- Causes of canine bad breath
- Gingivitis
- Periodontitis
- Caries
- endodontic disease
- Hygiene and food factors
- pathological disorders
- Serious Signs in Canine Halitosis
- How To Get Bad Dog Breath
- The dog's mouth cleaning

It has certainly happened that your dog has yawned and you have noticed that an unpleasant smell, known as halitosis, comes out of his mouth. How To Get Bad Dog Breath? About this, we bring some information about the causes and ways of prevention.
Halitosis or bad breath is a common ailment in dogs, which does not always mean something serious, as it is not necessarily a sign of illness. Most of the time, the dog with breath you just need simple hygiene measures and a balanced diet.
If your pet suffers from this problem, it is important to know the cause. If it is a health problem, it is necessary to look for a specialist to solve this unpleasant problem and ensure your pet's health. Therefore, in this PeritoAnimal article we will help you with tips for prevent canine bad breath.
Causes of canine bad breath
dog with bad breath can be a consequence of:
- Gingivitis;
- Periodontitis;
- Endodontic diseases;
- Caries;
- Hygiene factors;
- Incorrect feeding;
- Pathological disorders.
Read on to learn more about each of these possible sources of dog bad breath.
is caused by bacterial plaque accumulation in the dog's gums. This is one of the main causes of tooth loss in dogs.They are caused by poor oral hygiene and can change the color of the gum from pink to purple. Bad breath and bleeding gums are some of the symptoms.
If gingivitis or tartar are not treated in the dog, it can develop into periodontitis, a more serious problem that usually affects small breed dogs. It can appear between 4 to 6 years of age and, if not treated correctly, it can lose its teeth. Periodontitis can be alleviated with frequent cleanings, or in some cases with surgery, through extractions.
Just like humans, dogs need the daily oral hygiene practice. With the right information given by a veterinarian, you can take great care of your dog's mouth. Get to know the tips for taking care of your dog's teeth in this article.
Even though it's unusual in dogs, the caries it can happen just as it happens to humans. It can be found on the surface of molars in dogs and can be treated with the help of a specialist.
endodontic disease
can be caused by traumas in the teeth. An accident or a bite to an inappropriate object can damage the teeth. A caries can also progress to the disease and require a root canal. As symptoms, in addition to bad breath, the dog may have sensitivity in the teeth that, in addition, may change in color.
Hygiene and food factors
Halitosis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene and/or unhealthy eating habits. To learn how to properly feed your dog, check out Dog Feeding: Types and Benefits.
pathological disorders
Halitosis can also be caused by oral infections, as well as diseases of the liver, kidneys, or digestive tract. In these cases, bad breath is associated with the typical symptoms of the disease that is causing this alert, making it essential to consult a veterinarian to obtain the correct diagnosis.
Serious Signs in Canine Halitosis
You warning signs that can indicate a bad condition of the pet are:
- Sweet or fruity smell, may indicate ketosis due to diabetes.
- Bad breath accompanied by yellow gums or eyes.
- Bad breath accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea.
- Lack of appetite and halitosis may indicate an oral infection.
If you notice any of these symptoms, don't hesitate to consult a veterinarian so that he can analyze the condition of your dog's teeth and can perform an oral cleaning, if necessary.
In the absence of disease, you can treat bad breath in a natural and simple way, acting on nutrition, nutritional supplementation and mouth cleaning of our dog. Keep reading as we'll explain how to take the dog's breath.
How To Get Bad Dog Breath
To know how to take the dog's breath, it is important to act on the diet since, many times, the animal may have been used to less healthy nutritional habits.
Follow the following advice to combat bad canine feeding breath:
- a diet rich in beef can cause bad breath, due to food debris that remain in the d article for ones. These debris are later attacked by bacteria, which causes the bad smell. don't miss this
- Always choose the dry feed, leaving canned food for sporadic occasions. This is because dry feed is the food that leaves less residue on teeth, and dry pieces of feed prevent the formation of tartar and plaque.
- O food container it must always be clean, if there is any leftover food, there may be a putrefaction process that contributes negatively to the dog's halitosis when he starts eating again.
- In addition to balancing your pet's food, you can choose to nutritional supplements that help prevent canine bad breath. In this case, when we talk about nutritional supplements, we are referring to appetizers for dogs that contain substances that are good for maintaining proper oral hygiene. In addition, these products are delicious for dogs, both for their shape and their taste.
- You can also use specific toys for puppies made with natural rubber, which are suitable for keeping teeth clean.
The dog's mouth cleaning
We are all aware that it is necessary to bathe our puppy, trim his nails, keep his fur in good condition, among other precautions. All of this is part of a hygienic routine that we cannot leave aside. The main problem is that, often, oral cleaning is out of the routine, when it should be as frequent as other care.
One of the best advices to prevent halitosis in dogs is to include oral cleaning in the dog's hygiene routine. For this you need to use a toothbrush. Initially, for a short period of time during the first few times, especially if he doesn't like it, until he gets the dog used to it.
It's fundamental not use a human toothpaste, as they contain fluorine, which is poisonous to dogs. At any pet store you can find a toothpaste and brush suitable for your pet.
If you want to read more articles similar to Dog Bad Breath: Causes and Prevention, we recommend that you enter our Dental Hygiene section.