- The importance of hydration
- The Benefits of Water for Dogs
- ice cream for dogs
- How to protect the dog from the heat
- Refreshing bed to fight the heat
- be careful with the grooming

With the arrival of high temperatures, dogs can suffer from the heat, just like us. And this fact should not be ignored. A dog with excessive heat is at risk of heat stroke, heat stroke and heat stroke, problems that arise when his body temperature rises to the point of causing irreversible damage to your organism.
To avoid scares, in this PeritoAnimal article we will explain how to cool the dog when he is already feeling sick from the heat or as a preventive measure. Good reading.
The importance of hydration
When we talk about ways to cool the dog, the first thing that comes to mind is water. But not just to wet it or play with it: water is essential for proper hydration. All dogs must have clean, fresh water at your disposal 24 hours a day.
In times of heat, in addition to changing the water in the drinking fountain as often as necessary, we must make sure that they never run out of water, for example, if we go out and the water bowl can overturn. On the other hand, if you are going to take him for a long walk, it is advisable to bring water or a portable drinking fountain to offer it to him from time to time. Remember that if he's too hot, it's not good for him to drink too much at once.
Water can also be frozen to make ice cubes. You can give them directly to your dog, which will make him drink more water, cool him and keep him entertained, or put them in your drinking fountain, which will keep the water cooler for a longer time. .
If you notice that your dog drinks little or has a diagnosed illness that compromises his hydration, in addition to water, you can encourage him to drink more water by giving him meat, fish or vegetable broths, as long as they are prepared without salt or fat. Broths can also be given in the form of cubes.
In addition, if the dog is being fed chow, it may be necessary to increase its hydration using wet ration. Keep in mind that they can eat less because of the heat. A good idea is to offer food during the cooler hours of the day, such as early in the morning or in the evening.

The Benefits of Water for Dogs
In addition to serving for hydration, water is a great option for how to refresh the dog. For example, we can wet your fur by running a towel or cloth dipped in cold water. In general, any dog ​​will accept this action. On the other hand, direct contact with water in a bathtub, swimming pool or at sea is not accepted by all dogs. You must respect your dog and never force him to do what he doesn't like.
If, on the other hand, our four-legged companion loves water, the possibilities are endless. we can take you to places with water, such as the beach, light trails with rivers and waterfalls, always avoiding walks or intense physical activities during the hottest hours of the day. Plus, if you have a porch, patio, or backyard, he'll love having his own dog pool, and it doesn't have to be big.
A simple bowl will suffice for him to put his paws on, drink, and even sit or lie down. Change the water daily to prevent the proliferation of insects. Hoses and water jets they are also excellent options for refreshing puppies who are not afraid of the water.

ice cream for dogs
A great option on how to refresh the dog is offering him nothing more, nothing less than an ice cream! Ice cream is a hit in the hot hot season of the year, for both people and dogs, but get ready to clean the floor later! If we don't want to complicate things, we can simply offer them the ice cubes we mentioned, or a simple, unsweetened, pre-frozen natural yogurt.
But we can also prepare simple recipes at home. The ones we prepare for people won't work, but we'll have to look for ones specific to dogs. In this article you have 4 dog ice cream recipes easy to make from fruits and vegetables such as melon or carrots. Never give your dog human ice cream.

How to protect the dog from the heat
To know how to cool your dog, it's important to consider how dogs sweat. To regulate their body temperature, they don't sweat all over the body like we do, but basically use their breathing. In this way, they exchange the hot air inside them with the cooler air in the environment. But when the heat is considerable, this exchange becomes less effective. Therefore, to maintain a good body temperature for a dog, it is important to always offer it a sheltered and shady place.
If he lives indoors, the same temperature that is good for us, and that we get by lowering blinds, opening windows, airing or using fans or air conditioning, will also apply to the dog. However, if it is outside, it is essential to ensure that it has a shady place throughout the day, such as a backyard with roof or even a garage.
Dogs that stay on land with vegetation and dirt often make a hole under a shade for themselves, where they can enter and keep cool. Also check with a veterinarian about the convenience of using sunscreen for dog.
Refreshing bed to fight the heat
During the hottest times of the year, you will certainly find your dog lying flat on the coldest floor in the house, such as the bathroom or kitchen. That's why it's a good option to resort to anti-thermal or cooling beds or mats. They can be placed on the floor or on the usual bed, and have the particularity of keeping their surface cool.

be careful with the grooming
While at first glance it may appear that a completely shaved dog will feel less heat, there are a few things to be aware of. In particular, it is never recommended to shave all the hair, as it offers the dog protection against injuries, sunburn, cold or heat. This is why hair shaving is limited to specific areas where veterinary surgery must be performed or where there is a wound to be healed.
With regard to grooming, it is not suitable for all races. The inner coat of coat that some dogs have creates an air chamber that helps them fight heat. So if we cut him off, we're taking his protection from him. THE frequent brushing is the best option for them. In this way, we remove the dead hair, avoid us and, in short, keep the hair that is in good condition so that it can efficiently fulfill its protective function. In any case, if we have any doubts about whether or not it is appropriate to groom the dog, it is best to consult a pet shop professional.
Finally, despite our efforts to discover the best ways to how to cool the dog, such attempts may not be enough, especially if our furry companion is older or still a puppy, is sick, has a heart condition, is overweight, or belongs to one of the brachycephalic dog breeds.
Now that you've seen how to help a hot dog by cooling it down, in the following video we'll leave you with six fundamental cares for a dog in the summer:
If you want to read more articles similar to how to refresh the dog, we recommend that you enter our Basic Care section.