Home Remedies for Gingivitis in Cats

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 23 February 2025
[GINGIVITIS IN CATS] & How to treat it
Video: [GINGIVITIS IN CATS] & How to treat it


Gingivitis in cats is a problem that occurs relatively frequently. This disease causes symptoms that negatively affect quality of life, although there are more or less severe cases, and it is a cause for concern for caregivers. It is always necessary to go to the vet, as the treatment can be as invasive as extracting all the teeth.

In some cases, you can combine veterinary assistance with natural remedies that help relieve symptoms and promote the animal's recovery. In this PeritoAnimal article, we'll focus on that and, thus, we'll show the Home Remedies for Gingivitis in Cats most recommended.

Gingivitis in cats

Gingivitis in cats is literally the gum inflammation. It is in the gums that the teeth are inserted, being perfectly surrounded by them, with no space between the two. When the gums are inflamed, holes open up in which food and bacteria accumulate and eventually infect them, which can lead to loosening of the teeth.

Symptoms of Gingivitis in Cats

In addition, cats can suffer from a virus called calicivirus that, among other symptoms, damages the mouth and causes gingivitis. However, there are many other causes of gingivitis, such as systemic diseases, autoimmune diseases, tumors, etc. Gingivitis usually spreads and becomes a gingivostomatitis, which tends to become chronic and is characterized by inflammation throughout the mouth. This is why it is necessary to visit the veterinarian if you notice any of these on your cat. symptoms:

  • Hypersalivation;
  • Pain, the cat does not tolerate manipulation;
  • Lack of appetite or difficulty eating, precisely because of pain. If the situation drags on, the cat becomes thinner and may even become dehydrated if unable to drink;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • Bad breath;
  • Inflamed and reddened gums. They bleed easily;
  • Very thick pus or saliva emission;
  • They rub their mouths with their paws or against objects;
  • Dirty coat, because the cat cannot clean itself;
  • Depression.

Treatment for Oral Infection in Cats

In cases of severe gingivitis or gingivostomatitis, there may be a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics. At other times, supportive measures should be taken to keep the cat nourished and hydrated. Analgesics are also prescribed to control severe pain. Sometimes, interferon is also used, when it is a case of virus, or corticosteroids, if an autoimmune process is suspected. If after treatment the cat does not improve, a drastic measure is used, which is the extraction of the dental parts, at least the affected ones, preserving, if possible, the prey. Of course, it is important to remember that antibiotics and pain relievers for cats with oral infections should be prescribed by the specialist, so you should never self-medicate an animal.

As long as there is inflammation, you can use some Home Remedies for Gingivitis in Cats, in an attempt to improve their quality of life.

cat mouth cleaning

Before starting to use any home remedy for gingivitis in cats, the veterinarian should perform a thorough mouth evaluation, tooth by tooth. It is very likely that the cat will be sedated, as the pain, added to the stress of transport to the clinic, will prevent manipulation of the area. In consultation, the veterinarian can take radiographs of the oral cavity, collect samples and deep clean the mouth with ultrasound, before you continue treatment at home.

Tooth brushing, the main remedy for gingivitis in cats

Let's start the review of home remedies for gingivitis in cats with a basic hygienic measure like teeth cleaning. To do it, you need to use a cat-specific toothbrush as well as a toothpaste. The problem is that it is difficult for a cat to allow this type of manipulation unless he is used to it. That's why you should assess the level of stress this puts on the cat. Stress affects your immune system, and that's why it should be taken into account. brushing must be done daily to control plaque buildup.

This brushing is useful not only to fight a possible oral infection in cats, but also to prevent its recurrence if introduced as part of your routine. For this reason, it is essential to manipulate the cat's teeth, paws, etc., from day one, to ensure that you are able to perform this type of hygienic practice that is so beneficial to him.

Chlorhexidine for gingivitis in cats

Another home remedy for gingivitis in cats is mouth disinfection. This is done with 2% chlorhexidine or with chlorhexidine in bioadhesive gel. You can wet a gauze with the product and, using your fingers, rub the cat's gums and teeth very gently. As with brushing, it can be difficult to get the cat to accept this manipulation. So it is necessary to assess when to do it and how often the cat will tolerate it.

Diet and food for cats with gingivitis

At home, you can also decide what your cat's food will be. The truth is that the dry feed is recommended, on the assumption that friction helps keep teeth clean. But it's hard for a cat with a bad mouth to eat feed easily. Moist foods are more easily swallowed, but because of their consistency, they stick more easily to teeth.

For the above reasons, you can explore the possibility of offering homemade food, always following the veterinarian's recommendations so that the menu is balanced. There are foods, like apples, which favor dental hygiene, but not all cats like it. Anyway, within the home remedies for gingivitis in cats, food is the easiest to implement. Other good foods to treat gingivitis in cats naturally are as follows:

  • raw carrot, as chewing it helps fight plaque, although it is likely that in cases of severe pain, the cat will reject it.
  • fatty fish due to its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, which act as natural anti-inflammatories.
  • strawberries, for its richness in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber. All these substances, along with omega 3, represent the most recommended nutrients to relieve the symptoms of oral diseases such as gingivitis. Therefore, including rich foods in them is more than recommended.
  • watermelon and melon, also for its richness in vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Foods rich in calcium, such as plain yogurt (without sugar) and kefir.

In addition, there are goodies designed for oral care that you can use, and rope-like toys that have an effect similar to flossing.

Home Remedy for Gingivitis in Cats: Avoid Stress

Finally, given the importance of the immune system, you can also focus on avoiding stress as part of your home remedies for gingivitis in cats. This is not a good time to introduce changes in the cat's routine, since they are animals very sensitive to changes in the environment and can be immediately stressed by this. Quality food, a quiet place to rest, clean water at your disposal, warmth and care are the foundations for contributing to a strong immune system.

Promoting a relaxed environment should be part of the treatment against gingivitis in cats, and for that you can use synthetic pheromones in the space most visited by the feline. These pheromones are marketed in the form of automatic diffusers or sprays. Likewise, you must prevent other animals or people from disturbing your tranquility.

The video below explains some of the main causes of stress in cats so you can avoid them:

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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