- 1. Climate change
- 2. Earthquakes
- 3. Pregnancy
- 4. The time of delivery
- 5. The diseases
- 6. Epilepsy
- 7. Human emotions
- 8. The fear
- 9. Do they know when it's going out
- 10. Do you know when you will return
- 11. Death

They say that the dog is man's best friend, for the company, the affection and the loyalty he gives to his owners in the most unconditional and disinterested way, turning the dog into the favorite pet of many people.
As you certainly already know, some of their senses are much sharper than human beings, which allows them to be able to "detect" certain events before they happen, as they are more sensitive to signals that we ignore.
That's why at Animal Expert we want to talk to you about 11 things dogs can predict. Discover everything your furry friend can know just by trusting their senses. Keep reading!
1. Climate change
If the thunder they frighten you when you hear them, imagine what happens to your dog, whose fine ear detects them long before you do. That's why many dogs get nervous during storms.
Also, when thunder is forming, it ionizes the air, producing a metallic smell that your dog is able to detect. know that a storm is coming before this starts. Some investigations have revealed that they are even able to feel the vibration caused by lightning strikes with their paws.

2. Earthquakes
If you've ever heard that dogs feel an earthquake or an earthquake long before humans do, we'll tell you this is entirely true. Dogs are capable of perceiving disasters, just like many other animals.
Generally, there is a behavior prior to the appearance of earthquakes or earthquakes in which animals are nervous and reluctant to be trapped. They leave the places where they live, stop laying eggs and hide. On those previous days they try to flee to high ground.

3. Pregnancy
When a woman becomes pregnant, her body not only changes outwardly, but also inwardly, starting with the release of hormones. the dog is capable of notice this hormonal change, that's why many puppies are more protective when their owner is pregnant.

4. The time of delivery
When the time comes for the baby to be born, the human body also emits odors and signals that at times may go unnoticed, but which indicate to the dog that the new family member is arriving. There are even cases of animals that, days before the baby is born, refuse to be separate from their owners, as a way to protect them.

5. The diseases
Thanks to its powerful sense of smell, the dog is able to detect the changes that occur in the body when it suffers from certain diseases, such as diabetes or the cancer. There are testimonies of people who have been diagnosed with cancer in a place on the body where the dog used to sniff them, and of trained dogs that advise their owners when it is time to give them insulin. This is perhaps one of the things that dogs can predict that we should give more importance.

6. Epilepsy
Some dog breeds are trained to detect the moment when an epilepsy attack is going to happen, so they can advise their owner to take their medication or ask other people for help.

7. Human emotions
You've probably noticed that, most of the time, your dog enjoys watching you. Thanks to this, it is prepared to identify emotion changes, so it's easier for him to know if he's sad, sick, very emotional or even worried. It is very likely that in these cases the dog will try to console its owner, or simply remain by his side.

8. The fear
Another thing dogs can predict is fear. That the dogs "smell the fear" it's not a myth, it's completely true. But how do they do it? They do it through their own body: when we feel fear, we segregate adrenaline, a hormone easily identifiable by the canine sense of smell.

9. Do they know when it's going out
It is not necessary that you say goodbye to him or leave the house for the dog to notice that you will leave him alone for a few hours. The routine that you have to get dressed up and the attitude you have when you do, indicate to the animal that you are going out.

10. Do you know when you will return
Many miles before reaching home, the dog is able to sense that you are already on your way, this because your sense of smell is capable of perceiving your scent from great distances. Therefore, even before you arrive, your dog will be waiting for you with emotion.

11. Death
One of the most awesome things dogs can predict is death. As a normal process in the life of all living beings, before dying, certain chemical and biological changes take place in the body, which the dog can perceive perfectly. Therefore, it is not surprising that when a person is about to die, the dog does not leave his side and is very sad.