How do you know if the dog will grow a lot?

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 March 2025
Puppies ! Elsa & Anna toddlers dog at the Pet VET - Sick ? Animal doctor clinic
Video: Puppies ! Elsa & Anna toddlers dog at the Pet VET - Sick ? Animal doctor clinic


When we talk about mixed dogs or mutts, we are usually talking about a dog whose ancestry is unknown and who have characteristics of two or more breeds. These puppies are usually the result of non-selective breeding and can be as good companions as puppies of a specific breed.

Due to numerous factors, highlighting the great genetic variability, the advantages of adopting a stray dog ​​are numerous and it is important to emphasize this point since, unfortunately, strays are often seen as inferior to purebred dogs. If you're thinking about adopting a mutt and if you're wondering how to know if the dog will grow a lot, read this article by PeritoAnimal.

How to know the size of the stray dog?

Estimating the exact size a stray puppy can grow to is not an easy task. It will be much easier if we know the puppy's ancestry, that is, the size of their parents.

Genetic inheritance plays a very important role in the overall size and physical appearance of a mixed dog or mutt. Can two black stray puppies breed a litter with golden fur? Yes! It's entirely possible that this happens because stray puppies have a lot of recessive genes that, although they don't show up in them, can be passed on and revealed in the litter.

For that same reason, just because you know the size of the parents and both are big doesn't mean it's certain that the dog will be big too. Genetics can be very surprising..

Is it possible to know the ancestry of a mutt?

Since 2007, it has been possible, in some countries such as the United States, to carry out a genetic test through a blood or saliva sample.

Despite being available for sale to the public and ensuring that they determine the breed composition of a stray dog, what is certain is that have a limited validity because few "pure breeds" have been genetically evaluated.

This test allows you to determine the genetic sequences that are characteristic of a certain race or another, and can give you an idea of ​​the ancestry of our dog mutt. Nevertheless, securing a certain size remains a very delicate task.

How old does the dog grow up to?

The extent of the growth process is associated with the size of our dog. We can use this given as a clue, since the age at which it will stop growing depends a lot on its size:

  • Small size: The puppy will grow quickly and, by 3 months, it should have reached half the weight it will have in adulthood. It will stop growing around 6 months.
  • Average size: Will actively grow up to 7 or 8 months. The puppy's height and volume will be defined around 12 months.
  • Big size: The growth process is much slower compared to smaller breeds. They reach half their adult weight around 6 months of age and can continue to grow until they reach a year and a half.

When we observe that our dog slows down its growth, we can estimatehis sizefor guidance. If your dog isn't growing in size, see the article "Why doesn't my dog ​​grow?" of the Animal Expert.