Reverse sneezing in dogs and cats

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 5 March 2025
Reverse Sneezing in Dogs and Cats
Video: Reverse Sneezing in Dogs and Cats


Sneezing from time to time is completely normal, it happens when dogs and cats inhale a dust, pollen or some other substance that has irritated their nostrils and the body needs to get it out, so the air is expelled out of the lungs with great force.

Although not very common, the opposite can also happen, that is, instead of the air being expelled from the lungs, it is pulled in with force. And this is called reverse sneeze, scientifically called Paroxysmal Inspiratory Breathing.

Here at PeritoAnimal we tell you everything you need to know about reverse sneeze in dog.

What is reverse sneeze?

The condition of the reverse sneeze, or the inspiratory paroxysmal breathing, it is not a disease, nor a symptom. And yes, a phenomenon that can be observed in dogs of various sizes and breeds, or even in dogs without a defined breed, and in general, it can happen at random.

Reverse splash in pug

Although it can happen in any breed, brachycephalic dog breeds are more likely to suffer from this phenomenon due to their shorter and flatter muzzle, they are Pugs, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Lhasa Apso, Shitzu, Boxers, and others. Another, however, is that although it affects dogs of all sizes, it is more commonly observed in small dogs such as Chihuahuas, for example.

reverse sneeze in cats

Although not very common, reverse sneezing can affect cats, regardless of breed or size. Review our article on cat sneezing and what it can be.

In reverse sneezing, when the air is pulled in forcefully, it differs from a normal sneeze in that it is not just 1 sneeze, the episodes usually last up to 2 minutes, and it feels very much like the dog or cat is choking. After the episodes the dog returns to breathing normally, if it lasts more than 3 or 4 minutes, look for the nearest veterinary hospital, as your dog may be really choking, learn more here at PeritoAnimal em Cachorro choking, what to do?

Causes for reverse sneezing

The episodes don't have a time to happen, so they can happen at any time. It can happen in a single episode, or randomly throughout the animal's lifetime, and there is no way to predict when it will happen.

This syndrome is caused due to a irritation in the pharyngeal or laryngeal area, which is the animal's throat, causing spasms in this region and in the soft palate. This can be for several reasons, these being the main causes of reverse sneeze:

  • Allergies such as pollen, dust, strong smells, etc.
  • Respiratory infections.
  • Leash tugs during rides.
  • Excitement, for example when the dog plays in a very agitated way.
  • Post-nasal drip.
  • Sudden temperature changes for some dogs.

Reverse Sneeze Symptoms

To make sure your dog is having a reverse sneeze episode, watch out for the following. reverse sneeze symptoms:

  • Wide eyes.
  • The dog remains stationary or static with his elbows apart.
  • Head down.
  • Stretched neck.
  • Cough.
  • Breathing quickens.
  • Inspiratory movements with the mouth and nostrils producing a characteristic choking sound.

As these are episodes that occur randomly, most likely your dog will not show any of these symptoms during the consultation, so if possible record your pet so your veterinarian can make sure what it is really about to better guide him.

Reverse sneeze - how to stop

There's not much to worry about, so stay calm, as stress can make the sneeze condition worse, making it take longer to go away, as some dogs may be uncomfortable with the reactions around them. After all, the reverse sneeze serves to release the throat whatever it is that is irritating you, a reason not unlike a normal sneeze that serves to clear the nasal passages of whatever is irritating them.

If the episodes happen very often or take too long to go away, take your dog or cat to a veterinary appointment, as only the professional is able to check if there really is nothing irritating your animal's throat, such as a foreign body, tracheal collapse, respiratory infections, mites or even tumors.

While you wait for the episode to end, you can help your dog or cat by making a light massage on the animal's throat, stroking to soothe him, and occasionally blowing into his nostrils very carefully. While the episode does not go away, arrive if the animal's gums and tongue are in their normal color, pink, and after the episode ends the animal should return to breathing normally.

Reverse sneeze - treatment

Does reverse sneeze have a cure?

As it is not a disease or a symptom, but a random condition, there is no treatment for reverse sneezing, also called paroxysmal inspiratory breathing.

It can happen to happen up to 2 episodes in the same day, depending on the causes. However, if it becomes very frequent several times a day, during the same week, take it to the veterinarian for possible tests to further investigate the cause.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.