Why does the dog lift its front paw?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 22 February 2025
Why Do Dogs Lift Their FRONT PAW?
Video: Why Do Dogs Lift Their FRONT PAW?


dogs have a very varied body language that sometimes is not properly understood by their tutors. However, the key to a harmonious coexistence between people and dogs depends largely on the correct interpretation of gestures and dog language.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain why does the dog lift its front paw, showing up to 8 different situations in which you can observe this behavior. Each of these will be accompanied by other signs that will more accurately indicate what your dog is trying to say. Keep reading!

Dogs Body Language

Just like humans, dogs demonstrate signals, vocalizations and own postures that serve to express your desires and moods, as well as communicate with your peers and with other species, what is known as "calm signals". In this sense, people often misinterpret the gestures and reactions of your pets, especially when comparing them to human standards, as is the case, for example, when you attribute feelings of guilt to the dog or humanize it.

This not only creates a misrepresentation of what the dog is really trying to express, but it also prevents human companions from understanding what they want, which in the long run creates problems at home and can lead to stressed and aggressive dogs when their basic needs are not met.

If you don't understand many of the things your dog does, you may not have stopped to analyze his behavior or understand the language he uses to address you. Among these gestures, one of the most curious occurs when dogs raise their front paw. Want to know what this means? Here are all the possibilities:

1. A common behavior in some races

Some breeds stand out for their incredible ability with paws, like the Boxer, to whom many attribute its name precisely to the innate ability to use both front paws in various situations, in a way that is much more notorious than other dog breeds. Another example is the English pointer, which owes its name to the posture it adopts when sniffing its prey, raising its front paw. [1]

2. The hunting sequence

When a dog lifts its front paw during a walk, the meaning is clear: your dog is performing the hunting sequence. It is very common to see it precisely in hunting dogs, like beagles, arms and podencos, however, virtually any dog ​​can perform it.

The hunting sequence has several phases: tracking, chasing, chasing, capturing and killing, however, that's when the dog smell the prey that he raises his paw. Some signs that accompany this very characteristic posture are the extended tail and the raised muzzle. It can also do this when it's sniffing a trail in the environment.

3. Curiosity for some smell

Likewise, it is not necessary to be in the middle of nature for the dog to raise its front paw, it is enough for it to find a special smell or trace in the city so he can perform this instinctive behavior. Maybe he's looking for a piece of pizza or trying to follow the urine of a bitch in heat. In this particular case, the dog can also lick the other dog's urine to get more information about him or her.

3. Invitation to play

sometimes we can see the dog lift the front paw and, right after, pose as an invitation to play, extending the two front legs, together with the head down and the half tail raised.

If your dog adopts this position, you should know that it's called a "play bow" and is inviting you to have fun together. He can also dedicate it to other dogs.

Lifting the front paw as a synonym for play can also be combined with a slight tilt of the head, with which the dog wants to communicate that he is curious about you. His favorite toy might even be nearby, or you might be holding the object in your hand, so the dog will put a paw on you to indicate he wants to play with him.

5. Fear, submission or discomfort

Sometimes when two dogs interact and one of them is especially fearful or submissive, the most fearful can lie down and raise the paw as a sign of calm to end the game or to indicate that you are not comfortable. This usually occurs when the other dog is particularly active, rough and even aggressive.

6. Punishment

Another situation that causes the dog to lie down and raise its front paw is when he was or is being reprimanded. It is important to emphasize that this is not a position of submission, as it happens in the relationship between dogs, since the dominance in dogs is intraspecific, that is, it only occurs with members of the same species.

In these cases, in addition to showing the belly and lifting one or both paws, the dog will show its ears back, its tail down and may even remain immobile. In this case, the dog is indicating that is afraid and wants us to stop berating him.

7. Request for Affection for Learning

When the dog raises its front paw to put it on your hand or knee while looking at you, it means he wants your attention or affection. This connotation of wanting to be petted can also be accompanied by other signs, such as rubbing their muzzle against you and even taking small, gentle nibbles on your hand. There are also dogs that, once they have been petted, repeat the gesture of putting a paw over their human tutor's hand to indicate they want the pampering to continue.

Why does the dog lift its front paw to repeat the pet? Usually this is due to learning, as the dog learns that when performing this behavior, humans pay attention to it, in addition, we usually reinforce this gesture with caresses and affection, so the dog continues to show it.

8. Dog training and skills

If you've taught your dog to paw, it's likely that he will perform this command regularly when you practice obedience and canine skill with him or when he simply seek a reward for it. It is important that we only reinforce the dog when we ask him to order, not when he wants to, because that is the only way we can achieve good canine obedience.

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