Turtle names

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 1 August 2021
Update Date: 12 September 2024
50+ Turtle Name Ideas That I Love!! (what to name pet turtle)
Video: 50+ Turtle Name Ideas That I Love!! (what to name pet turtle)


Turtles are wonderful animals and a very popular pet. However, not all people are able to keep these animals in captivity. Contrary to what it may seem, turtles need very specific care to ensure they live. with adequate conditions that promote well-being.

If you are still wondering whether or not to purchase a turtle, consider whether you have all the necessary conditions for it, namely a large aquarium or pond (they grow a lot) and a UV light bulb (if the lodge does not have access to direct sunlight) . The most common turtles in captivity, the semiaquatic, can live for about 25 years, so it is important that you are aware of the commitment that is to adopt one.

If you meet all the conditions and have recently adopted a little turtle, PeritoAnimal wrote this article by names for turtles to help you pick a really cool name for her.

Names for Unisex Turtles

As we have already mentioned, turtles need specific care, whether in water or land. Proper management helps prevent the appearance of the most common diseases in these species.

Choosing a name is also very important because it allows you to increase your bond with the animal. For this reason, PeritoAnimal has come up with several names for domestic turtles. Since when they are still little it is more difficult to distinguish their sex, we thought of a list of names for unisex turtles:

  • arky
  • Borat
  • Hard shell
  • cone
  • grimace
  • Chlorophyll
  • Click
  • donnie
  • Flash
  • Frame
  • Franklin
  • Photograph
  • funny
  • Leo
  • Mike
  • Nik
  • Neon
  • film
  • pixel
  • Stacks
  • Randy
  • Ruby
  • It's slow
  • Tortuguita
  • tuga
  • you
  • tutti
  • Tripod
  • Verdocas
  • xanthophyll
  • Zupu

Names for female turtles

Another essential point in the care of turtles is feeding. Review our articles on feeding water turtles and feeding land turtles, including prohibited foods for turtles in this second group. Feeding is the key to a healthy life for any animal!

If you already know that the little one you adopted is a female, we thought of names for female pet turtles:

  • Agate
  • Alert
  • Alaska
  • Aquarin
  • Arizona
  • Athens
  • Baby
  • Cool
  • barb
  • Baroness
  • Biba
  • Ball
  • Boo
  • bubble gum
  • Crystal
  • daisy
  • Dallas
  • Dynamite
  • Diana
  • Duchess
  • Elba
  • emile
  • Emerald
  • Star
  • fairy
  • fantasy
  • fifi
  • Arrow
  • Fortune
  • Pillowcase
  • Smoke
  • galoshes
  • gypsy
  • Guga
  • Hydra
  • indian
  • Yoga
  • Jesse
  • Julie
  • Kay
  • Kika
  • lady
  • Lili
  • Madonna
  • Meg
  • Natasha
  • Nicole
  • Panda
  • Panther
  • Panoramic
  • Popcorn
  • Pirate
  • Pearl
  • Princess
  • Rebeca
  • Ricotta
  • Sasha
  • star
  • susie
  • Tieta
  • tiger
  • starlet
  • Xana
  • Yanna
  • Zaire
  • Zizi
  • Zulu

Famous Turtle Names

Would you like to give your turtle a very original and funny name? Have you thought about famous turtle names? Who forgets the famous Ninja Turtles who ate pizza and lived in New York's sewers? The younger ones surely know Crush, a sea turtle who helps Marlin look for Nemo. Choosing the name of a famous turtle that marked your childhood can be an excellent idea. PeritoAnimal will remind you of some of the most famous turtles on television:

  • Crush (Finding Nemo)
  • Donatello (Ninja Turtles)
  • Franklin (Franklin)
  • Lancelot (Mike, Lu and Og)
  • Leonardo (ninja turtles)
  • Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda)
  • Michelangelo (Ninja Turtles)
  • Raphael (ninja turtles)
  • Turtle (Ben 10)
  • Tortoise Touché ( Tortoise Touché and Dum dum)
  • Verne (The Forestless)

Name for pet turtle

We hope our list has helped you in choosing the ideal name for your new turtle. It is important to remember that these animals, like all others in the care of humans, need veterinary care. It is essential that you visit the veterinarian specialist in exotic animals with your little one to ensure she is growing normally. Reptiles are very resistant animals that hide their problems. For this reason, it is important that the turtle is accompanied by a professional who is properly trained to detect any changes. Unfortunately, most guardians of these animals notice too late that the turtle has a problem. The later the diagnosis, the more difficult the treatment.

With suitable conditions, turtles can live for a long time and are beings with a very special behavior and therefore very appreciated!

Unfortunately, the purchase of these animals does not always have the necessary advance research on the species and there are thousands of abandoned turtles per year in dams and rivers. It is usual for the turtle to come home with only 3 or 4 cm and quickly reach 20/25 cm, which requires much more accommodation than most petshops sell. Consequently, people abandon these animals thinking that they live better in freedom. The problem is not simply the survival of the species that was released, but also the native species of that region that are greatly affected by the new competition, in addition to health problems. For this reason, the Animal Expert insists that consider all the conditions before adopting any animal species.