stressing it.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.