- West highland white terrier origin
- West highland white terrier: physical characteristics
- West highland white terrier: personality
- West highland white terrier: care
- West highland white terrier: education
- West highland white terrier: diseases

O West Highland White Terrier, Westie, or Westy, he is a small and friendly dog, but brave and courageous at the same time. Developed as a hunting dog, today it is one of the best pets out there. This breed of dog comes from Scotland, more specifically Argyll, and is characterized by its shiny white coat. It appeared in the early 20th century as a result of descent from Cairn Terriers who had white and cream fur. At first, the breed was used to hunt foxes, but it soon became the excellent companion dog we know now.
It's a very dog affectionate and sociable, so it is ideal for families with children, who can give them lots of company and affection. In addition, this breed needs to do moderate physical activity, so it is perfectly compatible with those who live in a small apartment or at home. If you want to adopt a Westie, this PeritoAnimal breed sheet will help you to solve all your doubts.
- Europe
- UK
- Group III
- Extended
- short paws
- short ears
- toy
- Small
- Medium
- Great
- Giant
- 15-35
- 35-45
- 45-55
- 55-70
- 70-80
- more than 80
- 1-3
- 3-10
- 10-25
- 25-45
- 45-100
- 8-10
- 10-12
- 12-14
- 15-20
- Low
- Average
- High
- Balanced
- Passive
- Intelligent
- Active
- Tender
- Kids
- floors
- Houses
- hiking
- Hunting
- Surveillance
- Cold
- Warm
- Moderate
- Long
West highland white terrier origin
This breed originated in the highlands of western scotland. In fact, the literal translation of his name is "western highland white terrier." Initially, the breed was indistinguishable from other Scottish short-legged terriers such as the Cairn, Dandie Dinmont and the Scottish terrier. However, over time each variety was created separately, until they became true dog breeds.
These terriers were originally bred as dogs for fox hunting and badger, and had different colored coats. It is said that Colonel Edward Donald Malcolm decided to raise only white dogs after one of his red dogs died because he was mistaken for a fox when he came out of the hole. If the legend is true, that would be the reason why the westie is a white dog.
In 1907, this breed was presented for the first time at the prestigious Crufts dog show. Since then, the west highland white terrier has enjoyed wide acceptance in dog races and in thousands of homes around the world.
West highland white terrier: physical characteristics
O west highland white terrier dog It is small, ideal for those who live in an apartment because it measures about 28 centimeters to the withers and usually does not exceed 10 kg. In general, females are slightly smaller than males. this is a dog small and compact, but with a strong structure. The back is level (straight) and the lower back is wide and strong, while the chest is deep. The legs are short, muscular and strong.
The head of the west highland white terrier is somewhat voluminous and is covered with abundant hair. The nose is black and somewhat elongated. The teeth are large in relation to the size of the dog and are quite powerful, after all it was a useful resource for hunting foxes in their lair. The eyes are medium and dark and have an intelligent and alert expression. Westie's face is sweet and friendly, always alert because of his pointy ears. The tail is a typical and very characteristic feature of West Highland appearance. It is covered with copious coarse hair and is as straight as possible. It is shaped like a small carrot, is between 12.5 and 15 centimeters long and under no circumstances should it be cut.
The West Highland's most notable feature is its beautiful white coat (the only color accepted) resistant, which is divided into an inner layer of soft, dense fur that contrasts with an outer layer of coarser, coarse fur. The outer layer normally grows to 5-6 centimeters, combined with white fur, makes it essential to go to the hairdresser with some regularity. The plush hair cut is one of the most used for this breed.
West highland white terrier: personality
Brave, smart, very self-assured and dynamic, the westie is perhaps the most affectionate and sociable of dogsterriers. Still, remember that it's a dog designed to hunt dangerous animals like foxes. Although it depends on each animal, the west whighland white terrier usually gets along perfectly with other dogs thanks to its balanced and friendly temperament. It is important that like any other dog, he must be properly socialized from walks to parks and nearby environments to meet other pets and people.
We must know that this wonderful dog is also the perfect companion of children, with which you will enjoy an active rhythm of games. If your intention is to adopt a dog so that your children can enjoy the time with it, however, we must take into account its small size and what kind of game you choose to play as it can end up with a broken leg. We must educate them so that the game between the pet and the children is appropriate. Also, they tend to bark and dig, which can complicate life for people who like extreme silence and a well-kept garden. However, they make excellent pets for dynamic people who enjoy outdoor activities.
In general, we say that it is a dog with a strong personality, very determined and courageous, despite its small size. Westy is an active and affectionate dog who loves to feel part of the family. He is a very complacent and affectionate dog with those who take care of him every day, to whom he will always offer his most positive version of life. Sweet and restless, Westie loves a walk in the countryside or mountains, even if he is an elderly dog. It is essential that you play with him regularly to keep his agility and intelligence as he deserves.
West highland white terrier: care
West Highland's skin is a little dry and bathing too often can make it prone to sores. We will try to avoid this problem by washing it with a regularity of approximately 3 weeks with an exclusive shampoo recommended for the breed. After showering, dry your ears with a towel, a part of your body that needs regular cleaning.
Brushing your hair should also be regular, so your skin will look healthy and glowing. In addition, brushing is pleasant for most dogs, so we say that the practice of grooming will promote a bond between you and your pet. Although hair maintenance isn't that complicated, the westie tends to get dirty easily because it is completely white. It is normal for you to get your muzzle or legs dirty after eating or playing, a trick is to use wet wipes to clean the area. It is also necessary to pay attention to the tear ducts that tend to accumulate streaks and sometimes create brown spots.
It's not a dog that needs a lot of exercise, so taking two or three walks a day at an active pace will be enough for West Highland White Terriers to be happy and healthy. Because of its small size, this dog can exercise indoors, but he also enjoys playing outdoors. Also, it's important to give this dog all the company he needs. As he is a very sociable animal, he needs to spend a lot of time with his family and it is not good to leave him alone for long periods of time.
West highland white terrier: education
Westies tend to be friendly to people and can get along with other dogs when properly socialized. Due to their strong hunting instinct, they are incapable of tolerating small animals, as they tend to hunt. Anyway, it is important to start socializing dogs early to avoid future shyness or aggression problems. The strong personality of these little dogs has led many people to think that it is difficult to train them, but this is not true. West Highland White Terriers are very intelligent dogs that learn quickly when they are positively trained, with methods such as clicker training, treats and rewards. They don't respond well to traditional training techniques, based on punishment and negative reinforcement, you just have to give regular training. He's always on the lookout for his territory, ready to defend it, so we say he's an excellent watchdog .
West highland white terrier: diseases
Westie puppies are especially vulnerable à craniomandibular osteopathy, a condition that involves the abnormal growth of the jaw. It is genetic and must be treated correctly with the help of a veterinarian. It usually appears around 3-6 months of age in the puppy and disappears at 12 years of age, after the application of corticosteroids, natural remedies, among others. It is serious only in some situations.
Other diseases that the west highland white terrier can suffer from are Krabbe's Disease or Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Westie is also prone, although less frequently, to cataracts, patellar dislocation, and copper poisoning.