Recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 21 February 2025
15 Fruits and Vegetables you can feed your dog
Video: 15 Fruits and Vegetables you can feed your dog


In its natural habitat, the dog has meat as its main food, as it is a carnivorous animal. Through the food digested by its prey, the dog would also absorb the nutrients and vitamins provided by fruits and vegetables, very necessary to keep its body in perfect condition.

Since in our house the dog cannot hunt and we are the ones who give it food to survive, we must take into account which nutrients our dog needs, so that knowing that, we can choose the best diet for him. Experts recommend always opting for a varied food, consisting of dry feed, in small amounts, natural fruits and vegetables.

What fruits can dog eat? What are the vegetables that a dog cannot eat? Keep reading and find out in PeritoAnimal which are the fruits and vegetables recommended for dogs.

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables for Dogs

In general, quality dog ​​food has the proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and oils that our dog needs in a balanced way. However, they also feature nutritional deficiencies that, in the long run, can affect our dog's health, such as a lack of fiber and antioxidants.

You've probably heard how important it is for us to eat foods rich in antioxidants to scavenge free radicals and thus prevent premature aging.

However, did you know that for animals these foods are also very beneficial? A lack of antioxidants will not affect the dog in the form of wrinkles, but cell oxidation manifests itself through injuries cell phones that decrease your immune system and favor the appearance of degenerative diseases of old age, cardiovascular disease or cancer.

In turn, the fiber helps to prevent constipation in our dog and in the appropriate proportionate amount, favors the digestive system. It is important to emphasize that the percentage that our body needs fiber is not the same as the dog's need.

Veterinarians recommend that fiber not exceed 3.5% of the diet, as an excess could result in a digestive tract obstruction, among other problems. However, properly consumed can be very beneficial for our dog.

If the food we offer our dog does not have antioxidants or fiber, the best way to complement its diet is through fruits and vegetables raw. In addition to making up for food shortages, we break with our companion's eating routine, offering a varied diet that will help him not to quickly get sick of the food, thus preventing him from skipping the feed.

fruits that dog can eat

Although there are many fruits recommended for dogs, it is worth noting that not all fruits that dogs can eat, as many of them are highly toxic to them. The best fruits for dogs are as follows:

  • blueberries. One of the most outstanding characteristics of blueberries is that the fruit is rich in antioxidants, being one of the best for preventing the onset of diseases related to our dog's heart. In addition, they are also rich in vitamin C and fiber. It is important to remember to remove the seeds that are inside before giving this food to your puppy, as these can cause serious damage.
  • Apple. Both for its digestive and astringent properties, ideal for treating diarrhea in dogs and other stomach problems, as for the large amount of Vitamin C, calcium and anti-inflammatory properties, the apple is one of the fruits that dog can eat that does very well. Before offering the fruit, remember to wash it well, remove the stem and seeds. If you want to give the apple to treat diarrhea, it's better to take the skin off, but if you want to give it to fight the constipation, give your dog pieces of unpeeled apple.
  • Pear. 80% of its composition is water, so its caloric value is very low. It's a perfect source of fiber and potassium, which in addition to favoring intestinal transit, contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular conditions. Dogs with diabetes can also feed on the pear.
  • Banana. This fruit contains a lot of insoluble fiber, but intake in excess, can cause bass consequences on the dog. In very small amounts, bananas can be very beneficial for him and help fight constipation for those who suffer from the problem. If your dog is in perfect condition and, after eating the banana, has diarrhea, eliminate this fruit from his diet.
  • apricot and peach. Both fruits are rich in soluble fiber and, therefore, favor the regulation of intestinal transit in our dog. In addition, its large amount of iron makes it possible to prevent the onset of anemia. These fruits are also natural sources of antioxidants and are mainly composed of water, so they do not promote obesity in our dog. is recommended peel off before offering these fruits to your dog.
  • Strawberry. Like Blueberries, strawberries have the best antioxidants, so they are ideal for keeping your puppy's skin healthy and preventing cellular oxidation. In addition, they are highly beneficial to your bones and have diuretic and digestive properties that improve your intestinal transit.
  • watermelon. They are also composed mainly of water, recommended in small portions and without seeds, it can help our dog fight body heat. In addition, we must offer the watermelon with moderation for its large amount of fructose.
  • Melon. It is an excellent source of vitamin A and E, in addition to having strong diuretic and antioxidant properties that are very important to maintain our dog's health. Like the other fruits mentioned, we must remove the seeds and cut the fruit into pieces, before offering it to our faithful companion.

vegetables that dog can eat

In general, the best vegetables for puppies are green leafy vegetables, because of the wide variety of vitamins they contain, in addition to their antioxidant properties, fiber and many other benefits. However, they are not the only ones, as among the vegetables that are good for dogs, there are others rich in beta-carotenes, which strengthen immunity, which are highly recommended.

