- Domestic animals
- Types of domestic animals
- domestic and wild animals
- Wild animals
- CITES Agreement
- Exotic animals
- Dangerous as Pets
- List of domestic animals
- domestic birds
- domestic rodents

Pets can be pets, but they aren't always. It is a group of animals that throughout history were naturally and genetically selected for their interaction with humans and some common characteristics. The fact that an animal is considered domestic does not mean that it is able to live in a house, much less in a cage. In this post by PeritoAnimal we explain what are pets, the 49 species that are part of this category in Brazil and other important data about this categorization.
Domestic animals
Domestic animals, in fact, are animals that have been domesticated by humans, which is different from tamed. They are all those races and species selected throughout history that were naturally or genetically adapted to live with human beings. According to a study published by Brazilian Program for the Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources [1], many of the breeds of domestic animals in Brazil developed from species and breeds that were brought by the Portuguese colonizing invaders and after a process of natural selection were improving characteristics adapted to the environment.
IBAMA [2] consider how domestic fauna:
All those animals that, through traditional and systematized processes of management and/or zootechnical improvement, became domestic, presenting biological and behavioral characteristics that are closely dependent on man, and may present a variable phenotype, different from the wild species that originated them.
There is no exact evolutionary scale for all domestic animals as this process began many years before ancient civilizations. According to an article published in the scientific journal Nature [3], the wolves are the ancestors of the dogs and were domesticated at least 33,000 years ago, probably occupying the position of the first animal domesticated by humans, succeeded by farm animals, according to the report published in National Geographic [4].
Cats, in turn, were also domesticated thousands of years ago, in the Neolithic period, long before humans forced breed crossings to optimize certain characteristics. According to an article published in the scientific journal Nature [5], evidence suggests that their intentional 'domestic' crossover started only in the Middle Ages.
Domestic animals can be classified into three sub-categories:
Types of domestic animals
- Pets (or companion animals);
- Farm animals and cattle;
- Cargo animals or working animals.
Although not a rule, there are common characteristics that are found in many domestic animals:
- They grow fast and have a relatively short life cycle;
- They reproduce naturally in captivity;
- They are resistant and have a high adaptability.
domestic and wild animals
A wild animal can even be tamed, but it cannot be tamed. In other words, its behavior can even adapt to local conditions, but it does not become a domesticated animal and is not genetically willing to do so.
Wild animals
Wild animals, even if they originate in the country in which we reside, never should be treated like pets. It is illegal to keep wild animals as pets. It is not possible to tame them. Domestication of a species takes centuries and is not a process that can be achieved during the lifetime of a single specimen. In addition to the fact that this would go against the ethology of the species and promote poaching and the deprivation of their freedom.
In Brazil and around the world, some species that can be found as pets and that shouldn't be are some species of turtles, sardons, terrestrial urchins, among others.
CITES Agreement
O illegal traffic of living beings that occurs between different countries of the world is a reality. Animals and plants are extracted from their natural habitats, causing an imbalance in the ecosystem, economy and society. To combat the trafficking of these animals and plants, the CITES agreement (Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) was born in the 1960s and aims to protect endangered or endangered species, among other reasons. , to illegal traffic. It encompasses around 5,800 species of animals and approximately 30,000 species of plants.
Exotic animals
The trafficking and possession of exotic animals, illegal in most cases, in addition to causing irreparable damage to animals, can cause serious public health problems, as they can carry diseases endemic to their places of origin. Many of the exotic animals we can buy come from illegal traffic, as these species do not breed in captivity.
During capture and transfer, over 90% of animals die. As if that weren't enough, if the animal survives to reach our home, it can still escape and establish itself as a invasive species, eliminating native species and destroying the ecosystem balance.
According to IBAMA[2], the exotic wildlife:
are all those animals belonging to species or subspecies whose geographic distribution does not include the Brazilian Territory and species or subspecies introduced by man, including domestic animals in a feral or elevated state. Species or subspecies that have been introduced outside the Brazilian borders and its jurisdictional waters and that have entered the Brazilian Territory are also considered exotic.
Dangerous as Pets
In addition to prohibited possession, there are certain animals that are very dangerous for people, due to their size or aggressiveness. Among them, we can find the coati and the iguana.
List of domestic animals
The list of domestic animals (fauna considered domestic for operational purposes) of the IBAMA is as follows:
- bees (Apis mellifera);
- Alpaca (pacos mud);
- Silkworm (Bombyx sp);
- Buffalo (bubalus bubalis);
- Goat (capra hircus);
- Dog (familiar kennels);
- Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus);
- Camel (Camelus Bactrianus);
- Mouse (Mus musculus);
- Kingdom Canary or Belgian Canary (Serinus canarius);
- Horse (equus caballus);
- Chinchilla (lanigera chinchilla *only if bred in captivity);
- Black Swan (Cygnus atratus);
- Guinea pig or guinea pig (cavia porcellus);
- Chinese quail (Coturnix coturnix);
- Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus);
- Gould's Diamond (Chloebiagouldiae);
- Mandarin Diamond (Taeniopygia guttata);
- Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius);
- Escargot (Helix sp);
- Collared Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus);
- Cattle (good taurus);
- Zebu cattle (bos indicus);
- Chicken (Galus domesticus);
- guinea fowl (Numida meleagris *reproduced in captivity);
- goose (Anser sp.);
- Canadian goose (Branta canadensis);
- Nile Goose (alopochen aegypticus);
- cat (Felis catus);
- Hamster (Cricetus Cricetus);
- Donkey (equus asinus);
- llama (glam mud);
- Manon (Lonchura striata);
- Mallard (Anas sp);
- Worm;
- Sheep (ovis aries);
- carolina duck (Aix sponsa);
- Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata);
- Peacock (Pavo cristatus);
- Partridge sucking (Alectoris chukar);
- Australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus);
- Peru (Meleagris gallopavo);
- Phaeton (Neochmia phaeton);
- Diamond Dove (Cunette Geopelia);
- Domestic pigeon (Columba livia);
- Pig (sus scrofa);
- rat (Rattus norvegicus):
- Mouse (rattus rattus)
- Tadorna (Tadorna sp).

