Environmental Enrichment for Dogs - Ideas and Games!
You've probably heard of environmental enrichment for zoo pecie , and perhap you've never heard of the term for dog . In fact, environmental enrichment i omething that ha tarted to be tudied i...
What is the kangaroo bag for
The term kangaroo it actually encompa e different pecie of the mar upial ubfamily, which have important characteri tic in common. Among all the pecie we can highlight the red kangaroo, ince it i the l...
Feline Aids - Contagion, Symptoms and Treatment
If you have a cat, you know that the e pet are very pecial. A pet , feline are faithful companion and it i nece ary to know the di ea e they may uffer from in order to prevent and treat them, protecti...
Do dogs predict pregnancy?
Much ha been aid about the ixth en e that animal po e , which on numerou occa ion abruptly alter their behavior for a rea on we are not able to under tand. He believe that thi happen becau e animal ha...
because my cat bites me
All cat owner love to cuddle while they are purring, but thi relaxing moment can turn into a nightmare when our cat attack u uddenly and without warning cratche or bite u . In other ca e it may happen...
Anxious Dog - Symptoms, Causes and Treatments
In ome ituation we can ee our dog a lot. nervou and re tle , pre enting a picture compatible with anxiety. Thi behavior can be triggered by loud noi e , but it can al o happen when we leave our dog ho...
Dandruff in Dogs: Treatment and Prevention
Like human , dog can al o uffer from dandruff and, ju t like people, dandruff can be related to eborrheic dermatiti (oily dandruff) or it can be dry dandruff. A de quamation can even be related to ato...
Dog Cake Recipes
I your dog' birthday coming up and you want to do omething pecial? o, let' go to the kitchen and prepare a pecial cake. He will definitely love thi urpri e. Remember that although the ingredie...
Acupuncture for dogs
Natural therapie are at their peak and not ju t for u , luckily for our animal too. In thi article we are going to talk about the acupuncture for dog , an ancient practice of Traditional Chine e Medic...
+20 real hybrid animals - Examples and features
Hybrid animal are the pecimen re ulting from the cro ing of animal of different pecie . Thi cro ing give ri e to being who e appearance mixe parental characteri tic , o they are quite curiou .Not all ...
My cat eats plastic: why and what to do?
Food i a very important a pect in cat life. In the wild, hunting i not only fun that cat teach their kitten from a very young age, but al o the only way of life they have. Hou e cat , on the other han...
Vitamins for dog fattening
Have you noticed that your dog i very thin de pite eating everything you give him? We all want to be the be t parent of our pet , and we worry a lot when we ee change in their bodie becau e we mu t th...
Can I bathe a sick cat?
Cat are very clean animal , they even take care of their daily hygiene. But, like u , they can get ick and when they feel bad the fir t thing they neglect i their hygiene. In the e ituation they need ...
Dog Feeding: Types and Benefits
It i not ea y to determine which i the be t dog food, however, ince thi i one of the i ue that mo t concern tutor , it i important to review the different one . type of food exi ting one , detailing t...
Metronidazole for dogs: doses, uses and side effects
O metronidazole for dog i a medicine u ed relatively frequently in veterinary medicine. It i an active ingredient that we will al o find in human medicine. But even if you have thi product in your med...
Changing cat fur color: causes and examples
Do cat change color when they grow up? In general, when a cat i born of a color, will tay like thi forever. It' omething that' in your gene , ju t like your eye color, your body tructure and, ...
Names for betta fish
Unlike other pet like dog and cat, you don't call the fi h by it name to come to you, the fi h won't have to learn it name to re pond to training order . Therefore, choo ing a name for your pe...
Swimming Dog Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Do you have a puppy that cannot walk or move normally? Notice that hi attempt to walk re emble a dog wimming? o it could be wimming dog yndrome. wimmer dog yndrome, al o known a flat dog yndrome, appe...
What does the rhinoceros eat?
Rhinocero belong to the order Peri odactyla, uborder Ceratomorph (which they only hare with tapir ) and the Rhinocerotidae family. The e animal make up the group of large land mammal , a well a elepha...
Do cats sleep more in winter?
Although ometime it doe n't eem like it, our animal al o feel and change their habit , adapting to the new temperature . Que tion like: Why doe my cat leep o much? or, Do cat leep more in winter?T...