- Before healing dog wounds
- Heal Dog Wounds with Sugar
- Sprinkle sugar directly on the dog's wound.
- Prepare sugar paste to heal wounds in dogs
- What if the dog's wound is infected?
- heal dog wounds with honey
- Home remedy for dog wounds with Aloe Vera
- Home remedy for dog wound with marigold
- Dog with skin sores should go to the vet

when you watch a deep, open or infected woundin dogs, the first thing you should do is go to the vet. However, it may happen that you cannot go at the moment and therefore the use of home remedies as a first aid is necessary. Studies show that natural remedies, such as sugar or honey, promote the healing of wounds in dogs and, for this reason, more and more veterinary specialists use and recommend them to heal skin lesions. For this reason, in this article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain how treat dog wounds with home remedies, the previous steps you should follow and everything you need to know about it.
Before healing dog wounds
Before explaining what the home remedies for dog wounds most effective, you must follow a series of steps to ensure proper healing. For this, the first thing you must do is identify the type of wound, the most common being the following:
- Polite;
- Damaged nails;
- Bites from other dogs;
- Cat scratches;
- Burns.
In either case, you can apply a home remedy for dog wound as first aid or natural treatment, as long as the injuries produced are of a mild or moderate nature. If your puppy has a raw, severely infected or very deep wound, veterinary intervention is necessary. Once cured by the specialist, you can follow the treatment stipulated by the veterinarian with natural remedies.
Once the wound is identified, how to help the pet before the veterinary visit?
- clean the wound perfectly with warm water or saline solution. If there is any kind of foreign body or substance, such as earth or glass, carefully remove them, using sterile forceps if necessary.
- Disinfect with hydrogen peroxide, never with alcohol. To finish removing any debris, you can dampen a gauze with the liquid and apply small gentle touches to the wound.
- Allow the wound to air, watching the animal to prevent it from licking or rubbing.
- Cover the wound with gauze without exerting too much pressure.
- Find a veterinarian depending on the severity of the wound.
To learn more, read our article on dog wounds - first aid.

Heal Dog Wounds with Sugar
Sugar is one of the most used natural products for healing injuries in humans and animals due to its multiple healing properties. According to studies published by experts in veterinary medicine, the most prominent effects of sugar are as follows:
- Promotes expulsion of dead tissue while enabling cell regeneration and the creation of granular tissue (a type of fibrous connective tissue whose function is to fill wounds).
- Helps dry the wounds, absorbing excess moisture. For this reason, it has led many professionals to use this natural remedy to fight ulcers and similar wounds.
- reduce edema or prevents its appearance due, precisely, to the previous point.
- Acts as a powerful bactericide fighting its reproduction in wounds. In addition to having antibacterial properties, sugar is an antiseptic, so it prevents the development of infections or treats them, promoting the elimination of the causative microorganisms.
From all of this, you can see that sugar helps heal wounds in dogs, and it also fights infections and reduces inflammation in the area. Its effectiveness is such that it can even be used to treat more serious or deeper lesions (such as the aforementioned ulcers), as long as the veterinarian has previously approved its use. In this way, sugar acts on open wounds, deep wounds and lighter wounds, but how should it be applied? Below we detail the most used methods.
Sprinkle sugar directly on the dog's wound.
If the dog's wound is superficial, shallow or light, like first aid, you can sprinkle directly granulated or powdered sugar. To do this, follow these simple steps:
- Disinfect the wound;
- Cover the wound completely with sugar;
- Once the sugar layer is applied, cover the wound without removing the sugar with gauze and bandage, exerting light pressure to ensure the home remedy takes effect;
- Leave the medicine for a few hours, not to exceed 12 hours;
- To change the dressing, clean the wound again, disinfect and repeat these steps.
In cases of very serious injuries, you should go to the vet. And if you can't go at that time for any reason, you should apply any of the dog wound home remedies after you've disinfected the wound very well and visit the specialist as soon as possible.
Prepare sugar paste to heal wounds in dogs
Although nowadays it is possible to easily find healing pastes or healing ointments for dogs, it may be better to opt for the homemade, chemical-free and completely natural version. Sugar paste is suitable for all types of dog wounds, however, it is important to remember that in very severe cases you should go to the vet. The steps you should follow are:
- heat up 100 ml of water;
- When it reaches the first boil, remove from heat;
- add 250 grams of sugar and mix to dissolve it;
- Allow to cool and apply to the wound after cleaning and disinfecting it;
- Bandage the wound with the medicine and change the bandage after 10-12 hours.
If you have excess sugar paste, you can keep it in a bottle with an airtight seal. We do not recommend that you keep this solution for more than a day, it is more appropriate to prepare it again each time you intend to use it.
What if the dog's wound is infected?
Depending on the type and degree of infection, you you can also use sugar to treat it, due to the properties already mentioned. However, if there is necrotic (dead) tissue, you must remove it. This process can be done manually, however, taking into account that it can be very painful for the animal, we recommend that it be done by a specialist. And if there is no necrotic tissue, the first thing you should do is clean the wound thoroughly and disinfect it. Then apply one of the two dog wound home remedies mentioned above, bandage the wound and let it work for hours. Change the bandage and sugar following the specialist's instructions, as the time between cleanings may vary depending on the type of injury.
To know how to prevent the dog from scratching the wound, read this article by PeritoAnimal.

