10 commandments of the dog

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 3 January 2025
The 10 Dog Commandments Do You Follow Them All?
Video: The 10 Dog Commandments Do You Follow Them All?


People follow the famous 10 commandments of Christianity, which are basically a set of fundamental principles that must be followed to live in peace and have a full life according to the Christian religion.

So why not adopt the 10 commandments of a dog? A simple compilation of 10 rules we must know and follow if we are going to have (or already have) a dog. Continue reading this article from Animal Expert and know all the steps to make your dog the luckiest in the world.

1. Don't be mad at me

It's completely understandable that the dog can sometimes cause some annoyance, especially when he chews on shoes you were about to wear, breaks his mother's favorite vase, or urinates on the couch.

Still you must understand that the dog has a brain like a small child and he cannot always remember everything we taught him. After committing a crime, do not doubt that in less than 10 minutes he will have completely forgotten.

Instead of getting mad at him, practice positive reinforcement, rewarding him when he bites your bone, when he behaves calmly at home, or when he urinates on the street.

2. Pay attention to me and take care of me

The well-being and, consequently, the positive behavior of the dog is directly related to the love and affection you can offer. Dogs need affection and, therefore, having a close relationship with their tutors is essential for them to tend to be more sociable, affectionate and polite.

3. You have a lot of friends, but I only have you...

Have you noticed how the dog welcomes us when we get home? Never forget that your dog doesn't have a Facebook account or a group of dogs to go to the park eventually, he just has you.

Therefore, it is important that, as a responsible caregiver, you actively include him in your life and in your daily activity so that he feel useful and socially accepted: take him on an excursion, find a camp where dogs are accepted, take him with you to a bar pet friendly to have a drink, do activities with him, etc., everything is valid so that your best friend doesn't feel alone.

When he's by your side, you'll always have a happy dog, never leave it alone for an excessive period of time.

4. Talk to me, I don't understand what you say, but I understand what you mean

Dogs are tremendously intuitive, they will understand what you say even if they don't exactly understand your words. For this reason, even though he can't identify exactly what you say, don't hesitate to use kind words with him. Avoid screaming and excessive disagreements, the dog will remember (even if it doesn't seem like) the bad times he went through and you will only succeed in deteriorating the relationship.

Also read: How to relax a dog with care

5. Before you hit me, remember that I can hurt you too and I don't

Some dogs have truly powerful jaws, however, have you noticed that they never use them? Dogs rarely bite or attack, except for those who have suffered real psychological trauma, a case in point. For this reason, we remember that you should never hit your pet, this only aggravates the problem, causes discomfort and can generate a very serious situation in your dog.

The mistreatment of animals is a topic that should be discussed. Knowing the psychological profile of people who mistreat animals can help identify a risky situation and know how to react.

6. Before saying I'm lazy or disobedient, think about what might be happening to me

Animals weren't born to do tricks or obey our every command like a robot. You do not you can ask him to do whatever he wants whenever, the dog has its own autonomy, feelings and rights.

If your dog doesn't obey you, you may want to ask yourself if your relationship is appropriate, if you are currently preoccupied or aware of something else, or if you are really meeting your dog's basic needs. Rather than blaming him for not obeying, consider whether you might be doing something wrong.

If you need tips to educate your dog, check out our article: 5 Dog Training Tricks

7. Don't leave me on the street: I don't want to die in a kennel or get hit by a car

Would you abandon a child? No, right? The same happens with a dog, it is extremely cruel to abandon a helpless being. For this reason, if you are not sure you can take care of him under any circumstances (including going on vacation, moving, paying for the vet, etc.), do not adopt a dog, as it is very sad to see abandoned dogs dying in kennels. old and alone, with serious injuries, very scared, sad...

8. Take care of me when I get older, I'll stay by your side even when you get old

All puppies are very cute and everyone likes them, however when dogs get old for some people they stop charming and become more of a chore than anything else. Don't be one of those people. It's super important to know how to care for an elderly dog. They don't do anything else in their lives but try to give him everything he's got. and share with you his short but incredible existence.

9. Take me to the vet if I'm sick

If you feel unwell, do you go to a doctor? The same should be done with your pet, take him to the vet when he is sick. Beware of home remedy recipes, tricks and advice from those who have not directly analyzed your pet's illness. Before starting any treatment, a professional diagnosis is required.

10. I don't need much to be happy

What does a dog need to live? He doesn't have the need to have a gold collar, a GG-sized house or food. premium, but yes, you should always have clean, fresh water within reach, daily meals, a comfortable place to rest, and all the love you can give. He you don't need big luxuries, just worry about it and your needs.