
You've most likely heard of the big five from africa or "the big five", animals from the fauna of the African savanna. These are large, powerful and strong animals that have become popular since the first safaris.
In this Peritoanimal article, we will describe these five animals, explaining a little about each one of them and what you should know if you are planning a trip to meet them in person.
Keep reading to know and enjoy together with us the big five of Africa and let yourself be amazed by the beauty that inspires the animal world.
1. The elephant
O African elephant or African Loxodonta it is undoubtedly deserving of appearing as one of the big five in Africa due to its large dimensions. They can measure up to 7 meters in length and weigh up to 6 tons, a great record.
It lives in the African savanna and unfortunately your survival is threatened due to the trade in their prey. Currently, although there are attempts to create measures against poaching, what is certain is that there are still elephant killings in Africa.
Although it is very well known its intelligence and emotional capabilities that make it a very sensitive and beautiful animal, the truth is that the wild elephant is a very dangerous animal, because when they feel threatened they can react with very sudden movements and fatal attacks to a human.

2. the buffalo
In the African savannah we find the buffalo or syncerus caffer, one of the most feared animals both by other wild animals and by people.It is organized in herds of several individuals and they are gregarious, always in constant motion.
These are very brave animals that defend each other without any fear, they are capable of causing great disturbances in the face of a threat.
For this reason, the buffalo has always been a highly respected animal by native populations. Inhabitants and guides on African routes often wear necklaces that emit sounds that buffaloes identify as something to try to minimize the feeling of risk for them.

3. The leopard
O african leopard or panthera pardus pardus is one of the most beautiful animals on earth and unfortunately is found in critical extinction hazard.
It can reach up to 190 centimeters and 90 kilograms in weight, which gives them incredible strength and can even hunt young specimens of giraffe or antelope.
This member of the big five in Africa is an animal that we must show respect as it is active 24 hours a day and there is no way to escape it: it is capable of climbing, running and swimming.

4. The rhinoceros
We find two types of rhinos in the African savannah, the White rhino (keratotherium simum) it's the black rhino (Diceros bicorni) with the latter in critical danger of extinction. Currently, hunting and trading in rhino horns is prohibited, but as always poachers are always on the lookout for this incredible and large animal.
They are very large animals, measuring up to two meters in height and weighing 1,500 kilograms. Although this member of Africa's Big Five is a herbivore, it should be highly respected as it an onslaught can be fatal for anyone.

5. the lion
O Lion or panthera leo it is the animal with which we close the big five in Africa. No doubt we all know this large and powerful mammal that surprises us with its beauty and the long hours it devotes to sleep every day.
It is the females who are dedicated to hunting prey, whether they are zebras, wildebeest or wild boar, either is valid for this great predator. It is also threatened as a vulnerable animal.
A detail that few people know is that the lion and the hyenas are rivals that fight each other for hunting, and although in general one might think that the hyena is a scavenger and opportunistic animal, the truth is that it is the lion that often acts like opportunist stealing food from hyenas.