- Types of Fleas and Their Characteristics
- flea life cycle
- cat flea
- How to identify a cat flea
- dog flea
- How to identify dog flea
- Fleas on humans
- How to identify the common flea?
- How to identify the mouse flea?
- How do you know if your dog or cat has fleas?
- How to identify a flea bite in humans?

Among the parasites that most frequently affect animals, whether domestic or farm, fleas are in the top positions. These small insects, whose presence can be difficult to detect, are very uncomfortable for your pets and can transmit dangerous diseases.
The first step in fighting them is knowing how to recognize them. Do you find this difficult? Do not worry! In this PeritoAnimal article you will see everything about fleas: the types of fleas and how to identify them, its features and more. Keep reading!
Types of Fleas and Their Characteristics
They exist almost 2,000 species of fleas around the world, and each feeds on different animals, although several of them prefer certain species. THE common flea (Pulex irritans) is a neopter insect (a group which cockroaches are part of, for example) that does not have wings, but whose ability to jump is incredible: it can reach distances of up to 200 times its size!
They practice hematophagy, that is, they feed mainly on blood, but also on body tissues. Therefore, fleas need to live on the bodies of other animals to survive. They have a rigid body, with small legs and even tiny hairs, but as they measure only between 1 and 3.5 millimeters, we cannot see their shape with the naked eye.
In this article we are going to talk about four of the main types of fleas:
- common flea (Pulex irritans)
- cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis)
- dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis)
- mouse flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)
flea life cycle
a flea can stay up to two weeks without eating until you find the animal that will be your next host, waiting on some living being, in the grass or even in fabrics, such as rugs, clothes, among others. The truth is, they can even get caught in clothes, so you can take them home yourself without knowing it.
When it finds the host, the female feeds on its blood until the moment of reproduction comes. After that, she lays her eggs, a maximum of 20 at a time, but it is capable of putting 600 in its entire life. The eggs fall from the animal's fur, remaining in the spaces where it rests and in other corners of the house.
After two weeks, the eggs hatch and the larvae appear. They feed on organic waste (dead skin, among others) until they reach maturity. Then, prepare a cocoon and when they come out of it, they are adults, ready to repeat the cycle.
Although it sounds simple, remember that an animal is not usually parasitized by a single flea, so when your pet is attacked by them, they are usually present in large numbers.

cat flea
THE cat flea or also cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), interestingly, is not so frequent in this feline, being found mainly in dogs. It also affects other mammals such as horses and rabbits. It transmits other parasites with its bite, such as typhus.
How to identify a cat flea
- A cat flea can be identified by its dark color, so it is also called the black flea.
- Its body measures a maximum of 3 millimeters
- The body is also flat
- The larvae reach 5 millimeters, with a white color throughout the body.
In this other article you'll find out how to get rid of fleas in your home.

dog flea
THE dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) It parasites this animal most of the time, although it can also be found, less frequently, in cats and even humans. Among the parasites she is able to transmit is the dog tapeworm.
How to identify dog flea
There are many similarities between dog and cat flea, and it is often difficult to tell them apart. However, it is possible to identify it because the dog flea has a redder body, less dark than that of the cat flea, and reaches 4 millimeters in length, that is, it is a little bigger. The larvae have the same characteristics: a white body of about 5 millimeters.

Fleas on humans
That's right: Fleas also parasitize humans, although the flea on humans today is somewhat rare. At first, the species that most easily feeds on human beings is the common flea, Pulex irritans. However, today our homes and our hygiene habits are very different from those of the past, so this species is rarely found in homes.
How to identify the common flea?
The common flea measures a maximum of 3 millimeters, has a dark body with slight reddish highlights and your body structure is more rounded. Larvae are white and reach 5 millimeters. Now, some fleas that prey on other mammals can occasionally feed on humans, and so do dog and mouse fleas.
THE mouse flea (Xenopsylla cheopis) parasite rats and domestic mice as well as humans. This flea can transmit bubonic plague, although this vector is now eradicated in most of the world. Even so, they are dangerous because they also transmit typhus.
How to identify the mouse flea?
Your body is more angular than the other types of fleas, the color is dark and measure 3 millimeters. The larvae are white and reach only 2 millimeters.

How do you know if your dog or cat has fleas?
In the battle against different types of fleas, the first thing to do is identify them. For that, sometimes it's no use waiting to find one, because are very small. In the larval stage they survive outside the host's body, and if your animal is very hairy, they hide easily.
So let's detail others signs for you to discover how to tell if your dog or cat has fleas :
- Itch: A dog or cat with fleas will itch excessively, especially near the tail, groin, ears and face.
- dirty coat: One of the easiest ways to tell if your pet has fleas is because you will start to see its fur with a strange dirt, small black spots that build up along the skin. These are flea droppings.
- Anemia: when the infestation is advanced, and especially in puppies or elderly animals, the constant suction of the blood generates anemia, which puts your pet's life at risk.
- sting allergy: Some animals develop an allergy to the flea bite, which is actually a reaction to the insect's saliva. When this occurs, the skin becomes inflamed and reddened.
- wounds: An animal with fleas can go so far as to cause serious injuries due to constant itching.
For more information, see articles on how to get rid of dog fleas and how to get rid of cat fleas.

How to identify a flea bite in humans?
If you think a flea bit you, we'll offer you this guide with quick ways to identify flea bites in humans:
- The flea on humans usually attacks the ankles, legs, elbows and armpits.
- The sting takes the form of a puffy red circle, with a dot in the middle.
- usually appear several bites in the same area.
- Areas with red circles they itch.
- Injuries and shedding of hair can occur due to itching.
- It is possible to find traces of blood on the clothes.
There are currently on the market several antiparasitic products to kill fleas in humans and different animal species that are quite effective. Any of these treatments must be accompanied by a thorough cleaning of the house to eliminate possible eggs and larvae. Also, don't forget to deworm your dog or cat as directed by your veterinarian.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
If you want to read more articles similar to Types of Fleas and How to Identify Them, we recommend that you visit our Deworming and Vermifuges section.