  • spinach. This vegetable helps our dog to regulate the bowel, thanks to its amount of fiber. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B and F. We must offer this vegetable to our dog well washed, uncooked and cut into pieces, this is important to prevent the food from getting stuck in the throat and causing damage. to your puppy.
  • lettuce and cabbage. Both vegetables are rich in iron, antioxidants and have analgesic and depurative properties. Before giving the dog these vegetables, they should also be washed and cut into pieces to avoid possible suffocation.
  • Celery. Celery is highly beneficial for both us and our dog. It should be offered in moderate amounts, washed and cut into pieces. It is also a strong natural antioxidant, very important to keep our dog's health in perfect condition. Furthermore, it is diuretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory and strengthens the immune system. It is ideal for dogs with arthritis, as it helps to reduce pain. You can give this vegetable in its natural version, or prepare a juice and offer it to your puppy once a month, in the morning and on an empty stomach.
  • green beans and peas. Rich in vitamins A and C, with antioxidant, digestive and above all, energetic. These vegetables are highly beneficial to our dog in moderate amounts. If your puppy is a puppy that doesn't usually chew his food, don't give him peas, as he runs the risk of choking.
  • Carrot. We can say that they are one of the best vegetables for dogs not only for its antioxidant, depurative and digestive properties, but also for its ability to strengthen your teeth. It is recommended that the tutor offer your puppy a good piece of peeled carrot to help eliminate plaque.
  • Pumpkin. It is recommended, above all, for puppies that suffer from constipation. It is rich in fiber, antioxidant and diuretic. We must offer in a moderate way, always peeled, cut into pieces and without seeds.

How to give fruit and vegetables to a dog

As we mentioned at the beginning, puppies are carnivorous animals, therefore, fruits and vegetables should be a complement to help make up for feed shortages. Experts and veterinarians recommend that 15% or 20% of our dog's diet is made up of fruits and vegetables, no more than that.

We must take into account that the dog's organism is not the same as ours, so you don't need the same amounts of food as we do. Thus, if our diet is to be composed of a considerable percentage of fruits and vegetables, the dog's does not. The high level of sugar that fruits contain, for example, is not recommended for puppies as much as it is for us, because for puppies sugar in large quantities can be toxic.

If the food we feed our dog already contains fruits and vegetables, the amount of these raw foods must be smaller. If it is not made up of these products, then we will have to give you around 15% in its natural version. Like? We must give our dog all the fruits peeled and cut into pieces, no seeds or lumps. The vegetables, in turn, will have to be washed and cut into pieces as well, remember that this is essential to avoid choking the dog.

It is not recommended to give natural fruits and vegetables more than once a week, nor to always offer the same vegetable or fruit. We must go varying and merging.

Vegetables that a dog cannot eat

Some vegetables can be very toxic to your puppy. If you offer any of these foods in large quantities, your dog runs the risk of contracting serious illnesses, and may have profound anemia, for example. Some foods are harmful to both dogs and humans.

Some vegetables that a dog cannot eat:

  • Onion
  • Potato
  • Leaves and Stems
  • Yam
  • Garlic

Fruits you can't give to dogs

Some fruits, like chocolate, have toxins that can cause serious changes in the dog's body, such as neurological changes, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys, in addition to harming their heart.

Even though some fruits are allowed for some dogs, not everyone will tolerate the properties of those fruits. Therefore, it is essential that the tutor offers in small quantities to see how your puppy reacts to this food, if it does not adapt well, suspend immediately.

Some fruits you can't give to dogs are:

  • Grape
  • Açaí
  • Star fruit
  • Avocado
  • citrus

For the complete list of fruits and vegetables that you should not offer your pet, also check out the Fruits and Vegetables Prohibited for Dogs article.

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