My cat is vomiting, what to do?

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 24 January 2025
5 Home Remedies For Cat Vomiting
Video: 5 Home Remedies For Cat Vomiting


You vomiting Occasional cats are quite a common problem in the cat and don't necessarily have to be a serious problem. But if vomiting is more frequent it can be a symptom of a more serious condition, in which case you should take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Vomiting is a reflex act that causes the active elimination of digestive content through the mouth, especially food in the stomach. It is important not to confuse vomiting with regurgitation which is passive rejection, without active contractions of the abdomen, undigested food or saliva.

If you want to know how to act, find out at PeritoAnimal what to do if yours is vomiting.

What should you do immediately

If your cat is vomiting and your level of consciousness is altered, watch him and be careful so that it does not pass digestive content into the airways. Keep him away from the expelled digestive material, clean his mouth and airway so that they do not become clogged, being careful not to bite or scratch him.

If the cat that is vomiting is an adult and is in good health, with no other symptoms and is not dehydrated, then it is recommended to have a 12 to 24 hour diet, give him water in small amounts little by little. But be careful, sometimes prolonged fasting is bad, especially in cats suffering from obesity.

In any case, it is advisable to monitor your cat between 24 and 48 hours after the vomiting episode. If you vomit again or if your cat's general condition deteriorates, take him to your veterinarian emergency.

act depending on the cause

Observing the contents expelled by your cat is important to determine the severity, and it also allows you to guide your veterinarian as to the cause. The expelled contents can be: undigested food, gastric fluid, bile fluid (yellow or greenish), blood (bright red or brown if it is digested blood), foreign bodies, plants or hairballs.

fur balls

One of the most common causes is the formation of hairballs: when cleaning, your cat swallows a large amount of hair which then forms a ball in its digestive system, usually it is soon expelled in the form of vomit. To resolve this type of vomiting you can brush your cat, remember that it is especially important to do a good brushing in long-haired breeds, in addition you can give your cat valerian, valerian is a plant that your cat can eat and that helps to detoxify.

ate very fast

Your cat may vomit simply because it has eaten too much too quickly and your stomach has not had time to digest the food and needs to expel it. If the food has not yet reached the stomach and only the esophagus before expelling it, it is regurgitation. In any case, if your cat eats too fast, you should ration his food and give him small but more frequent portions, always watching that he eats calmly, chewing the food correctly.

Read our full article on: Cat vomits after eating, what can it be?

the stress

Another cause of vomiting in cats is stress: Cats are animals very sensitive to change, whether it's a change of environment or a change in food, this can put them in a state of mild or severe stress. If you've moved, recently remodeled your home, changed your food, or recently adopted another pet, your cat may be stressed out and that's the cause of your vomiting. To help your cat you can make sure you have one. safe space and quiet in which to retreat when you want to be calm. As for the food, cats prefer to eat 15 to 20 small meals a day: leave their daily amount at their free disposal. If you are unable to help your stressed cat, you can consult a veterinarian for advice on the use of pheromones or other medications for your cat.

Intolerance to some food

If it is frequent vomiting with or without diarrhea, without loss of appetite or other symptoms, the cause may be a food intolerance or a gastritis acute or chronic. If you believe that this is the cause, you can put your cat on a 24-hour fast and if it continues to vomit you should take it to your veterinarian to make a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. If you are going to put your cat on a 24-hour fast, it is important that you keep an eye on him because the absence of food for too long can cause uncomfortable changes in the intestinal flora, so it is very important to be careful, it is best to go to the vet first before doing it. any change.

an intoxication

Another cause could be a intoxication, try to remember if your cat ate any unusual food, if you suspect poisoning go to your veterinarian immediately and explain what happened. Depending on the type of poisoning, he will advise you on one treatment or another.

Another more serious condition

If the vomiting episodes are accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, bloody diarrhea, then constipation is most likely because a more serious condition is the cause. It could be because of parasites, diabetes, leukemia or cancer. Write down all symptoms to help your veterinarian diagnose.

It is always useful to measure your cat's temperature, ideally it does not exceed 39 degrees, observe your cat closely to detect possible neurological changes such as dizziness, convulsions, changes in consciousness. An increase in thirst, recent jealousy in a cat or urinary disorders are important elements in diagnosing the cause of vomiting.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.