Paralysis in dogs: causes and treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Paralysis and Partial Parlysis Paresis in the Dog
Video: Paralysis and Partial Parlysis Paresis in the Dog


Several causes can produce the dog paralysis, which usually starts in the hind legs, although immobility can also be observed in the forelegs. In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will talk about situations and diseases common ones that may be behind canine paralysis. Naturally, if your dog has stopped walking, has weak paws, or cannot move his paws, you should go to the vet as soon as possible. Read on to learn more about paralysis in dogs: causes and treatment.

tick paralysis

ticks are external parasites who feed on the blood they get from dogs when they attach themselves to them. In turn, ticks can also be internally parasitized, so when they come in contact with your dog, they can transmit disease.

But in addition, tick saliva can cause a hypersensitivity reaction and the disease known as tick paralysis, in which the dog suffers from an ascending paralysis that, if it affects breathing, can cause the death. Veterinary treatment is necessary and the prognosis is reserved. In some cases, the cure is obtained by removing the ticks and thus eliminating the neurotoxin present in saliva, which is what is affecting the motor nerves.

Other parasitic organisms such as the neospora, are also capable of causing paralysis in dogs, usually in an ascending way. Initially, you notice the dog with paralysis in the hind legs that follows its evolution until paralyzing the fronts. In addition, other bites can also cause paralysis, such as those of some snakes with neurotoxic poisons that, in addition to the paws, can affect the respiratory capacity and cause death.

It's better to be safe than sorry and you can do this by following the dog deworming plan to avoid ticks, controlling exits to dangerous places and checking it after the rides.

Paralysis in dogs due to trauma

At other times, paralysis in dogs is caused by a hard blow or smack, such as what can be produced by being run over or falling from a great height. This impact damages the spine and spinal cord and, as a result, the nerves responsible for the movement of the legs are affected. Is sudden paralysis in dog, as it is produced immediately after the spinal injury.

Other times, this injury also affects the control of sphincters, with which you may notice that your dog is no longer able to urinate alone or does not control defecation. It is necessary to evaluate each case and carry out a complete study, using veterinarians specialized in traumatology and exams, such as radiography and CT (Computerized Tomography).

Depending on the damage produced, the dog may recover or maintain the paralysis. In this second case, you will need wheelchair and rehabilitation to help with mobility. It is important to prevent him from maintaining the same posture for a long time, so that pressure ulcers do not occur. If the paralysis affects a single leg, amputation may be the treatment of choice.

Paralysis in dogs from poisoning

This paralysis is produced after ingestion of some toxic products that affect the nervous system, such as those that may contain herbicides, insecticides, etc., some of them extremely fast acting. Is emergency which requires immediate veterinary action, because the condition can worsen depending on the product, the amount ingested and the size of the dog, and may even cause death with great speed.

If you identify the poison, you should report it to the veterinarian. In addition to the paralysis, you may notice hypersalivation, vomiting, incoordination, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Treatment depends on the product ingested, but usually involves hospitalizing the dog and administering drugs to control symptoms and, if available, an antidote. Both prognosis and recovery depend on each particular case.

Paralysis in dogs due to distemper

Younger animals, especially those under three months of age, are the most affected by canine distemper, a serious viral disease that includes canine distemper. paralysis between symptoms. This disease occurs at different stages in which respiratory signs appear, such as nasal secretion and coughing, others that affect the digestive system, such as vomiting and diarrhea, or that attack the nervous system, with seizures or myoclonus (rhythmic contractions of muscle groups).

Faced with a suspicion of distemper, you should look for veterinary assistance immediately. The dog will usually need to be hospitalized, undergo fluid therapy, and intravenous administration of medications. The prognosis depends on each case, so it is always advisable to prevent the disease by following the vaccination schedule for dogs.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.