Most common diseases in dogs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
The 3 Most Common Diseases For Dogs (And How To AVOID Them!)
Video: The 3 Most Common Diseases For Dogs (And How To AVOID Them!)


If your intention is to adopt a new pet or if you already have one, it is essential that you are informed about the most common diseases that your dog can suffer to effectively prevent them. The most effective method of prevention is to visit the veterinarian regularly and have the animal vaccination up to date.

Below you can find a list with basic information about the most common diseases in dogs.

dog deworming

It is very important to deworm your puppy regularly to avoid problems for him and his entire family. Those guests stay in the body of the dog causing, when in excess, serious cases. If you have a puppy, you should be aware that they are more vulnerable to parasite attacks than adult puppies.

They can be divided into two groups:

  • external parasites: This group basically includes the fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. The most suitable prevention is to put a collar in the dog and apply liquid doses of pipettes every month and a half or every three months, according to the manufacturer's recommendation. It is common to apply the medicine after bathing the dog. Antiparasitic pipettes and collars can be found at pet stores or at your puppy's medical center. To detect external parasites in the dog, just look at it and check for excessive scratching. A simple look at your fur is enough to reveal the presence of fleas or ticks. If you are unsure, you can use a comb similar to the one used to remove lice from humans.
  • internal parasites: This group consists of two types of worms, roundworms and flatworms. To prevent its appearance, we recommend giving a compressed to dog every three months (at the indicated dose of the product you buy) as a routine control. You will find this product in pet stores and your regular veterinarian. Symptoms of gastrointestinal parasites include frequent vomiting, moaning, and a tendency to overeat (although sudden weight loss may be observed).

If you don't know how to treat any of these problems or if you find the situation to be serious, take the dog to the vet right away.

Parasitic diseases

In addition to the parasites mentioned above, there are others that cause really serious cases:

  • Leishmaniasis: They are parasites transmitted through mosquito bites that multiply in the dog's white blood cells. Symptoms include weight loss, fever, anemia, arthritis, among others. We must be aware and prevent this disease in our pet! There is no treatment to cure leishmaniasis, but with a quick detection of the disease, it is possible to improve the dog's quality of life.
  • Scabies: Scabies is a skin disease caused by mites. There are two different types of scabies - sarcotic scabies and demodectic scabies - this is a parasitic disease that is very easily transmitted, although it has treatment. In some severe cases, it can leave marks for the rest of the dog's life.
  • toxoplasmosis: It is an intracellular parasite that generally carries a slight risk, except when it affects the female fetus. It can be identified through neuromuscular, respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Most cases appear in puppies less than one year old. It has easy treatment.

viral diseases

There are diseases that are caused by different virus, such as:

  • Coronavirus: It is a viral and infectious disease that affects all types of puppies, especially those that have not been vaccinated. It can be detected when there is profuse diarrhea, vomiting and even weight loss in the dog. There is no vaccine for this, it will be the veterinarian who neutralizes the symptoms caused by the disease.
  • Hepatitis: It mainly affects the liver and can have different causes, such as viral. The main treatment is based on relieving symptoms and, if it does not cure, it can become chronic and lead to liver failure.
  • Distemper: It is a very contagious disease that mainly affects young unvaccinated or elderly puppies. There is no treatment, so the veterinarian administers a series of care to the infected dog to neutralize the symptoms of distemper. The disease can be identified by nasal discharge in addition to other symptoms such as fever or dehydration.
  • parvovirus: It is rare to affect vaccinated adult puppies. This deadly virus appears especially in puppies and lasts for ten days. If the puppy is not treated at this stage, the disease leads to death. As with almost all viral illnesses, parvovirus does not have a concrete antidote, and treatment is based on trying to alleviate the animal's symptoms, which include depression, fever and dehydration.
  • Anger: Known and feared, rabies is a tremendously lethal disease. It is transmitted through bites and direct contact with mucous membranes or saliva. It can be identified by extreme violence without any kind of provocation. There is an anti-rabies vaccine that must be administered when the animal is still a puppy because, once infected, the dog is condemned to death, and there is no vaccine for this.

hereditary diseases

They are those that develop thanks to the dog's own genetic heritage:

  • Hip dysplasia: It develops over time, from 4 or 5 months of age, although it usually only appears in older puppies. It affects large or giant dogs, causing a limp or motor difficulty. Although it is a hereditary and degenerative problem, factors such as rapid growth, overeating or exercise can aggravate the problem.
  • Rheumatism: It affects the joints and their cartilage, being a degenerative disease. Symptoms include stiffness, inflammation and pain. Your veterinarian may prescribe glucosamine, chondroitin, and other treatments that alleviate and improve your condition.

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Mental ilnesess

Although they are less frequent, that's not why you should forget that there are mental ilnesess:

  • Epilepsy: It is an electrochemical brain discharge that can appear at any time. Crises are repeated for practically the entire life of the sick dog. Episodes can be controlled with medication prescribed by the veterinarian.

bacterial diseases

Caused by bacteria, these types of diseases can be treated with the use of antibiotics:

  • canine leptospirosis: It is transmitted through urine and both dogs and rats can be carriers, storing the bacteria chronically without developing the disease. If not treated in time, it can kill the pet. Some of the symptoms are fever, diarrhea, vomiting of blood and dark urine.
  • Periodontitis: It affects the periodontium (gingiva, tissue, bone and ligaments) and is derived from the formation of tartar and plaque, which makes the proliferation of bacteria possible. Little by little, these bacteria invade the cavity where the tooth root is located and end up causing serious infections or tooth loss. The best way to avoid this disease is prevention.
  • Pyometra: It is a bacterial infection that is characterized by the appearance of pus inside the uterus cavity or matrix. Symptoms include secretions of pus through the vagina. Previously, treatment was solely surgical, removing the dog's ovaries or uterus. Nowadays, we have medications that make it possible to study the problem before surgery.

Other common diseases in dogs

In addition to those mentioned above, there are other diseases such as:

  • gastric torsion: It is an acute disease with a very serious prognosis. The causes that cause the bowel to rotate are unknown. To prevent your puppy from suffering from gastric torsion, avoid large meals at once, excess water, and eating before or after exercise.
  • skin allergies: Like people, dogs can also suffer from allergies. You should be careful and consult your veterinarian if you notice that your dog is allergic to any substance.
  • Diabetes: Sugar is on the list of prohibited foods for dogs, not only for promoting blindness but also for causing diabetes. Consult your veterinarian to know the treatment your puppy needs if you experience excessive thirst, weight loss, cataracts, increased appetite and increased urinary frequency.
  • cryptorchidism: Consists of incomplete descent of one or two testicles. It must be diagnosed as early as possible and requires surgical intervention. It has, in some cases, hereditary origin.
  • Otitis: It is inflammation of the inner, middle or outer ear. It can be caused by allergies, bacteria, parasites or foreign bodies. Your veterinarian will be able to investigate the itching, redness or infection your puppy may have, cleaning the area thoroughly and offering a treatment that varies depending on the agent causing the problem.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.