- Why do dogs growl?
- the dog growls playing
- the dog growls when it eats
- the dog growls when it has something in its mouth
- the dog growls when petted
- the dog growls at other dogs
- - Notice
- - Threat
- How can we work growling with other dogs?
- The dog growls at babies or children

Dogs have a small verbal communication language compared to humans, however, growling is a very useful system that allows them to to imply that they don't like something.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will help you identify what problem affects your puppy and we will give you some basic advice so that you can regain his trust. Remember that it is very important not to scold him, as this will eliminate his natural communication system and you will be able to bite without warning.
find it out what to do when the dog growls whether during play, in the presence of babies and children, when stroking him or when he has a toy in his mouth.
Why do dogs growl?
Dogs growl at each other and growl at us to express something they dislike. A tug on the tail, aggressive behavior or excessive punishment can make a dog growl at us, it's his way of saying: Enough!
When a dog growls it is very important not to touch him (as it could bite us) or punish him. Reprimanding him when he growls may cause him to bite directly instead of warning us. For this reason it will be essential to identify the causes that caused this growl and address the root problem.
You should know that it is very important to work these types of problems with a professional such as a dog educator. If our dog has a behavior for a long time and if get used to repeating it, the modification of acquired habits will be much more complicated, so you should start as soon as possible.
Below, we offer you some tips and tricks so that you know how to get to work while waiting for the professional to visit, something essential. In addition, you should always bear in mind the following:
- Don't punish him.
- Only use positive reinforcement.
- Don't touch him when he's growling.
- Don't scold him if you growl.
- Watch your behavior.
- Identify the context.
the dog growls playing
In this situation the dog growls as part of the joke when biting a toy or trying to nibble our fingers. This growl is befitting of a playtime. To affirm that the animal is playing, we must observe a positive behavior and patient in it, never aggressive, fearful, or reactive. If our dog makes light growls without hurting us and with a playful attitude it means that our dog understands that he is playing with us.
This can also happen when your dog gets along with other dogs, growling and biting. without getting hurt. This behavior is appropriate and in the nature of dogs.

the dog growls when it eats
If your dog growls when, when approaching, there is food in the middle, the animal has a problem with resource protection. Through the growl it will be warning us not to get close to the food, otherwise it may bite. The dog keeps its food as a basic survival instinct.
Resource protection is when a dog tries to protect and show that a particular object is its own. We usually talk about food, toys or your bed, it depends on the situation. If your dog is resource-protected with food he will have to work daily with him and the food. For starters it's very important don't scold him. you should allow your puppy to growl when you feel it is necessary, it is your natural form of communication.
Pick up some tasty food that you know he likes and start offering it directly from your hand with open palm. By having this behavior, the dog understands that we are the ones who provide it with the food. Repeat this behavior on a regular basis, practicing obedience and offering him lots of treats whenever he does it well.
Another trick will be to use the searching, which consists of spreading treats on the ground (preferably in a clean place, not in the city) so that the dog can look for it and develop its sense of smell. It is another type of way to receive food directly from us, this type of activity calms and benefits the dog. It is also recommended for dogs that bite their hand when receiving awards.
The next step is to use different food containers (use plastic ones, but cheap ones) and place them all over each. Give him food every day in a different place and it is very important that the dog see him put the food in the container. Before emptying the contents into the container, you can give him a few grains of feed from your hand. You should continue to work on this problem with a professional.

the dog growls when it has something in its mouth
If your dog is one of those who won't let go of the toy in any case and start growling if he tries to take it off, he's facing the resource protection. Do not try to take the toy away from him as this is a clear warning not to get close, it may bite him.
You should start working with him to "loose or wide" order to drop the toy to allow you to retrieve it. Follow these simple steps to achieve this:
- Use your favorite toy: a ball or a chew toy.
- Allow it to play with it for a while without trying to take it off.
- Use tasty treats, it should be something you know you really like.
- Approach him and say "let it go" while allowing him to reach for the food with a clenched fist.
- When you let go of the toy, congratulate him and give him the prize you have hidden in your hand.
At this point a problem arises: the dog may not allow us to retrieve the toy and pick it up. It doesn't matter, you shouldn't force it. Congratulate him every time he releases the toy and allow him to retrieve it without a problem, that way he'll understand that he's not trying to steal it.
After working the "loose or loose" order for a while (as long as it takes the dog), your dog will allow you to pick up the toy and will know you are not trying to take it away.Then you must give it back to him to continue to trust you and that you will always return your toy. At congratulations and words of praise can not miss.
Trust, constancy, and positive reinforcement are the keys to solving resource protection. Properly interpreting the dog's communication and being patient in its education will be essential. In addition, it is recommended to call a professional to help you in this process, especially if it seems to get complicated.

the dog growls when petted
Before stating that growls as a behavior problem, it is important that discard any disease, which is usually the most likely cause of growling on physical contact. Hip dysplasia or a skin problem can cause the dog to growl.
If the vet certifies that you have no physical problem, you should think about what you did to make your dog growl: Are you afraid of you? Do you use physical punishment with him?
Don't try to touch him if he doesn't want to. You must earn the puppy's trust by practicing obedience, using positive reinforcement, offering snacks and verbally rewarding your pet whenever you can. It's preferable that you don't get close to him and that confidence is gradually gained, than forcing him and with pressure you won't achieve anything.

the dog growls at other dogs
We must differentiate very well the types of growls that occur between dogs:
- Notice
During a game two dogs can growl as a way of natural communication to warn about limits: "calm down", "hurt me" or "be careful" may be some of the meanings of the growl. They are totally normal and appropriate, dogs communicate like that.
- Threat
However, if during the walk your dog growls and barks at other puppies in an aggressive and defiant way, it is probably facing a problem of reactivity, whether out of fear or other causes. It is important to avoid situations that cause you serious stress and we should start to educate you in quiet situations to stop doing so.
How can we work growling with other dogs?
It is important to understand that these types of rules must be set by a professional. A dog that is afraid of other dogs will need therapy, while those who have not been socialized will need another type of work. On the internet you will find many different advices and techniques, what they will not explain to you is that not all of them are valid for all cases.
Only a professional will be able to guide you and give useful advice for your puppy. Don't believe you haven't seen your dog. However, there are factors that can help you improve this problem:
- Avoid ride errors
- Walk the dog during the quieter hours
- don't put it under pressure
- don't punish him
- use positive reinforcement
- practice obedience

The dog growls at babies or children
Although I don't believe it, many dogs tend to growl at babies and children as a result of a negative experience in the past (tail pulling, ear pulling...). It is very important that you adopt the pertinent security measures to avoid a possible accident, always wear a muzzle and collar in the presence of children.
Also, in our article you can find out how to get your puppy used to the muzzle. If you don't, your dog will understand this as a punishment and the reactions can be worse.
In general we are talking about fear. These types of cases should be treated with an experienced professional as is the case with ethologists. Look for a professional in your area who can help you treat this problem before it gets worse.