because my dog ​​doesn't get fat

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 18 January 2025
Danila Poperechny: "SPECIAL fo KIDS" | Stand-up, 2020.
Video: Danila Poperechny: "SPECIAL fo KIDS" | Stand-up, 2020.


When a dog doesn't eat enough, or eat but don't get fat, you are dealing with a serious problem that you must solve. The food provided may not be the most correct or the dog may have a health problem.

In this article by PeritoAnimal, we explain the main causes that can make your puppy not gain weight. Keep reading and find out because your dog doesn't get fat, as well as possible solutions.

my dog ​​is very thin

Before determining if your puppy is too thin, it is important to know the characteristics of your breed. Not all dogs are the same and, therefore, each breed has a different body type and weight.

If you have just adopted your dog and he comes from the street or has had problems, it is normal that he does not eat regularly at first. It is important to dose your food in small amounts until it regains its weight. It is not recommended to overfeed the animal. In a short time you will be able to notice improvements.

If your puppy has started to lose weight for no apparent reason, is tired and you can see his ribs with the naked eye, he is likely to have a problem. To find out if this is the case, you must know your puppy's ideal weight.

the ideal weight

Obesity is a problem that affects many dogs these days. For this reason, the values ​​of body mass index in dogs. These values ​​indicate the ideal weight for a dog of a certain breed or size. It is very useful to know this data: not only to determine if your puppy is too thin, but also to control that it does not exceed its weight.

Depending on the size of your dog, the ideal weight must be found between the following values:

  • Nano breeds: 1-6 kg
  • Small breeds: 5-25 kg
  • Medium breeds: 14-27 kg
  • Large breeds: 21-39 kg
  • Giant breeds: 32-82 kg

These values ​​give you an approximate idea of ​​what your puppy should weigh. You can find out about the specific weight for your dog's breed. Some examples are as follows:

  • Beagle: 8-14 kg
  • German Shepherd: 34-43 Kg
  • Boxer: 22-34 kg
  • Labrador retriever: 29-36 Kg

If your puppy is under these values, he needs to gain weight.

Why doesn't my dog ​​get fat?

The main reasons why a dog does not gain weight or is thinner than he should be are as follows:

  • Bad eating habits

A poor diet that does not provide the necessary energy for your puppy can cause serious failures. Inadequate feeds, low quality or a meager amount will cause the dog to lose weight quickly.

Problems such as IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) can arise, which prevents the correct absorption of nutrients.

  • Diseases or disorders

Intestinal parasites can greatly harm the health of puppies. Is important deworm the animal internally and externally every three months.

There are some diseases that make the dog lose weight quickly. They affect the absorption of nutrients, so it is important to consult your veterinarian if you see your dog losing weight drastically. Some illnesses that cause thinness include:

  1. Diabetes: weight changes are very drastic. Lack of insulin causes serious deficiencies in nutrient absorption.
  2. Addison's disease: weight loss accompanied by vomiting.
  3. Cancer
  4. Thyroid Related Diseases
  • overexertion

Excessive exercise, when not accompanied by a proper diet, can cause imbalances. Growing puppies or lactating puppies should not consume excessive energy. If our dog is very active, we must increase the amount of food, always adapting to the level of exercise performed.

What can I do to make you fat?

To increase your puppy's weight, you must choose a quality feed. Take his size, age and level of physical activity into account when selecting the right food for him. When you have the ration, provide the recommended amount and compare with the amount offered previously. If the difference is too large, gradually increase the amount. Thus, you will avoid diarrhea and digestive problems.

O liver, rich in iron and vitamins, can help your dog. It can be cooked beef or chicken and can be offered several times a week during weight gain. Keep in mind that canned foods contain a lot of water and generally contain fewer calories.

While gaining weight, do not subject the dog to excessive exercise. The daily walks will suffice, so he can devote all his energy to fat recovery and storage. On the other hand, and as mentioned earlier, deworming is essential for our dog's health.

If, after applying these advices, your puppy has not gained weight, consult your veterinarian so you can determine that he has some disease that is affecting his metabolism. otherwise, a fattening diet and vitamin supplements should suffice.