
Cat sleeps in the litter box - causes and solutions

Our dome tic cat are protagoni t in countle ituation that make u laugh a lot. The peculiar behavior of cat leave no one indifferent. From the ob e ion with cardboard boxe , to the udden urge to play a...

Shih Tzu

O hih Tzu he i one of the mo t ociable and playful companion dog . Thi , added to it beautiful fur and weet appearance, explain why it i one of the favorite breed of the moment. The e type of puppie a...

Dog obesity: how to treat

Obe ity i , in the ca e of human , an evident concern around the world, not only in term of phy ical health, but al o a concern in term of ae thetic .Intere tingly, many dog ​​handler do not con ider ...

Persian cat hair care

O Per ian cat It i characterized by it long and den e fur, in addition to it face with feature o characteri tic of thi luxury feline breed. But thi type of fur need pecific care that other cat breed d...

How to get rid of ticks in the yard

When it come to removing tick from your home, you hould al o con ider the tep you need to take to get them out of your garden. Otherwi e, the problem will quickly return. Tick tend to live in dark, da...

Dog with swollen and squishy chat: what can it be?

All animal tutor like to care pet , take care of their fur and appearance. Unfortunately, ometime during thi grooming routine it i po ible to find omething different in the dog' body. The appearan...

Toucan Types

Toucan or Ranfa tid (family Rampha tidae) belong to the order Piciforme , uch a the beard-bearded and the woodpecker. Toucan are arboreal and live in the fore t of America, from Mexico to Argentina. I...

Adaptation of puppies with other puppies

Do you like dog and want to have more than one at home? Thi i omething that ound great in theory, but in practice it i a little more complex than imply adopting another pet to live with you under the ...

Mini Lop Rabbit

within the group of dwarf rabbit , among which are the Mini Dutch and the Lion rabbit, we al o find the Mini Lop rabbit. Thi bunny tand out for it ear , a they are very different from tho e of other b...

What are the best prizes for cats?

If you live with a cat at home, you certainly have in mind to give it, more or le often, a prize, becau e it behave o well, do you know how to do a trick or imply becau e it' adorable and de erve ...

Why is my dog ​​watching me while I sleep?

Have you ever woken up and found your dog looking at you? Many guardian claim that their dog are looking at them while they leep or even when they are awake, but... what i the rea on for thi behavior?...

Canine papillomatosis: what it is and how to treat it

Dermatological problem are very common in the veterinary clinic and are alway a concern for tutor . Canine papillomato i i a dermatological problem that cau e the appearance of generally benign wart o...

Stroke in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

It' important to know that ome di ea e or condition that often affect human can al o affect dog . Mo t of the time, the owner of a pet ignore that hi dog may uffer from certain yndrome or di ea e ...

10 things the dog wants to say

dog are very expre ive animal , with a little ob ervation you can tell if they are happy, ad or nervou . However, for many people it i difficult to under tand them or under tand what happen to them in...

Optimum amount of dog food

In general, we can ay that the ideal amount of dog food will vary depending on age, phy ical activity and food quality. We u ually find detailed information on the product package on the do e that hou...

Blue Tongue Dogs: Breeds and Characteristics

There are over 400 dog breed with multiple feature that allow them to differentiate them elve from each other. ome of them draw attention, for example, dog that have a blue tongue. Do you know the bre...

How to be a good dog owner

Be a re pon ible dog owner it take ome effort and i not a ea y a it ound in ome media. Al o, re pon ibility hould tart before you adopt the puppy, not when you already have it and it' too late. It...

Dog activities

even if the canine port eem activitie dedicated exclu ively to dog , the truth i that they require great involvement on the part of the caregiver. In fact, not only mu t the animal be trained to perfo...

American Bully

O American Bully i a dog of North American origin, it i a mixture between American Pit Bull Terrier and American tafford hire Terrier and al o ha more di tant relative uch a the Engli h Bulldog and th...

How to give liquid medicine to dogs

haring your life with a dog i a big re pon ibility. In fact, if you live with one of them, you mu t have already realized the care they need, in addition, they are u ceptible to uffering from variou ...