the biggest dogs in the world

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 5 March 2025
Video: THE BIGGEST DOGS In The World


If you like puppies imposing, majestic and flashy, maybe you're looking for nothing less than a breed of giant dog, but know that you'll need a lot of space to make such a big dog happy. Know which are the biggest dogs in the world in this article by PeritoAnimal and what care each of these breeds requires.

The biggest dogs in the world - TOP 20

these are the biggest dogs in the world:

  • Great Dane
  • St Bernard
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Leonberger
  • bullmastiff
  • Tosa Inu
  • New land
  • Czechoslovakian wolf dog
  • Brazilian queue
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Tibetan Mastiff
  • Komondor
  • Scottish lebrel
  • Caucasus Shepherd
  • Irish Lebrel
  • Bernese
  • Boerboel
  • Anatolian Shepherd
  • bully kutta
  • Cane Corso

Keep reading and get to know the characteristics of each one of them.

Great Dane

The Great Dane, also called the Danish dog, is known as the the biggest breed of dog in the world. It measures about 80 centimeters, although the females are a little smaller, but still very big. Its weight reaches 62 kilos and this breed of giant dog has a firm and muscular body. It's a good watchdog. You need lots of space and daily exercise to expend energy.

The dog named Giant George of the Great Dane breed, was considered by Guinness World Records as the largest dog in the world. He weighed 111 kilos, in addition to measuring 110 centimeters. However, an even bigger dog appeared, which today is in first place, above the former record holder. Its name is Zeus and it measures 112.5 centimeters and weighs 70.3 kilos.

Zeus needs special cares and need to have good nutrition. He eats, on average, 10 kilos of food a day. He can also drink water from the sink's tap, it's so high!

St Bernard

St. Bernard is a giant dog breed very famous, known for the movie Beethoven. His face inspires kindness and is one of the favorite puppies for family companionship.

It needs a lot of space and a tutor who understands the needs of this dog because he has a lot of strength and personality. He eats a lot and besides, he tends to drool too much. You will also need daily brushing and hygiene in the eyes and mouth area. They can measure about 80 centimeters and weigh up to 90 kilos.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The oldest Neapolitan Mastiffs were taken from India to Greece at the request of Alexander the Great around 300 BC. Heavy and robust, it is a very loyal dog that does not attack without reason. He is noble and despite being a giant dog, is very kind, a great guard dog. You will need a large dose of food and frequent baths (every 3 or 4 weeks).

In addition, we must count on enough space to exercise and some advanced knowledge of dog training. They measure about 70 centimeters in height, weigh about 60 kilos and eat more than 1.5 kg of food a day.


Of German origin, the Leonberger It has long brown fur. It is a large, muscular dog that can measure up to 80 centimeters and weigh up to 75 kg. He has a calm temperament and an imposing presence.

You'll need a lot of exercise, although it may feel lazy at times, and you'll also need a daily brushing. this breed of giant dog hates loneliness and doesn't like being trapped.


The Bullmastiff is a British giant breed of dog believed to originate from the English Mastiff and the English Bulldog. With an imposing appearance and dark face, it is a very intelligent guard dog. Moderately active and very faithful, obeys family rules.

They measure about 60 - 68 centimeters in height and weigh between 50 and 60 kg. Have obesity tendency, so we must be careful with your food. Your hygiene is simple to take care of, one bath a month and brushing every two or three days will suffice.

Tosa Inu

Also known as Tosa Ken, they can weigh up to 100 kilos and measure at least 60 centimeters in height. Though it's hard to imagine, he's reserved and quiet. Even so, he is a faithful dog that overlooks the antics of minors and adapts to play with other puppies, if he has been well educated.

Need a tutor who knows train him because, without that, he can show aggressive attitudes towards other dogs.

New land

Terranova is on the list of biggest dogs in the world. Of Canadian origin, these dogs are easy to train. They weigh a maximum of 70 kilos and their height is usually between 60 and 80 centimeters. They are considered lifeguards, as they have innate swimming skills, as well as being loyal and engaging.

This dog hates solitude and staying in small places, so his guardian should take him for walks often. Incorrect education and lack of socialization can result in a destructive and dominant temperament.

Czechoslovakian wolf dog

The name itself indicates the origin of the Cão Lobo, it is a hybrid that preserves the mentality of the pack of wolves and the training capacity of the German Shepherd. They measure 65 centimeters in height and their weight is usually 25 kg. have strong hunting impulses and they need an experienced tutor who understands their behavior and attitude.

They tend to bite objects regularly, so your tutor will need to have one or two different bites to regulate their need. They also need daily hair care.