domestic birds
Although the above list of domestic animals suggests bird species such as goose, turkey or peacock, not all of them are ideal to have in a conventional home unless you live on a farm or farm. In fact, for those who believe that the place of birds is in nature and not in a cage, no species is ideal.
PeritoAnimal has a post about 6 species of domestic birds to have at home and we suggest you to check it out. Contrary to what many people think, macaws, parrots, toucans and other species that are not on the list are not domestic birds and their illegal possession is considered environmental crime.[6]
According to the list presented above, domestic birds are:
- Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus);
- Kingdom Canary or Belgian Canary (Serinus canarius);
- Black Swan (Cygnus atratus);
- Chinese quail (Coturnix Coturnix);
- Gould's Diamond (Chloebiagouldiae);
- Mandarin Diamond (Taeniopygia guttata);
- Collared Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus);
- Chicken (Galus domesticus);
- guinea fowl (Numida meleagris *reproduced in captivity);
- goose (Anser sp.);
- Canadian goose (Branta canadensis);
- Nile Goose (alopochen aegypticus);
- Manon (striatum);
- Mallard (Anas sp);
- carolina duck (Aix sponsa);
- Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata);
- Peacock (Pavo cristatus);
- Partridge sucking (Alectoris chukar);
- Australian parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus);
- Peru (Meleagris gallopavo);
- Phaeton (Neochmia phaeton);
- Diamond Dove (Cunette Geopelia);
- Domestic pigeon (Columba livia);
- Tadorna (Tadorna sp).

domestic rodents
The same goes for rodents, many are on the list, but that does not mean that they are recommended as pets. According to IBAMA, the fauna considered domestic in Brazil is as follows:
- Mouse (Mus musculus)
- Chinchilla (lanigera chinchilla *only if bred in captivity);
- Guinea pig or guinea pig (cavia porcellus);
- Hamster (Cricetus Cricetus);
- rat (Rattus norvegicus):
- Mouse (rattus rattus).
Remember that rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are also domestic animals, however, taxonomically, they are not considered rodents, contrary to what many people think. rabbits are lagomorphs that have rodent habits. To learn more, we suggest reading the article that explains 15 trivia about rabbits.