wild animal names

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
WILD ANIMALS | Learn Wild Animals Sounds and Names For Children, Kids And Toddlers
Video: WILD ANIMALS | Learn Wild Animals Sounds and Names For Children, Kids And Toddlers


The Planeta Vivo 2020 report, released in September this year by the NGO World Wildlife Fund (WWF), points out that the world's biodiversity has suffered great losses: the wildlife populations have fallen 68% on average. WWF monitored individuals from around 4,400 species, including fish, reptiles, mammals, birds and amphibians between 1970 and 2016.

Also according to the NGO, the most affected areas in the world are Latin America and the Caribbean, which saw their wild animal populations decrease 94% in just over 40 years old, whether due to habitat destruction, agricultural expansion and climate change.

In this article by PeritoAnimal we highlight what they are and the wild animal names, and we will also talk about their characteristics and behavior so that you can get to know them better and thus help preserve our biodiversity. Good reading!

what are wild animals

We started this article by explaining some concepts for you to better understand what are wild animals, wild animals, exotic animals, domestic animals and tamed animals.

What are wild animals?

By definition wild animals are those animals that live in their natural habitat - jungles, forests or oceans, for example - exercising their natural instincts. It is good to make clear that this does not mean that they are aggressive or necessarily dangerous animals.

What are wild animals?

Wild animals are also wild animals and, conceptually, the term wild animal encompasses all species in the animal kingdom that are born, grow and reproduce in natural ecosystems.

What are exotic animals?

Exotic animals, on the other hand, are wild or wild animals that do not belong to the fauna of a particular country in which they were inserted. For example, a European wild animal is considered an exotic animal in Brazil and vice versa.

What are pets?

Another concept that is important to highlight is that of domestic animals: they are animals that have been domesticated by humans and that have biological and behavioral characteristics that generate dependence on man, which is completely different from taming an animal.

What are tamed animals?

A tamed animal is one that adapts to local conditions, but that doesn't mean he is considered domesticated, because his natural instinct does not allow it.

If you want to better understand some of these concepts, you can read the article 49 Domestic Animals: Definitions and Species which also covers what wild animals are.

Now that we understand the concepts better, let's see what wild animals are. As there are a large number of these animals, here we list some of them:

1. Rhino

This solitary mammal can weigh more than 3.6 tons and reach 4 meters in length. It is the second largest terrestrial mammal, behind only the elephant. Herbivore, its only predator is man. In the photo below, we have a southern white rhinoceros (keratotherium simum).

2. Alligator

Alligators are part of the family Alligatoridae and they feed on different species of animals. Despite having nocturnal habits, they are constantly seen sunbathing during the day. In Brazil there are six species of alligators:

  • Alligator Crown (Paleosuchus trigonatus)
  • Alligator-paguá or alligator-dwarf (Paleosuchus palpebrosus)
  • Alligator (caiman crocodilus)
  • Alligator-açu (Melanosuchus niger)
  • Yellow-throated Alligator (caiman latirostris)
  • Alligator-of-the-swamp (Caiman Yacare)

Speaking of alligators, do you know the difference between them and crocodiles? Check out this other article.

3. Green anaconda

The green anaconda, whose scientific name is Murinus Eunectes, is found in different places in Brazil, as it lives in swamps, rivers and lakes. It has a forked tongue, like other snakes, and is on this list of wild animal names because it is one of the biggest anaconda in the world in circumference. Females are usually much larger than males, and they are 3 meters tall and they are 6 meters long, but there are records of animals up to 9 meters.[1] Their diet is based on mammals, birds and reptiles of medium or small size.

4. Gorilla

Gorillas, in addition to being very intelligent, are the biggest primates that exist. Extremely strong, a silver-backed gorilla can lift 500 pounds and knock down a banana tree to feed. Despite this, he does not use force to attack other animals, even because it is primarily herbivorous, feeding from time to time on insects.

5. Orca

Another well-known wild animal is the orca (scientific name: orcinus orca), the largest member of the dolphin family. Its food is quite varied, being able to eat seals, sharks, birds, molluscs, fish and even animals bigger than her like whales - when hunting in groups. It can weigh nine tons and is erroneously called a "killer whale" as it is not a whale but an orca.

6. African elephant

The African Elephant (African Loxodonta) can live up to 75 years in captivity and is the largest and heaviest land animal, easily reaching six tons. This species lives south of the Sahara and is at risk of extinction due to illegal hunting and the destruction of their habitat. Some studies show that elephants that live in their natural habitats, as well as many wild animals, can disappear in less than 20 years if nothing is done to preserve them.

In this other article you can check the types of elephants and their characteristics.

More wild animal names

In addition to the six wild animals we know best above, we present a list of 30 others:

  • Guara wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus)
  • Boa (good constrictor)
  • Jaguar (panthera onca)
  • Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
  • Red kangaroo (Macropus rufus)
  • Koala (Phascolarctos Cinereus)
  • Pelican (Pelecanus)
  • Buffalo (Buffalo)
  • Giraffe (Giraffe)
  • Boar (sus scrofa)
  • Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
  • Toucan (Ramphastidae)
  • Ocelot (Leopardus sparrow)
  • Pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
  • Hipoppotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
  • Polar Bear (Ursus Maritimus)
  • Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
  • Tiger (tiger panther)
  • Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
  • Coyote (Latrans kennels)
  • White shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
  • hyena (Hyaenidae)
  • Zebra (zebra equus)
  • White-headed Eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus)
  • Black-headed Vulture (Coragyps atratus)
  • Lynx (Lynx)
  • Hedgehog (Coendou prehensilis)
  • Bat (chiroptera)
  • Small-Indian Civet (Viverricula indicates)
  • Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla)

If you want to know more about these animals, don't miss this video with 10 wild animals from the African Savanna:

If you want to read more articles similar to wild animal names, we recommend that you enter our Curiosities section of the animal world.