Brazilian queue

The Fila Brasileiro is a mix between Mastiff and Dogo, a dog with a good smell is force amazing. At the time of slavery, it was used to chase fleeing slaves.

The weight is above 55 kilos and the size reaches 70 centimeters. You will need the care of a leader, and you should also pay attention to contact with strangers, as they can develop aggressiveness if they feel threatened.

Dogue de Bordeaux

Of French origin, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a dog very attached to his family and usually shows a lot of affection. That giant dog it is 65 centimeters tall and weighs 65 kilos. Incredibly, his temperament is calm and protective of children, the best friend you can have.

In order not to suffer from heart murmurs and skin problems, it is necessary to maintain regular hygiene and regular deworming. You need a lot of exercise to develop your muscles.

Tibetan Mastiff

A watchdog and defender of Chinese origin, the Tibetan Mastiff (or Tibetan Mastiff) has a bark identical to that of a lion. Used by the Assyrians as a war dog, it was spread throughout the Mediterranean with the conquests of the Romans. Incorruptible, fierce and fearsome to strangers, the Tibetan Mastiff measures up to 80 centimeters and weighs about 70 kilos.

Although he is a loyal dog and good with children, we must have Caution with people the dog might consider strange for their protective attitude in the presence of strangers.


O Komondor is a guard dog from Hungary. It has a unique appearance since its fur falls out forming a kind of dreadlocks. Independent and stable, this dog measures approximately 75 centimeters and weighs up to 60 kg.

They are territorial and great protectors of the herd. They may react badly to provocation. O dog training is mandatory for all those who want to take care of this giant breed of dog, although we must know that they can take time to learn commands. Hip dysplasia is a typical disease in this breed, which also needs regular foot and fur care.

Scottish lebrel

The Scottish Lébrel, or Deerhound, is among the biggest dogs in the world. This dog has the characteristics of greyhounds, so they have long, slender legs and a long tail. Formerly they helped men in hunting.

They weigh up to 50 kg and their height reaches 80 cm. Scottish Lébrel puppies are playful, they love walks if they can run in a spacious place. They also run after anything that catches their attention.

Caucasus Shepherd

O Shepherd of the Caucasus can compete with anyone else when it comes to biggest breed of dog. It originates from Asia and can be found generally in Russia, Armenia and the North Caucasus, hence its name.

Puppies of this breed can measure up to 70 cm in height and can weigh up to 100 kg. Your fur is very reminiscent of wolves and, like them, dogs of the Caucasus Shepherd breed are very strong and have a lot of energy. They have a calm temperament and love to have a good time.

Irish Lebrel

O Irish Lebrel is from the Scots family, but originates in Ireland. It is a very old race that helped men hunting and offering security to their tutor. They are giant dogs, since they can measure up to 86 centimeters. They weigh about 55 kg and, despite their impressive size, do not have a difficult temperament, on the contrary, they are great companions for your family.


Also called Berne cattleman, this dog comes from Switzerland. He is characterized by having a tricolor fur and being one of the biggest dogs in the world. They measure about 70 cm, weighing up to 54 kg. They are extremely docile and calm animals, and come to surprise for their obedience.

The Bernese follow the discipline imposed by the tutor without any major difficulties. They love to be in contact with people and this facilitates their learning. They are usually quite intelligent and have ample ability to adapt to different locations.


Originating in South Africa, the giant dogs of the Boerboel breed were bred as guard dogs. Always faithful to their tutor, they are quite heavy, weighing up to 100 kg, in addition to being 70 centimeters tall.

Boerboel can be black, mottled, cream, brown or red. They are known for their obedience and wit, as well as showing affection to everyone in the family.

Anatolian Shepherd

Puppies of this breed come from Anatolia, Turkey, and can be considered giant dogs due to its significant size. They measure up to 80 centimeters in addition to weighing 68 kg. The Anatolian Shepherd has the ability to travel long distances with great speed.

They adapt to different temperatures and have a robust body, with muscles and a lot of resistance. They love to ride in big places and show a lot of affection to their tutors.

bully kutta

Being known as Pakistani Mastiff, this giant dog originates in Pakistan. It can have different colors like white, brown or black. He is a very heavy dog ​​and can weigh up to 100 kg.

Its height is also considerable, about three feet. Their temperament can be aggressive towards other dogs and strangers, as they are very territorialists. These puppies can be unpredictable so it is necessary to make a correct socialization from puppies.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is one of the largest dogs in the world, being of Italian origin. They are considered guardians of their guardians, are strong, muscular and weigh different from other large races like him. They can weigh between 40 to 50 kg and measure 70 centimeters in adulthood.

If well trained, the dog of this breed can become very obedient, since his temper is calm. He just needs some guidance for a good relationship with the family.

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