Dogs to have in a small apartment

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
10 BEST APARTMENT DOGS 🏠 Breeds for Small Spaces
Video: 10 BEST APARTMENT DOGS 🏠 Breeds for Small Spaces


If you have a small apartment without a balcony or garden, don't worry, because if you want it can also accommodate a dog, however, it must be able to adapt to a small space, without reducing your quality of life.

Having a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler in an apartment is synonymous with depriving the animal of the conditions it needs to be happy, on the contrary, there are many medium and small dogs that can fully enjoy a small space, but always understanding that dogs need daily physical activity and we must commit to providing them with all necessary walks.

In this PeritoAnimal article we will explain to you which are the best breeds of dogs to have in a small apartment.


the Pekingese is one of the most endearing little breeds and known and, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the best dogs to have in a small apartment, both purebred and crossbred. Despite being an independent dog, it is also very affectionate and easily gets attached to the house and other members of the family.

It is a very safe and strong dog that acts like a exceptional guard dog, as it does not usually bark, it alerts you to the slightest suspicious noise. Pekingese need a lot of exercise so it's ideal for older people or those who mostly enjoy family life.


Better known as the sausage dog, the Dachshund is characterized by having very short extremities compared to its body proportions, it is another of the dogs that can get along perfectly in a small space. It is a very smart dog that learns quickly, of a docile, protective and playful character.

Despite its small size, the truth is that it needs an owner who has experience in training, otherwise the Dachshund can be a very stubborn dog and difficult to obey.

Shih Tzu

This breed is originally from Tibet and, due to its reduced size, it is ideal for living in small spaces, although we should not underestimate its appearance, as it has always been a very popular breed for its guard dog qualities. These are loyal, affectionate and sociable puppies, who also remain alert to protect the house.

They are affectionate with people and other animals, so it is ideal when we have also welcomed other pets or when we live with small children. Although this puppy is ideal for a small apartment, it needs daily care, in this case we must dedicate ourselves to its beautiful fur.

English bulldog

Despite its appearance, the Bulldog or English Bulldog is a sweet and calm dog like few others, who is always in a good mood and who does not skimp on showing affection to the people with whom he lives.

It is also a brave and self-assured dog, that behaves peacefully and does not continually ask for attention from its owners, however, like any other dog, it needs their presence.

It is a medium-sized dog that does not need excessive physical exercise and, therefore, it is ideal for living in a small apartment.


The Pug is a small dog originally from China, it is characterized by having a very affectionate and playful temperament, however this can confuse us since he will need a longer and more intense socialization from a puppy than in other cases since he is quite shy and jealous.

It is a cheerful and very active dog, so daily walks are of special importance, after its first years of life the Pug calms down and becomes a very homely dog, ideal to have in a small space.

bichon frise

It is a small dog with a captivating appearance. With the proper socialization adapts perfectly to the home environment and it becomes suitable for socializing with children, being a great companion animal.

Its temperament is quite stable, being a very calm dog that is also recommended especially for living with older people. Your fur needs special and periodic care, you need to cut the fur around your eyes and carefully clean the tear stains.

Maltese Bichon

It is a dog of small size whose weight ranges between 3 and 4 kilos, so it is great to live comfortably in a house with reduced dimensions.

It is exceptional as a companion animal, since in addition to being intelligent, it behaves in a very affectionate and friendly way, and acts like a good guard dog, barking in case it hears the slightest unknown noise. Need little physical activity, so it is suitable for socializing with older people.

yorkshire terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the best puppies to have in an apartment due to its small size, as its average weight is 3.1 kilos. In addition, it is an excellent guard dog as it is always on the alert and warns us in advance when barking.

Although it doesn't need a lot of space, needs continuous attention from its owners, is characterized by being a tenacious, courageous and super protective dog with his family.


The Poodle or Poodle is a puppy suitable for small spaces, in its medium, small or toy varieties. the poodle is a dog cheerful, playful and very active and he has a lot of energy, so he needs a lot of exercise to be disciplined, which is very important. Although we are facing a dog suitable for socializing with children, it can develop a destructive tendency if it does not socialize properly.

cocker spaniel

Both the English Cocker Spaniel and the American Cocker Spaniel are medium sized dogs suitable for living in a small apartment. It is an athletic dog, so exercise is very important to him., although it is also an excellent companion animal because it has a loving character, obedient and enjoys the company of its human family.

west highland white terrier

This dog originally from Scotland, also known as a Westie, has a body weight that varies between 5 and 10 kilos, so it can adapt well to the small space of an apartment.

It is a dog that is very grateful for the displays of affection from its owners, however, we are facing a very tenacious dog that has the temperament of a large breed, so need proper training based on positive training and moderate exercise.


This friendly dog ​​from Mexico will weigh a maximum of 3 kilos, depending on the variety, so it can adapt perfectly to life in a small apartment.

Contrary to what you might think, this is a very smart dog and that he remains alert, although he also ends up developing a true devotion to his owners, all of this makes him a great companion animal.

Haven't you decided on a specific race yet?

If you are thinking about adopting a dog but don't know which breed best suits you or your lifestyle, we recommend that you consult the following articles:

  • The most affectionate dog breeds
  • The calmest dog breeds
  • The best dog breeds for kids
  • The smartest dog breeds

Remember that it is not because they belong to a breed that puppies will behave in a concrete way, as we can often find a very nervous English Bulldog as well as a very calm Cocker. It will depend on each case.

It is also important to note that large, medium or small size mixed breed puppies are equally ideal for an apartment. To do this, just go to a refuge and check the activity level of the animal you want to take home. Sometimes the size doesn't matter but the individual behavior of each dog.