Ideal age to neuter a cat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
When Should You Neuter a Cat and Why: the risks and benefits
Video: When Should You Neuter a Cat and Why: the risks and benefits


Having a kitten has many benefits but it also carries many responsibilities. Due to the characteristics of the reproductive cycle, it is advisable to sterilize the cats at the appropriate age to avoid unwanted litters or the discomfort caused by heat.

In this article by PeritoAnimal you will get to know more information about the reproductive cycle of cats and discover the ideal age to spay a cat.

Neuter the cat before or after the first heat?

The most common surgical intervention is the ovariohysterectomy, which consists of removing the uterus and ovaries, always using general anesthesia. It is also possible to perform an ovariectomy, removing only the ovaries or a ligature that exclusively blocks the fallopian tubes.

The last mentioned methods are not usual, since the blockage of the tubes, for example, allows the cat to continue having a normal sexual cycle, which causes her to continue to present uncomfortable signs of heat.

What is the ideal time to neuter a cat?

There are two moments in life indicated to carry out the intervention:

  • in the pre-puberty period when it reaches 2.5 kilos.
  • after the first heat when in anestrus.

Your veterinarian will indicate the ideal time to sterilize your kitten according to her characteristics.

Is it possible to neuter a cat in heat?

Although it is possible to perform the operation, it is not advisable to neuter a cat during heat as it would have more risks than a normal operation.

When do cats reach puberty?

the cats reach the sexual maturityl between 6 and 9 months of age, thus beginning her childbearing age. there are different influencing factors the onset of puberty:

  • Cat weight: when the cat achieves the somatic development of the breed.
  • Breed: longhaired females reach puberty later (12 months) while Siamese females reach puberty early.
  • Hours of light: Bright light for more than 12 hours during the two months prior to what would be expected for the first heat can cause this to come early.
  • male presence
  • Date of birth (season of the year): females born at the beginning of the breeding season have puberty earlier than those born at the end.
  • Cats born in autumn-winter are precocious than those born in spring-summer (it's hotter)
  • Stress: If your cat lives with active and dominant cats, she may not have puberty to avoid fights.

Phases of the cat's estrous cycle

Two types (mixed):

  • ovulatory: normal, with follicular phase and luteal phase.
  • anovulatory: only follicular phase.

The cycles are distributed through the breeding station in an irregular and arbitrary way. There may be ovulatory cycles together with anovulatory cycles. For ovulation to occur, it is necessary that, at the time of heat, the female cat is stimulated at the level of the cervix, that is, an induced ovulation.

The cats that live inside the house can have heat throughout the year and despite being a seasonal species they usually have cycles from January to September (more hours of light).

Phases: Proestrus → Estrus:

anovulatory cycle

If it does not ovulate (because it is not stimulated) post-estrus occurs. The corpus luteum is not formed. There is neither metestrus nor diestrus. The cat continues in the anestrus phase (sexual rest) and continues with a normal cycle (depending on the season).

  • New Cicle
  • Seasonal anestrus.

ovulatory cycle

There is excitement (the cat crosses) and, as such, ovulation. Follows with:

  • metaestrus
  • Diestrus

Depending on the copula:

  • Copulation performed correctly: there is pregnancy (seasonal anestrus), it continues with childbirth and lactation.
  • Copulation not performed correctly: when the cervix is ​​not well stimulated, there is ovulation but no pregnancy occurs.

There may be a luteinization of the follicles causing a diestrus with pseudopregnancy (psychological pregnancy). Thus, there is metestrus and diestrus, anestrus and finally it returns to being in heat.

Duration of each phase

Regardless of whether you ovulate or not:

  • Proestrus: 1-2 days. During proestrus, the cats vocalize in an insinuating way and with greater intensity. Rub the head and neck to release pheromones and mark. They try to attract the male and position themselves in lordosis (curvature of the spine).
  • Estrus: 2-10 days (approximately 6 days), depends on the breed and the timing of the breeding season (in the end → some follicular residues remain in the ovaries and as such they have longer estrus and shorter rest).

Ovulation does not take place immediately after mating, it takes place precisely 24-48 hours later.

  • metaestrus
  • Gestation (58-74 days) / Pseudopregnancy.

After 5-6 days of ovulation, the embryos move to pass the uterine tubes and once they reach this location they continue to move rhythmically to favor the secretion of placental estrogens and inhibit the synthesis of uterine PG, which allows the cat to know who is pregnant.

Definitive implantation: 12-16 days after copulation.

After giving birth: the cat can follow the lactation of a new pregnancy (recovers the cycle 48 hours after giving birth or, if it's time, enters seasonal anestrus).

If copulation is not effective:

  • Psychological pregnancy between 35-50 days → Anestrus (1-3 weeks) → New cycle.
  • The difference between psychological pregnancy in female dogs and female cats is mainly the fact that female cats do not show breast changes or behavioral changes. The only thing that happens is to end the reproductive behavior.


Advantages of Sterilization

Many people have doubts about whether or not to sterilize cats. Surgical intervention for castration has numerous advantages:

  • Prevention of reproductive diseases: such as breast tumors and pyometra (uterine infections).
  • Reduced risk of transmission of infectious diseases: feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukemia virus, etc. (through biting, mating and fighting during heat).
  • Reduction of sexual behaviors: excessive vocalizations, urine marking, leaks, etc.

Furthermore, it is important to mention that having a litter to improve the cat's health is an unfounded myth.

Can I use the babe pill?

They exist pills and injections that we can manage in the cat to avoid the appearance of heat and, as a consequence, ovulation. In practice it is like a momentary "sterilization" as the treatment has a beginning and an end.

This kind of methods have serious secundary effects as they increase the risk of developing different types of cancer and behavioral changes. It is not recommended to use on any occasion.

Postoperative and recovery

The care of a newly neutered cat is essential to prevent the wound can infect. You must ensure regular cleaning of the area and at the same time prevent the cat from biting or scratching that area. In addition, you must strictly follow all the advice of the veterinarian.

In addition, it is necessary to change the food to one that suits changing needs. On the market you can easily find good food made specifically for sterilized cats.

After neutering, the cat should no longer have heat. If your neutered cat comes into heat, you should see a veterinarian as soon as possible, as this can treat a condition called remnant ovary syndrome.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.