Dog Berne - How to Remove Dog Berne

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
berne gigante em dog
Video: berne gigante em dog


Dermatobiosis, more commonly known as berne, is a disease caused by the blowfly (Dermatobia hominis).

The fly lays its eggs in the fur of animals, human and non-human, and the larvae come out of the eggs, travel to the skin and pierce it. These larvae have small spines which make them very painful for the animal whenever they move.

Unfortunately, this disease happens more than you might think and that's why PeritoAnimal wrote this article about Dog Berne - How to Remove Dog Berne. Keep reading!

Berne on the dog

Berne is a type of myiasis. The responsible for this myiasis is the fly larva Dermatobia hominis, a blowfly as we have already mentioned.

The life cycle of this fly is very interesting, as it does not infect the animal itself, using an insect for that purpose. Basically, the fly catches a hematophagous insect (which feeds on blood), most of the time a mosquito, and deposits between 6 and 30 eggs in its abdomen.[1]. When this mosquito bites your dog, the temperature rises and the larvae come out of the eggs, thus infecting the dog. Afterwards, these larvae penetrate the dog's skin, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. In most cases, the larvae do not fully penetrate the skin, remaining in the dog's subcutaneous tissue.

Each larva produces a nodule with a pore through which the larva breathes. These nodules can be found all over the body of an infected dog or other animal.

Berne in dog - symptoms

The main clinical signs of berne disease are nodules on the dog's skin caused by the larvae. The dog may have inflammation of this area and even pus. This inflammation can cause itching and the fact that the dog scratches can lead to secondary infections and ulcerations.

Briefly the dog berne symptoms are:

  • Nodules formed by larvae
  • Itch
  • Pus
  • Possible ulcerations
  • skin inflammation

Another possible clinical sign is the dog licking too much of an infected paw, for example.

Berne on the dog's paw

As we have already mentioned, the berne can be on the dog's paw. One of the chosen areas of these larvae on the dog's fingers.

If you see your dog licking his paws too much, look closely at what's going on, as it could be a foreign body, a small wound, an allergy, or even a blowfly larva. The care of the dog's paws is very important in his hygiene.

Dog Berne passes to humans?

No. dog beet does not pass to humans. Although this disease can affect humans, it does not pass directly from dogs to humans. So if your dog has beard, you can be rested that it won't get to you.

For humans infected with Berne, the process is the same as for a dog, it has to be a mosquito laying eggs that the blowfly has trapped in its abdomen. So, the best way to protect yourself is not to stay away from the dog, but from mosquitoes.

Berne in dog - how to treat?


Some drugs have been used to treat Berne, such as Ivermectin. However, the dead Berne in a dog causes inflammation and wounds do not heal so easily[2].

Berne in dog how to end

The best way to get rid of Berne in a dog is the manual removal of larvae by the veterinarian, followed by treatment of the wounds.

Generally, once the larva is removed there is no secondary infection and the wound heals within a week. Sometimes secondary infections occur because the wounds attract other mosquitoes and flies to that location and lay more eggs.

Berne in dog home remedy

The Berne in puppy is very painful and sometimes larvae removal is complicated and requires surgical intervention. For this reason it is not advisable to use home remedies for Berne in dog.

Remember that every time the larvae move inside your puppy's subcutaneous tissue, they cause a lot of pain. Sometimes the animal even needs to be anesthetized to do this manual removal.

how to remove dog bees

One of the best methods that veterinarians use to remove dog bees is to paraffin or mineral oil application in the nodular region, followed by manual removal of the larvae. Sometimes this method is not enough and the veterinarian needs surgically remove the dog's larvae.

Berne in dog - how to avoid

Many cases of myiasis occur as a result of exposure of wounds to mosquitoes and flies. Thus, it is essential that you pay close attention and examine your dog's body daily. Prevent him from getting into fights with other dogs.

Don't neglect the hygiene of the dog's environment, in order to avoid the presence of flies. It is important to note that eggs can be deposited on clothing and larvae are able to penetrate clothing. So, frequently wash the bedding, blankets and other fabrics that you and your pets come into contact with. Also see our article on how to ward off dog flies.

The key is prevention! So don't forget about parasite prevention in your puppy. Often, the mosquitoes are forgotten and deworming protocols do not include them. However, as you can see from this article, there are several diseases that mosquitoes can carry and your pet needs to be protected. Many flea collars also keep away flies and mosquitoes as well as some pipettes.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.