- What duck eats: wild animals
- what the domestic duck eats
- Cereals, vegetables and seeds for ducks
- Fruits, vegetables and vegetables for ducks
- Duck insects and other animal foods
- duck feed
- Advice for duck feeding
- What do duck cubs eat?
- Is it bad to give bread to ducks?
- Prohibited food for ducks

We call several species of duck belonging to the Anatidae family. They are omnivorous animals, with a flat beak, short neck and rounded body. They have thin and strong fingers in their webbed paws, which means they are completely flat. The wings of ducks are not very long and remain mostly tucked in, giving these animals an elegant appearance.
Although, what does duck eat? In this article by PeritoAnimal we will make a general review about the duck feeding, to let you know what their diet consists of and what these popular birds can eat. Good reading!
What duck eats: wild animals
We started talking about the wild ducks feeding. We must know that when ducks are in the wild they live and develop in small canals of rivers, lakes or swamps, that is why they tend to feed on everything that is within their reach to satisfy their needs.
In this sense, a wild duck's diet is composed of plants, insects, seeds, algae or fish that it picks up from the habitat when it travels over the surface of the waters. As a curiosity, we can mention that, sometimes, ducks ingest sand that is found on the banks or at the bottom of rivers and small stones that help them to grind their food and digest it better.

what the domestic duck eats
When we talk about the ownership of this bird as a companion animal, we must know that the feed of domestic ducks it should be as balanced and nutritious as possible. We must take into account that they are omnivorous animals, so the range of food options we can offer them is broader than in other species. We'll look at a complete list below so you'll know exactly what duck eats when tamed.
Cereals, vegetables and seeds for ducks
Cereals are an important part of the ducks' diet, and are present in most commercial feeds. But if we decided to bet on balanced food formulas for ducks at home we can use the following options:
- Oat
- Rice
- Corn
- Wheat
- Pod
- Bean
- Millet
- Sunflower
Fruits, vegetables and vegetables for ducks
Fresh, natural foods are a source of vitamins, which is why they should never be lacking in our duck's diet. We can offer the following vegetables for ducks:
- Beet
- Pea
- Corn
- Cabbage
- Alfalfa
- Lettuce
- young leaves
- Carrot
- Cauliflower
- Bell pepper
- Cucumber
In a much more moderate way, due to their sugar content, we can also include in the list of what duck eats the following duck fruit:
- Apple
- Pear
- Banana
- Melon
- watermelon
- Grape
- Pineapple
- peaches
We advise you to clean the fruit and vegetables well before offering them, as well as chopping them in small portions for a better feeding of the duck.

Duck insects and other animal foods
Remember that in the wild, ducks also feed on other animals, such as insects. Some examples of insects, crustaceans and others Edible animals for ducks can be earthworms, crickets, snails, scale insects or slugs. We can also provide your protein dose through fish, always removing the pimples and offering them in small portions.
Another indispensable animal food is eggshell, which provides protein and calcium. We can mash it and include it in your diet along with other foods. Another option that can help with the intake of calcium and animal protein is natural yogurt without sugar.
duck feed
To finish talking about commercial rations "for ornamental ducks", which is what those ducks considered domestic animals are called. We must differentiate these animals from those destined for farm animals, as these farm animals are destined for the fattening process.
We must check the composition of the ration to ensure it is a quality product. It should include some of the foods mentioned above, be properly balanced and rich in vitamins. We will offer the duck to quantity that indicates the manufacturer on the package, according to the animal's weight and other factors. If we are in doubt, we can always consult with a specialized veterinarian.
Advice for duck feeding
It is essential to highlight that the feeding of the domestic duck should not be based only on the ration, for we must also include fruits and vegetables, unprocessed cereals, and live food or fish. You must also include the duck sand, fundamental for them to grind their food.
Even so, don't forget that the duck must always have a container of fresh, clean water. We recommend renewing it at least once or twice a day.
You might be interested to know more about the duck as a pet.
What do duck cubs eat?
If you take care of a family of ducks and the eggs of these little birds have just hatched, it is very important to pay attention to what baby duck eats, as it will depend on the correct development of the ducklings.
In the first days after birth, you need to feed them with water-soaked ration, so that they can ingest it more easily. And this ration must be specific for developing ducks. As they grow, you can start to introduce into your feed some foods that will be present in their adult phase, such as peas, earthworms, corn, cooked vegetables or crickets, among others.
The ideal is to provide them with a diet that is as varied, natural and complete as possible.
Is it bad to give bread to ducks?
Yes, it's bad to give bread to the ducks. In most cities, whether in rivers, parks or zoos, it is common to find these animals living peacefully with humans. Unfortunately, it is also common to see people feeding them bread, cookies or other types of food. Maybe you've already done it yourself. If that's the case, don't do it! Although ducks like to eat it, offering them bread is not a good idea as it is a very harmful food for them.
bread is a food high in carbohydrates. Excessive ingestion of them causes a condition known as "angel wings", a condition in which the last row of feathers bends laterally, causing the animal to have great difficulties to take flight.
If you're in a park or zoo and want to feed the ducks, there are other options that won't harm your health. You can choose, for example, to give food that some zoos sell and that are suitable for the consumption of ducks. You can also offer them pieces of fish, fruit or vegetables.
In all these cases it is important to ensure that the pieces are not excessively large. Also, don't forget that it's better to let the ducks be fed by the caretakers rather than feeding them on their own.

Prohibited food for ducks
As you've already seen, it's bad to give bread to ducks because of the excess carbohydrates and, therefore, it's considered one of the forbidden foods for ducks. Here is a list of foods that should be avoided and never offered to these birds:
- Bread
- cakes
- Potato
- Sweet potato
- Popcorn
- Chocolate
- Soda
- Alcoholic beverage
- Candy
- Spinach
- Avocado
- Onion
- Garlic
- Nuts
- Lemon
- Orange
- Grapefruit
- Persian lime
Now that you know what the duck eats and that, yes, it's bad to give the ducks bread, among other foods, you can help us. Would you put any more food on the lists in this article? If so, leave it in the comments and we'll add it! You can also continue to find out much more about these animals in this other PeritoAnimal article about the types of ducks.