Cat with fur falling in different parts: causes

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 February 2025
Why is My Cat LOSING HAIR? - Molting and Other Explanations
Video: Why is My Cat LOSING HAIR? - Molting and Other Explanations


A cat's coat is its calling card, and very often it is possible to notice problems such as sores, dandruff or lack of hair. It is this last problem that we will talk about in this PeritoAnimal article, as it causes great concern for tutors.

Let's explain about the most common causes of cat with fur falling in different parts, as well as possible solutions to recover the coat, as this is very important for the health of your feline companion. And, as always, it is necessary look for the veterinarian if you notice any problems with your cat's coat.

Why hair loss occurs in cats

The first thing you need to consider when explaining the causes of cats with falling fur is how this failure presents itself, since it is possible to be facing a generalized alopecia, in which the cat will have no hair on much of the body, especially on the sides and belly, or much more specific lack of hair, in the form of bald patches visible in different areas of the body.

In addition, it is necessary to observe whether the failure occurs due to excessive cat licks, as they generally prefer to lick themselves over scratching and these excessive licks can break the fur and cause it to fall out, as well as cause sores, as cats' tongues are rough. In other cases, hair loss may occur without your intervention. All these data are important to reach the diagnosis, as we will see in the next sections.

Could cat with falling fur be ringworm?

If your cat lacks hair in the form of rounded bald areas and they are mostly in the head region, you may think he is suffering from a very common fungal disorder known as ringworm. Ringworm in cats is a relatively common disease, especially in smaller ones. It usually starts when the cat is under some stress, like moving house, but it can also affect adult cats.

Inadequate hygienic conditions are also a predisposing factor. Cat ringworm is usually self-limiting, which means that the cat's immune system is able to restore the integrity of the skin without the need for medication, simply by improving its defenses. For this, it is essential to control stress and provide quality food.

In any case, the veterinarian can decide prescribe an antifungal for smaller kittens, more severe cases with general baldness or when several diseases are simultaneous. These treatments are usually long (minimum of about 4 weeks).

It is important to know that the cat ringworm is a zoonotic disease It is also contagious to humans, so it is necessary to be careful if you have children, elderly or immunocompromised people at home who live with the cat. You should ensure proper hygiene and frequently disinfect and vacuum, especially areas where your cat rests or spends more time.

Ringworm is confirmed with a simple test performed by the veterinarian, which consists of passing a light bulb (wood's lamp) on the cat. The illuminated areas indicate the presence of fungi, which can also be observed under a microscope.

Could cat with falling fur be an allergy?

Sometimes cat allergy is the reason why your cat has hairless areas. The cat can develop allergies to pollen, some proteins, materials and even allergy to flea saliva. In the latter case, a single sting is capable of triggering the entire allergic condition, which is why it is very important to identify if your cat is allergic and keep your deworming up to date, even if he lives indoors. Also remember that you should use products that eliminate fleas at all stages, not just adult fleas.

Only your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the matter, considering your cat's specific circumstances. This allergy causes itching, so the cat becomes lick, if scratch and ends up losing hair in large areas, even causing wounds. The later you receive veterinary assistance, the more complicated the situation will be.

In a cat with this type of allergy, you will notice that the lack of hair occurs mainly in the tail base (lumbosacral area), which may extend to the abdomen, flanks and neck. Treatment may require medication to control the itching and prevent secondary infection, but the most important thing, as we said, is to avoid it by following a deworming schedule, always using the best products to deworm cats.

Other causes of cats with falling out

O stress in cats is another factor that may explain why a cat has hairless areas. To consider that the cause of the absence of hair is psychological, it is necessary first discard the physical causes. Stress can cause the cat to over-lick, causing hair loss. In addition, as we have seen, it also lowers your defenses, which can affect the quality of the fur and its change. To avoid this you should investigate the reasons that may be stressing the cat to correct them.

At this point, you can contact a ethologist (a specialist in animal behavior) or a veterinarian trained in psychology and feline behavior. An example of the incidence of hair stress is the disorder known as telogen effluvium, in which the lack of hair presents itself on your cat's sides, belly and chest. In this case, hairless areas are not caused by excessive licking but by a disturbance in hair change.

The hair growth cycle is divided into three phases that take place in a mosaic, so that the hairs are gradually renewed. Stress can interrupt this cycle, leaving you in your telogen phase, in which the hair does not grow. Once the cause of stress is resolved, the new hair displaces the existing one, which is in the telogen phase, producing a sudden change of all the hairs at the same time. This doesn't require treatment and the coat eventually recovers, but it's important to avoid the causes of stress, as we've already said.

Another of the causes of alopecia, especially on the sides of the body and even affecting large areas, are certain endocrine diseases, as can be Cushing's syndrome in cats, which will bring other symptoms such as increased water intake, increased urine production or a very pronounced fragility of the skin. In these cases, the primary cause of the lack of hair must be treated, which can be diagnosed by blood tests.

Preventive measures to prevent cat hair loss

Now that we've identified the most common reasons for a cat with fur falling out in different parts, you should consider a number of measures that will help you avoid coat problems. These measures are as follows:

  • Hygiene and brushing: coat care must be integrated into the basic routine;
  • Deworming: it is necessary to establish a deworming calendar, both external and internal, and keep it throughout the year for all the animals in the house.
  • Avoid contagion: if your cat's hair loss is due to ringworm or fleas, be careful, as the fungi that cause ringworm are very contagious. Flea allergy is not contagious, but fleas are, so it is important to take care of deworming;
  • food: you must provide your cat with food suitable for its needs, paying attention to its quality in terms of proteins, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids, as these will influence the quality and growth of the hair;
  • Stress: We have already seen that this is a factor that may explain why the cat has hairless areas. Therefore, it is necessary to offer adequate care, an enriched environment to avoid boredom and frustration, and to promote a gradual adaptation to any changes that have to do with the cat.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.