Home remedies for cat urinating blood

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 5 March 2025
Blood in your cat’s urine explained.  Vet covers common causes of bloody urine in Cats.
Video: Blood in your cat’s urine explained. Vet covers common causes of bloody urine in Cats.


Your cat's health is a top care priority. Seeing the veterinarian not only for annual reviews, but also when abnormal behavior or discomfort is observed, such as blood in the urine, is one of the responsibilities of all tutors.

Finding bloody urine stains is a sign that something is not right. The consultation of the veterinarian is the most important.After making the diagnosis, as a complement to the treatment, you can apply the home remedies for cat urinating blood that we share in this article by PeritoAnimal.

Cat urinating blood: what can it be?

The presence of blood in the urine is called hematuria and it is a matter of concern to any cat owner. You may notice red or orange urine as you approach to clean the box, or find small reddish puddles in different spaces around the house. Anyway, there are several different causes. To find out why your cat urinates blood, see the following reasons:

Bacterial infection

The urinary tract is prone to the development of bacteria, which can cause a urinary infection. They are common in cats of both sexes and manifest as pain, discomfort when urinating, bleeding and general nervousness.


This disease is common in both male and female cats. manifests as a bladder inflammation that causes a lot of pain in the feline. Symptoms are difficulty in urinating, which makes the cat go to the box many times, complaints at the time of urination, the cause of pain and bloody urine.

kidney stones

consists of the mineral accumulation in the feline's urinary tract. In addition to blood, the cat has loss of appetite, difficulty in urinating, pain, licking in the genital area, among others. If not treated in time, this disease can lead to death.


Even when it is not the direct cause of bleeding, it should be noted that obesity causes many problems in your cat. One of them can be the presence of blood in the urine, since being overweight provides the disease onset and different conditions that endanger the animal's health. Thus, obesity can favor the development of a urinary tract infection, for example, which will be the real cause of hematuria.


Hard knocks, falls and other injuries can cause your cat to urinate blood, which means that an internal organ or muscle is injured or torn.


Tumors in the reproductive or urinary system manifest through blood in the urine. In each case they are different, but may be accompanied by pain, difficulty in urinating and loss of appetite, among other signs.


Pyometra is a dangerous disease that affects unsterilized females, as during heat they are prone to contract bacteria. Pyometra manifests itself through secretions with pus that are expelled through the vagina and that sometimes may be accompanied by blood.

Cat urinating blood: what to do

When you watch your cat urinate blood, it's normal for the tutor to panic and wonder what to do to help him. The first is to remain calm, monitor the cat's behavior and resort to the vet immediately. It is necessary to establish the cause that causes blood in the cat's urine, so the specialist will ask you questions about the feline's habits, in addition to performing a general check-up, blood analysis, urine samples and, if necessary, others exams

Once the cause is established, the veterinarian will prescribe a treatment based on the diagnosis. It is imperative that you follow its directions to the letter, as many of the diseases that manifest through hematuria can be deadly if not treated correctly.

You treatments for cat urinating blood usually consist of:

  • Bacterial infection: analgesics and antibiotics.
  • Cystitis: pain relievers, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and a change of diet.
  • Kidney Stones: Switching to a Diet homemade or special nutrition, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, surgery in severe cases.
  • Obesity: change of diet, exercise and attention to other health problems that are causing the bleeding.
  • Trauma: anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, antibiotics in case of infection and other care depending on the severity of the trauma.
  • Tumors: therapy according to the state of the tumor and use of medications that require the case.
  • Pyometra: surgery or drug treatment according to the severity of the disease.

Home remedies for cat urinating blood

There are some recommended home remedies for cat urinating blood. However, please note that none of these methods replace veterinary care., as conditions that cause urine in the blood can be deadly for your cat. These treatments are just a supplement to the treatments recommended by the veterinarian and should always be applied under your supervision.

The natural treatments shown below are home remedies for urinary tract infections in cats, kidney stones, cystitis and/or obesity, which are the main reasons for the presence of blood in urine in cats. When the problem lies in the development of tumors, for example, we can also seek remedies that help to alleviate the symptoms, but it should be the specialist who indicates the most suitable ones. In all cases, we repeat, medicines do not cure, they relieve.

1. Reduce stress to promote hydration

Stress can cause problems such as cystitis and the obesity, therefore offering a calm environment to the cat is essential for its recovery. Avoid generating annoying noises, establish a routine at home and allow the cat to have a space where it can retreat and rest.

2. Improve hydration

Many cats refuse to drink water or drink too little. However, problems such as cystitis and the calculationskidneys they can be caused, in part, by poor hydration or made worse by it.

Cats generally prefer to drink from metal containers rather than plastic ones, as the smell of plastic ones changes over time, even if you don't notice. Remember that the water must be changed every day after cleaning the container. If your cat doesn't drink anyway, consider purchasing a cat fountain, as they find moving water attractive. For more recommendations, don't miss the article "My cat doesn't drink water: causes and solutions".

3. Apple Vinegar, A Remedy for Urinary Infection

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a home remedy for cats that urinate blood, specifically in cases of kidney stones and urinary infections, as it cleans the body. Thus, for those looking for home remedies to treat your cat's urine infection, this can be an excellent ally.

The way to administer it is to dilute a teaspoon of vinegar in the cat's water container and allow it to drink. If he doesn't drink, you can give the vinegar with the help of a syringe without a needle, always without forcing the animal.

4. Change of diet

Food quality is important for your cat's health. Often, you get a more economical food because you think you feed the feline anyway, but the truth is that the low ranges contain a lot of fat and carbohydrates, and are poor in the food groups that cats need.

A change in diet will improve and may even prevent cystitis, you kidney stones and the obesity. Consult with your veterinarian about the special foods your cat needs or the possibility of starting a homemade or moist food diet.

5. Vitamin C, the best home remedy for urinary tract infection in cats

Vitamin C raises acidity levels in urine, which contributes to the elimination of bacteria, so it can be a complementary treatment in case of urinary infections.

The fruits rich in vitamin C par excellence are citrus fruits, such as oranges and tangerines. However, we know that it is almost impossible for your cat to accept consuming them, as they do not like strong smells. Do not worry! You can choose to offer strawberries andblueberries, also rich in this vitamin.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.