Pancreatitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
Pancreatitis in Cats | Diagnosis & Treatment | DiscountPetCare
Video: Pancreatitis in Cats | Diagnosis & Treatment | DiscountPetCare


Pancreatitis in cats is one of the most common illnesses in cats and most often goes unnoticed. This is because, unlike what happens with dogs, it does not usually develop acutely, if not chronically, as clinical manifestations do not appear suddenly, they are more difficult to detect.

In addition, the most representative symptoms, such as weight loss and lack of appetite, are common in other cat diseases, making diagnosis difficult. If you want to know more about pancreatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment, continue reading this PeritoAnimal article.

Pancreatitis in cats: what is it?

THE Feline pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, a gland that is located near the small intestine (in fact, it is partially glued to it) and that fulfills various functions in the organism of animals and humans. If on the one hand it has an endocrine function, producing hormones such as insulin. On the other hand, it has an exocrine function because it also produces substances that help to digest food.

Pancreatitis in cats: causes

Unfortunately, the cause of feline pancreatitis is often not easy to identify., although it may be related to certain toxics present in many insecticides and infectious agents such as batteries, viruses such as feline infectious peritonitis or parasites, for example Toxoplasma.

The causes of pancreatitis in cats can also be related to high fat diets, allergic phenomena or also trauma in the region.

Pancreatitis in cats: symptoms

In cats, the most common is pancreatitis due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, meaning that the gland is not able to correctly carry out its work of producing digestive hormones. In these cases, the symptoms of feline pancreatitis are weight loss, loss of appetite and, less frequently, diarrhea and vomiting.

Although there is an acute form, pancreatitis in cats is usually a chronic process and these symptoms may not be very serious and may go unnoticed. On some occasions, recurrent vomiting can be confused with causes related to the ingestion of hairballs, something very common among felines. Still, cats with feline pancreatitis may present inflammation in the small intestine and liver, detecting jaundice in these cases.

Pancreatitis in cats: diagnosis

To diagnose pancreatitis in cats, the symptoms mentioned above must be studied, their duration and the possible causes understood by asking the animal's guardian. Afterwards, it is convenient to submit the animal to a physical examination, emphasizing the cat's state of hydration, body condition, presence of abdominal pain and coloring of the mucous membranes, which are yellowish in cases of jaundice.

To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test will be performed including specific elements for detect feline pancreatitis. The blood test is also very helpful to know the general health of your pussy and other organs that may be affected in cases of pancreatitis in cats, such as the liver.

Ultrasound is much more useful than x-ray, in these cases it can reveal inflammation in the cat's pancreas, confirming the diagnosis.

Feline pancreatitis: treatment

In acute cases, as in more severe cases, the first is to stabilize the patient. Since one of the functions of the pancreas is to assist with the digestion of food. In some cases, one might think that fasting is an indicated practice, but it is not true. In cats, prolonged fasting can cause serious liver problems, and patients with this problem tend to have a low body condition, so dietary restriction can lead to a serious risk of malnutrition. The truth is that, in cases of acute pancreatitis, which is much more common in dogs than in cats, fasting of solids is necessary, accompanied by intravenous administration of serum.

Depriving cats of pancreatitis of water is an unforgivable mistake that can end the cat's life. If the cat vomits when drinking, you should offer antiemetics to avoid or use intravenous fluids. In any case, the diet for cats with pancreatitis must be easily digestible, offering moist foods specifically indicated that can be administered, even through a tube. They can also provide opiate pain relievers to reduce the pet's pain.

After these first moments, or in cats with chronic pancreatitis where symptoms do not cause fear for the cat's life in the short term, the feline pancreatitis treatment it's based on diet. This one, it must be easy to digest and low in fat, there are commercial diets specially formulated for cats with feline pancreatitis. Some vitamin supplements are also advisable, with products rich in vitamin B12 being especially useful.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.