Puppy with a swollen face: causes

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 2 January 2025
Dog’s Swollen Face 5 Reasons Why and What to Do
Video: Dog’s Swollen Face 5 Reasons Why and What to Do


Did you know that the bite of an insect, arachnid or reptile can kill your animal? A simple sting or bite can cause a violent allergic reaction that, within minutes, can compromise your pet's life. In addition to other animals, certain plants and vaccines can also trigger this type of allergic reaction and cause your dog discomfort.

Although there are numerous causes for this symptom, usually the sudden cause of puffy snout dog is due to an allergic reaction. In this PeritoAnimal article, we will focus on the allergic reaction, so stay tuned if you want to know more about puffy-faced dog.

Puppy with a swollen face, what can it be?

the causes of puffy face dog can be:

Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions can be triggered by:

  • insect bite or arachnids
  • reptile bites
  • food reactions
  • Vaccine Reactions
  • Drug reactions
  • contact with plants, dust or with chemicals (like cleaning ones).

This will be the theme that we will focus on in the next topic.


When a trauma and there is a rupture of one or more blood vessels, there is extravasation of blood from them (hemorrhage). If there is an open wound, the blood flows to the outside, if, otherwise, there is no connection to the outside, the formation of a bruise (accumulations of blood between tissues, causing more or less extensive swelling) or bruise (the well-known bruise, of reduced dimensions).

In these cases, you can place ice in the area and then apply ointments that have in its composition, for example, sodium pentosan polysulphate or mucopolysaccharide polysulphate, with local anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


The abscesses (accumulations more or less circumscribed of purulent material under the tissues) located on the face of the animal are usually due to dental problems or are consequence of scratches or bites of other animals. They are usually accompanied by much pain, the animal presents a lot of touch sensitivity and local temperature rise.

When not surgically drained and treated in time, they can create natural anatomical fissures/openings and drain their contents to the outside or into the mouth, depending on the location of the stress point. The liquid may have a more fluid or pasty appearance and a white, yellowish or greenish color, and its odor is very unpleasant.

You can put a warm, damp compress on the area to try to stimulate blood circulation and help fight the infection. If the abscess is already draining, you should clean and disinfect with saline or diluted chlorhexidine twice a day. Many of them need systemic antibiotic therapy, so you should ask your trusted veterinarian for advice.


Fractures to the bones of the face resulting from trauma, such as being run over or falling, can also lead to inflammatory reactions and fluid accumulations that cause local swelling.

If it is an open fracture (visible on the outside) and you have associated bleeding, you should try to cover the bleeding site and apply cold to the site. Fractures can only be resolved at the veterinarian and diagnosed through complementary tests such as radiography.


Certain tumors can manifest through swelling that can even deform the dog's face.

the tumors evil have rapid growth and suddenly, are very invasive in the surrounding fabrics and can metastasize (if it diffuses through other tissues/organs), others may grow slower and more gradually and are non-invasive. However, they all require a veterinarian visit and follow-up.

Allergic reaction in dogs

Despite the allergic reaction being a defense mechanism of the body, sometimes it takes uncontrolled proportions and the so-called anaphylactic reaction, a systemic allergic reaction that can lead to serious complications, such as a anaphylactic shock, one cardiorespiratory failure and even the death of the animal. Noticing the puffy-faced dog may be one of them.

Keep reading this topic and find out how to identify the signs and act as soon as possible.

Poisonous insects and plants

When an insect, arachnid or reptile stings/bites a dog or it comes into contact with a different plant than it is used to, it can develop a local or, even more serious, systemic reaction.

Arthropods that can cause this reaction include bees, wasps, melgas, spiders, scorpions, beetles, and reptiles include snakes.

Regarding plants poisonous to dogs, they can also cause reactions, either by ingestion or by simple contact. Check our link for the list of poisonous plants.


You should know that any animal, of any age, breed or sex, can have an allergic reaction to the vaccine. The vaccine reaction can occur when the animal receives that vaccine for the first time or even when the same vaccine from the same laboratory for several years, and the fault is not with who administers the vaccine or who made it.

The explanation is simple, we humans can also be allergic to something from a very young age or, on the other hand, develop allergy throughout our lives. The immune system, the stimuli, the environment and the individual are always changing and this explains the fact that the dog never had an allergic reaction to the vaccine in question and, on that day of the year, it did. The vaccine reaction usually occurs within the first 24 hours, so be aware of this period of time.


It is important to emphasize that certain medications, in addition to causing allergic reactions, can cause intoxication, either due to overdose or because they are not suitable for the species. That is why, never self-medicate your pet with veterinary drugs or human medicine.

Allergic Reaction Symptoms in Dogs

THE local reaction is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing;
  • tearing;
  • Local swelling/inflammation;
  • Erythema (redness);
  • Increased local temperature;
  • Itching (itching);
  • Pain to touch.

Your location depends on the location of the contact.

If you notice or suspect that your pet has been bitten or starts to swell, apply ice locally to prevent/reduce swelling. There are cases where the simple application of ice is enough to control the reaction. However, if swelling continues to increase and other signs develop, take the animal to the veterinarian immediately, as this local reaction can develop into something serious systemic such as an anaphylactic reaction.

Anaphylactic reaction symptoms in dogs

In case of anaphylactic reaction, symptoms can be:

  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, face, neck and even the whole body, depending on exposure time and amount of toxins/poison/antigens;
  • Difficulty in swallowing (swallowing);
  • Dyspnea (difficulty breathing);
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Fever;
  • Death (if not treated in time).

These symptoms can start within the first 24 hours or take a little longer. If you notice your dog with a puffy face, see a veterinarian right away.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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