heal dog wounds with honey
As with sugar, honey is one of the excellent home remedies for dog wounds, it is very powerful and has been used for centuries. Because of antibacterial, calming and antiseptic properties, and its ability to stimulate the regeneration of granular tissue and epithelium, promotes healing and accelerates the process without resorting to commercial ointments. Of course, to get the desired effects, it's essential to go to the vet to consider whether it's necessary to use pain-relieving medications, for example.
Honey can be used to heal more or less light dog wounds, infected wounds, burns, ulcers and deeper injuries, as long as they are not too big. In case there is necrotic tissue, it is essential to visit the specialist to proceed with its removal and indicate the directions for applying the honey to heal the wound. To use honey as a healing agent, you must follow these steps:
- Clean and disinfect the wound well;
- Apply a layer of pure bee honey. It is very important to use a quality honey to ensure good results. In this sense, although there are many types of honey, studies show that manuka honey is one of the most recommended for its powerful antimicrobial properties;
- Cover the wound with gauze and bandage, exerting light pressure for the medicine to work.Leave during the hours stipulated by the veterinarian;
- Change the bandage, removing it carefully, letting the wound air a little and repeat all the steps.
Depending on the type of wound, the bandage can be changed once a day or every two hours. Likewise, depending on the severity, healing dog wounds with honey can take effect in days or weeks.
Home remedy for dog wounds with Aloe Vera
Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is one of the most used plants in medicine for the creation of medicines and natural remedies for therapeutic purposes. Due to its many health properties, its popularity has spread all over the world, even to the animal world, and has become one of the best remedies for healing dog wounds. Its healing ability comes from one of its main ingredients, acemanann, a mucopolysaccharide with potent anti-inflammatory properties, calming and stimulating cell proliferation, which favors the regeneration of damaged tissue and accelerates wound healing.
To apply this home remedy for dog wound, just follow these steps:
- Cut a leaf from the plant, keeping in mind that the ones closest to the ground are the oldest and, therefore, the ones that have the most properties;
- Make a longitudinal cut to open the blade and extract the pulp;
- If the pulp is too thick, mix it with a little water;
- Clean and disinfect the wound;
- Apply aloe vera gel covering the wound completely;
- Put a clean gauze and bandage to make the ointment work;
- Change the dressing following the specialist's instructions and allow the wound to breathe before repeating all the steps.
In addition to helping to heal wounds in dogs, aloe vera soothes itching and relieves pain, in addition to preventing possible infections. On the other hand, this wonderful plant also has antifungal properties, so it is perfect for healing wounds caused by fungus.
If your dog has canine dermatitis, see options for home remedies with aloe vera in this PeritoAnimal article.
Home remedy for dog wound with marigold
The marigold or daisy is another of the most sought after plants in alternative medicine, especially for wound healing and all types of skin lesions, due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, calming, analgesic and healing action. In order to use this plant and heal wounds in dogs, open wounds or other injuries, it is necessary to prepare the calendula oil. To do this, follow these steps:
- Pick a handful of marigold flowers and clean them well;
- Place them in a sterilized bottle and cover completely with extra-virgin oil;
- Close the bottle, let the oil soak in a dark, moisture-free place for 40 days;
- After time, strain the oil.
Since you probably won't have 40 days to treat the dog's wound, you'll have no choice but to purchase the oil already prepared, always making sure you get a natural one. Once obtained, prepare a simple cream that you will use to cover the wound, moisturize it and stimulate tissue regeneration. to do this healing ointment for dogs, follow these guidelines:
- Heat the calendula oil in a bain-marie;
- Add 5 grams of beeswax and mix until dissolved;
- Transfer the solution to a tightly closed bottle;
- Allow to cool completely before covering the bottle.
Now that you have the calendula cream ready, it is very simple to clean and disinfect the wound or lesion. Apply a layer of cream, cover the wound and bandage it. Bandage changes should be done following the veterinarian's instructions. Never leave the medicine for more than 12 hours, unless the specialist indicates otherwise. Store the cream in a moisture-free place for a maximum of one week.

Dog with skin sores should go to the vet
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, you should consult a veterinarian whenever the dog presents very deep, raw, infected wounds or a large amount of dead tissue, such as those caused by third- and fourth-degree burns. For the latter case, it is necessary to perform a debridement, a process of removing dead tissue performed by a specialist. If you do this task yourself, you risk making the wound worse and harming the animal even more.
This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.
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